Installing on Windows 10:

1. Copy the "Inter Desktop" folder in the zip file to your Desktop.
2. Open the "Inter Desktop" folder on your Desktop.
4. Select all font files.
5. Right-click the selected files and choose "Install for all users".

If you have a previous installation of Inter, you should make sure
to remove those fonts files before installing new ones. You need to
install the font for all users, as some software requires fonts to be

ClearType-hinted fonts

Inter also comes with a version that has TrueType hints used by ClearType
on Windows. This changes the appearance of the fonts when rendered on a
system with ClearType enabled and can in some cases increase the legibility
of text. However, the hints for Inter are automatically generated and are
not always a good thing.

If you do prefer to use the version with hints, use the font files in the
"Inter Hinted for Windows/Desktop" folder instead of "Inter Desktop".