Installations notes for DRS software under Raspberry Pi ======================================================= S. Ritt , Nov. 28th, 2012 Prerequisites ------------- In order to run the DRS software, the libusb-1.0 package needs to be installed. It can be compiled from the sources at or directly installed via $ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0.0-dev Next, the wxWidgets package is required. This requires first the GTK+ libraries: $ sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libtiff5.def libjpeg8-dev then the wxWidgets package can be downloaded and compiled: $ cd /usr/local $ sudo wget $ mkdir wxGTK-2.8.12 $ sudo chown pi:pi wxGTK-2.8.12 $tar -xzvf wxGTK-2.8.12.tar.gz $ cd wxGTK-2.8.12 $ mkdir buildgdk $ cd buildgdk $ ../configure --with-gdk $ make ( <-- will take 3+ hours) $ sudo make install $ sudo ldconfig Installation ------------ If all that works fine, the drscl, drs_exam and drsosc programs can be compiled from the tar ball with a simple "make". This process takes about 15 minutes. If you want to run the programs from a non-root account (such as under 'pi'), you have to place a "udev" rule. Simply copy the rules file from the tar ball into the system: $ sudo cp 41-drs.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ and make sure the current user is a member of the “plugdev” group. This is usually the case on Debian systems. On other Linux brands, you might have to adjust the group setting in 41-drs.rules. When you connect the evaluation board to the Raspberry Pi, it immediately draws about 500 mA from the 5V power supply. Depending on the primary USB power supply this might cause the Pi to crash. In that case you should either connect the evaluation board to the pi before you turn on the power, or use an external powered USB hub between the Pi and the Evaluation board. For a screen shot see here: