project( CCPluginAPI ) add_library( ${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ) find_package( Qt5 COMPONENTS Gui REQUIRED ) add_subdirectory( include ) add_subdirectory( src ) add_subdirectory( ui ) # We only need the includes from the stub get_target_property( STUB_INCLUDES CCPluginStub INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ) target_include_directories( ${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC "${STUB_INCLUDES}" ) target_link_libraries( ${PROJECT_NAME} QCC_GL_LIB QCC_IO_LIB ) target_compile_definitions( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE CCPLUGIN_API_LIBRARY_BUILD ) set_target_properties( ${PROJECT_NAME} PROPERTIES AUTOUIC ON # FIXME Remove after everything has moved to targets and we can set it globally CXX_VISIBILITY_PRESET hidden ) InstallSharedLibrary( TARGET ${PROJECT_NAME} )