Geant4 9.6-beta-01 Release Notes -------------------------------- 29 June 2012 Migration Notes & Main New Features ----------------------------------- o New model of gamma nuclear interactions using the Bertini cascade introduced in FTFP_BERT physics list. o Introduced Bertini model for pi-, K-, and Sigma- for nuclear capture at rest in FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT_TRV physics lists. Also use combination of FTF and Precompound models for anti-proton and anti-Sigma+. o Introduced the WentzelVI model for multiple scattering of e+ and e- above 100 MeV in all physics lists for HEP applications. o Using Shen and Ion/proton cross-sections for ions, instead of Tripathi cross-sections. Improved cross-section for light ions including deuteron. o Hadronic processes now trigger re-sampling of the interaction if energy/momentum non-conservation limits are exceeded. A warning message is printed if this occurs. o HTML files describing hadronic processes, models and cross-sections can now be printed by invoking the ProcessDescription(), ModelDescription() and CrossSectionDescription() methods, respectively. These will be used for full physics list documentation. o The INCL cascade model (INCL++) was updated to v5.1 and can now handle heavy-ion collisions. o A new electro-nuclear interaction model, G4ElectroVDNuclearModel, has been added. It is based on the CHIPS total cross sections, Bertini cascade and FTFP. o New hadron stopping models, G4PiMinusAbsorptionBertini, G4KaonMinusAbsorptionBertini and G4SigmaMinusAbsorptionBertini are added. o New total cross section sets based on SAID data-base are added. o CHIPS elastic and inelastic cross-sections for protons, neutrons, pions, kaons, hyperons and anti-baryons have been extracted and moved to the default module. They can now be selected individually for use in physics lists. o Obsolete methods Get/SetModel() have been removed from optical processes, requiring an update (i.e. removal of such calls) for those custom physics lists and physics configurations in which optical boundary process is defined. o New data sets G4EMLOW-6.27 and G4NDL-4.1 are required. o New version of the CLHEP library, CLHEP-, is now in use. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o Official platforms: + Linux, gcc-4.1.2, gcc-4.3.x. Tested on 64 bits architectures (Intel or AMD) with the Scientific Linux CERN 5 (SLC5) distribution (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 5). Versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other Linux distributions, like Debian, Suse or other RedHat systems. + MacOSX 10.7, gcc-4.2.1, clang-3.1 + Windows/7 with Visual C++ 10.0 (Visual Studio 2010) o More verified configurations: + Linux, gcc-4.7.1 + Linux, Intel-icc 12.0 o Geant4 9.6-beta-01 has been tested using CLHEP- Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of features and fixes included in this Beta release since 9.5.p01: o Configuration: ------------- + CMake: o Complete rewrite of data installation with support for CMake >= 2.6.4 and custom physics data install location. Downloaded data bundles are also verified using MD5 hashes. o Fix to use BASH_VERSION instead of non-POSIX compliant check. Addressing problem report #1306. o Enable use of C-shell scripts inside other scripts. Protect changes to the environment if self location fails. Addressing problem report #1268. o Added -limf library in CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS for icc compiler. o Allow choice between internal and system expat library on non-Win32 platforms. Choosing system expat requires it to have been found. o Fixed problem on Windows, for the case that a space appears in the install prefix. o Updated version of data sets: G4EMLOW.6.27 and G4NDL.4.1. Updated the required version of CLHEP to Updated tags for 9.6-beta. + GNUMake: o Exclude "setup" and "clean_setup" targets from dependencies step. o Analysis: -------- + Updated histogramming tools to g4tools-1.2.0. + Adding defs include files per manager type; GetNtuple() function to specific managers; GetType() function to G4VAnalysisManager. + Increased granularity of verbose levels (now 3 levels are available). + Made creating directories optional. Added locks for functions which define directory names, setting Ids etc. so that these parameters cannot be changed once they were used. Changed return type for the functions with locks to G4bool. o Digits & Hits: ------------- + G4VScoringMesh: avoid updating size and segment in command-line scoring and print warning when SetSize() or SetNumberOfSegments() is called more than once. + Support 'weighted'/'dividedByArea' options in flatCurrent and flatFlux command-line scorers. + Use 'const G4String&' as argument instead of plain copy of strings in G4ScoringManager, G4VScoreWriter and G4VScoringMesh. + Explicitly include headers for system of units and physical constants. