* Piano roll does not display correctly if you select triplets (slightly out). * Bug in editing in the controller window. Sometimes will not delete events. TODO 1. should really look at events in previous part. 2. should display the defualt controller value (how do we find this?) * Can't copy ghost parts? * Copy of parts to new lanes can get really confused. Looks like notes have the wrong parent. * Possible to create invisible ghost parts (maybe related to above). * Moving audio parts before zero is not handled properly. * Audio playback can get confused if the audio cache thread is starved. Many xrun messages and looping audio. PJL * PopupMenu displays then disappears This can happen if. 1. You are using KDE with "Focus Strictly Under Mouse" (Control Center - Window Behaviour. AND 2. Part of the popup menu is outside the Frinika frame. Workaround Switch to "focus under mouse". * ControllerView - PitchBend - SelectMode. Adjusting does not work. (PJL -- Check offsets etc). Possibly a bug in linux JAVA with pitch wheel. *Not always able to set the name of the Lane. - I can not reproduce this (you need to hit return to make sure it is set) PJL - Still a bit dodgy if you escape quickly with the mouse it seems to reset. * Scrollbars need a rewrite - some glitches. ==== Probably fixed now * Audio directory stuff is confused if you save file under another directory name. e.g. record than save in a different directory. You get missing audio. * Detaching a panel can crash the program. Work around don't try to detach panels. This might be OK now. Not seen it for while PJL