project( CloudCompare VERSION 2.13.0 ) include( CMakePolicies NO_POLICY_SCOPE ) include_directories( ${CloudComparePlugins_SOURCE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/db_tree ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ui_templates ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) file( GLOB header_list *.h ) file( GLOB source_list *.cpp ) file( GLOB ui_list ui_templates/*.ui ) file( GLOB qrc_list *.qrc ) file( GLOB txt_list TODO.txt ${CloudCompareProjects_SOURCE_DIR}/ ) add_subdirectory( db_tree ) add_subdirectory( pluginManager ) add_subdirectory( extern/QCustomPlot EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL ) qt5_wrap_ui( generated_ui_list ${ui_list} ) qt5_add_resources( generated_qrc_list ${qrc_list} ) if( MSVC ) # App icon with MSVC set( rc_list images/icon/cc_icon.rc ) #to get rid of the (system) console add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} WIN32 ${header_list} ${source_list} ${generated_ui_list} ${generated_qrc_list} ${rc_list} ${txt_list} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../scripts/windows/qt5.natvis ) elseif( APPLE ) add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} MACOSX_BUNDLE ${header_list} ${source_list} ${generated_ui_list} ${generated_qrc_list} ${txt_list} ) else() add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${header_list} ${source_list} ${generated_ui_list} ${generated_qrc_list} ${rc_list} ${txt_list} ) target_compile_definitions( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE QT_NO_KEYWORDS ) endif() target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} CCAppCommon QCustomPlot Qt5::PrintSupport ) if( CCCORELIB_USE_QT_CONCURRENT ) # We want *deployqt to handle this dependency, so instead of just copying the file # link to the target. target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Concurrent ) endif() # Add custom preprocessor definitions if( WIN32 ) if (MSVC) set_target_properties( ${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES LINK_FLAGS " /MANIFEST:NO" ) endif() endif() # App icon with Code::Blocks/MinGW if( WIN32 ) if( MINGW ) if (NOT CMAKE_RC_COMPILER) set( CMAKE_RC_COMPILER windres ) endif() add_custom_command( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_RC_COMPILER} -i ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/images/icon/cc_icon.rc --input-format=rc -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cc_icon.res -O coff ) endif() endif() if (NOT APPLE) # Install program. # On macOs, the DeployQt step will install the bundle that contains the executable with # library paths properly set, reinstalling the executable here would break the bundle. install_ext( TARGETS ${PROJECT_NAME} ${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER} "" ) endif() # Auxiliary files set( auxFiles ${CloudCompareProjects_SOURCE_DIR}/ bin_other/license.txt bin_other/global_shift_list_template.txt ) if( WIN32 ) # Additional auxiliary file(s) file( GLOB batch_list bin_other/*.bat ) list( APPEND auxFiles ${batch_list} ) endif() # Install auxiliary files if( WIN32 OR APPLE ) foreach( filename ${auxFiles} ) install_ext( FILES ${filename} ${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER} "" ) endforeach() else( UNIX ) foreach( filename ${auxFiles} ) install_ext( FILES ${filename} share/cloudcompare "" ) endforeach() endif() # Put together our Application bundle on macOS if( APPLE ) add_subdirectory( Mac ) endif() # Translation add_subdirectory(translations) ## Shaders # Copy shader dirs into our shadow build directory file( COPY ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ) file( COPY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders DESTINATION "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" ) # Export common shader files to all install destinations if( APPLE ) install( FILES ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/Bilateral/bilateral.frag DESTINATION ${CLOUDCOMPARE_MAC_BASE_DIR}/Contents/Shaders/Bilateral ) install( FILES ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/Bilateral/bilateral.vert DESTINATION ${CLOUDCOMPARE_MAC_BASE_DIR}/Contents/Shaders/Bilateral ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/ColorRamp/color_ramp.frag DESTINATION ${CLOUDCOMPARE_MAC_BASE_DIR}/Contents/Shaders/ColorRamp ) elseif( UNIX ) install( FILES ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/Bilateral/bilateral.frag DESTINATION share/cloudcompare/shaders/Bilateral ) install( FILES ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/Bilateral/bilateral.vert DESTINATION share/cloudcompare/shaders/Bilateral ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/ColorRamp/color_ramp.frag DESTINATION share/cloudcompare/shaders/ColorRamp ) else() install_ext( FILES ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/Bilateral/bilateral.frag ${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER} /shaders/Bilateral ) install_ext( FILES ${CC_FBO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/Bilateral/bilateral.vert ${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER} /shaders/Bilateral ) install_ext( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/shaders/ColorRamp/color_ramp.frag ${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER} /shaders/ColorRamp ) endif() # Install plugins and shaders in the correct folder for each platform if( APPLE ) InstallPlugins( DEST_PATH "${CLOUDCOMPARE_MAC_PLUGIN_DIR}" SHADER_DEST_PATH "${CLOUDCOMPARE_MAC_BASE_DIR}/Contents/Shaders" ) elseif( UNIX ) InstallPlugins( DEST_PATH "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}/cloudcompare/plugins" SHADER_DEST_PATH share/cloudcompare/shaders ) else() InstallPlugins( DEST_PATH "${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER}" DEST_FOLDER "plugins" SHADER_DEST_PATH "${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER}" SHADER_DEST_FOLDER "shaders" ) endif() if( WIN32 ) DeployQt( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} DEPLOY_PATH ${CLOUDCOMPARE_DEST_FOLDER} ) else() DeployQt( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} DEPLOY_PATH ${PROJECT_NAME} ) endif() # Add a 'fake' custom target to force the recompilation of ccApplication.ccp in order to # always get an up-to-date version number (based on the current date) add_custom_target(CC_UPDATE_VERSION ALL COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch_nocreate ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ccApplication.cpp)