cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.0) if(CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL "3.12.0") # cmake_policy(SET CMP0074 OLD) endif() #requires PCL find_package(PCL REQUIRED) if( NOT MSVC ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -fopenmp -lpthread" ) endif() include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${CloudComparePlugins_SOURCE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ) include_directories( ${EXTERNAL_LIBS_INCLUDE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${CC_CORE_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/include ) include_directories( ${QCC_DB_LIB_SOURCE_DIR} ) include_directories( ${QCC_GL_LIB_SOURCE_DIR} ) if( MSVC ) include_directories( ${QCC_DB_LIB_SOURCE_DIR}/msvc ) endif() project( QPCL_PLUGIN_UTILS_LIB ) include ( CMakePolicies NO_POLICY_SCOPE ) include_directories( ${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS} ) file( GLOB_RECURSE header_list *.h ) file( GLOB_RECURSE source_list *.cpp ) file( GLOB_RECURSE impl_list *.hpp) file( GLOB_RECURSE ui_list *.ui ) qt5_wrap_ui(generated_ui_list ${ui_list}) add_library( ${PROJECT_NAME} STATIC ${header_list} ${source_list} ${impl_list} ${generated_ui_list} ) # Add custom preprocessor definitions if (WIN32) set_property( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS CC_USE_AS_DLL QCC_DB_USE_AS_DLL ) endif() #define the PCL_VER_1_6_OR_OLDER preprocessor to compile qPCL with older versions of PCL if ( PCL_VERSION VERSION_LESS 1.7 ) # VERSION_GREATER Works just like "greater or equal" set_property( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS PCL_VER_1_6_OR_OLDER ) endif() # Luca's PCL patch support if( PCL_VERSION VERSION_GREATER 1.7 ) #from 1.7 the patch was merged set_property( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} APPEND PROPERTY COMPILE_DEFINITIONS LP_PCL_PATCH_ENABLED ) endif() link_directories( ${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) add_definitions( ${PCL_DEFINITIONS} ) target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${PCL_LIBRARIES}) # Qt target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Qt5::Core Qt5::Gui Qt5::Widgets)