cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0) option( PLUGIN_STANDARD_QFACETS "Check to install qFACETS plugin" OFF ) # CloudCompare 'FACETS' plugin if (PLUGIN_STANDARD_QFACETS) if (NOT SHAPELIB_SOURCE_DIR) message( SEND_ERROR "ShapeLib is required to compile this plugin (enable OPTION_USE_SHAPE_LIB)" ) endif() project( QFACETS_PLUGIN ) include( CMakePolicies NO_POLICY_SCOPE ) # we need includes from the main CC source dir include_directories( ${CloudCompare_SOURCE_DIR} ) #we need Color Scale Manager and Editor importer file( GLOB CC_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_HEADER_LIST ${CloudCompare_SOURCE_DIR}/ccColorScale*.h ) file( GLOB CC_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_SOURCE_LIST ${CloudCompare_SOURCE_DIR}/ccColorScale*.cpp ) set( CC_PLUGIN_CUSTOM_UI_LIST ${CloudCompare_SOURCE_DIR}/ui_templates/colorScaleEditorDlg.ui ) include_directories( src ) add_subdirectory( src ) add_subdirectory( ui ) include( ../../../CMakePluginTpl.cmake ) #add IO support include_directories( ${QCC_IO_LIB_SOURCE_DIR} ) target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} QCC_IO_LIB ) #add shapelib support target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} SHAPELIB ) include_directories( ${SHAPELIB_SOURCE_DIR} ) target_compile_definitions( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE CC_SHP_SUPPORT ) endif()