---- Guide on how to compile the FT2 clone for Windows/macOS/Linux --- LINUX NOTE: This code is NOT big-endian compatible! Compiled Windows/macOS binaries are always available at 16-bits.org/ft2.php == COMPILING ON LINUX (little-endian only!) == 1. Install the following packages: Ubuntu/Debian and similar: build-essential libsdl2-dev Fedora: gcc gcc-c++ alsa-lib-devel SDL2-devel Others: www.google.com (you want gcc, g++ (or c++), alsa dev and SDL2 dev) 2. Compile the FT2 clone for command line: (folder: "ft2-clone") chmod +x make-linux.sh (only needed once) ./make-linux.sh Compile the FT2 clone as an AppImage: chmod +x make-linux-appimage.sh ./make-linux-appimage.sh Note: If you don't have libstdc++ and/or can't compile rtmidi, try running make-linux-nomidi-noflac.sh or make-linux-appimage-nomidi-noflac.sh instead. Known issues: Audio recording (sampling) can update VERY slowly or not work at all... I have no idea why, it works really well on Windows/maCOS. == COMPILING ON WINDOWS 7 SP1 OR NEWER == 1. Download Visual Studio Community 2019 (it's free) 2. Start the installer and select the "Desktop development with C++" package 3. Install and wait for it to finish... 4. Open "ft2-clone\vs2019_project\ft2-clone.sln" 5. If you're missing the Windows 10 SDK, then you need to change the Windows SDK version used in the project settings for both debug and release x86/x64. 6. Compile (make sure it's in Release mode. Also note x86/x64) == COMPILING ON MAC OS X 10.15 OR NEWER == 1. Download and install the "Command Line Tools" XCode package (google it) 2. Download the SDL 2 framework at https://www.libsdl.org 3. Inside the package, copy SDL2.framework to /Library/Frameworks/ 4. Compile the FT2 clone: (folder: "ft2-clone") chmod +x make-macos.sh (only needed once) ./make-macos.sh