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Error Propagation: ----------------- + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Event: ----- + Correction for orthogonalization of rotation matrix in G4SPSPosDistribution::GenerateRotationMatrices() method. Addressing problem report #1299. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Externals: --------- + Updated CLHEP module to version * Random: use a template to get rid of the warnings in Ranlux64Engine. * Vector, Geometry, Random: changed names of internal variables so to avoid shadow variable. * Evaluator: fixed a problem with unary +/- and exponentials in Evaluator class. * Vector, Evaluator, Random, Geometry: use explicit std:: with math functions. o G3tog4: ------ + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Geometry: -------- + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. + solids/Boolean: o G4BooleanSolid: added AreaRatio data member and method GetAreaRatio() to store the ratio of surface areas of SolidA to SolidA+SolidB. The ratio is used in GetPointOnSurface() to better approximate uniform coverage of points. Uniformity cannot be guaranteed in all cases. One exception is when constituent solids have shared surfaces. o G4SubtractionSolid: refined protection for potential cases of infinite loop in DistanceToIn(p,v); return computed distance instead of zero and provide more descriptive information when issuing warning. (Improve handling of issue in problem report #1304.) + solids/CSG: o Modified GetPointOnSurface() methods for solids using polar coordinate parametrizations, to generate more uniform distributions, using a function in G4CSGSolid to generate correct radial coordinate. + solids/specific: o Modified GetPointOnSurface() to throw sqrt(r) uniformly for disk surfaces, in G4Paraboloid, G4Polycone and G4TwistedTubs. o Global: ------ + Introduced G4StatDouble class in HEPNumerics module, a class providing simple "one variable statistics" capability; adapted from the original code included in the GRAS tool. + Added GetClockTime() function to G4Timer to print the actual clock time. + G4UnitsTable: added call to BuildUnitsTable() from static accessor to guarantee proper initialization of units in static calls. Modified warnings in cout to be compliant with G4Exception syntax. + G4PhysicsVector: added GetMaxEnergy() inlined method; added inline method Value() and private method ComputeValue() in order to have inline access to the value for the case of multiple calls with the same energy value; indicate inline methods in header file by explicitly adding inline keyword. + Correction to G4PhysicsOrderedFreeVector to fix ordering of elements. + Use explicit inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. Fixed cases of variable shadowing. + Changed date for release 9.6-beta. o Graphical Representations: ------------------------- + G4VVisManager: Added Begin/EndDraw(2D), optional methods for bracketing Draw() methods to improve drawing speed. + G4Colour: in operator<<(), added colour name if in colour map. Added colour brown. + G4Text: added operator<<(...,G4Text::Layout), for producing meaningful text instead of the integer value of the enumerator. + BooleanProcessor: fixed Coverity defects, avoiding divide by zero. + Change G4Exception ID in G4NURBS and HepPolyhedron. + G4VisExtent: cached radius and centre for improved efficiency. + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing and Coverity defects. o Intercoms: --------- + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Interfaces: ---------- + G4UIWin32: modified to make it work on Win64; replaced [Get|Set]WindowLong() with [Get|Set]WindowLongPtr() and GWL_USERDATA by GWLP_USERDATA. + G4UIQt: changed name of viewer components. Set Cout as default ToolBox widget at startup. Removed scene tree to avoid slow-down on DICOM scenes. o Materials: --------- + G4Element, G4Isotope, G4NistManager, G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4NistElement, G4NistElementBuilder: added/reviewed methods GetA(), GetAtomicMassAmu(). + G4Element: added construction of isotope-vector for all elements; if user does not create isotopes, then vector of isotopes with natural abundances is created automatically using NIST data. In all cases the sum of isotope abundances is normalized to unity. + G4Material: added map for composite materials built via AddMaterial(). + G4NistMaterialBuilder: build H2O via atom count and not mass fraction. + G4IonisParamMat: more safe computation of element index and indentification of Hydrogen and Helium. + Added method ConstructNewIdealGasMaterial() in G4NistManager and G4NistMaterialBuilder. + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing and Coverity defects. o Particles: --------- + Fixed bug in decay table for k_star-. + Modified G4eDecayProduct to use std::vector instead of fixed size array, removing limitation of number of daughters. + Fixed problem in G4PhaseSpaceDecayChannel, where dynamic mass was cached in the object and used in following decays. Fixed assignment operator of G4DecayProducts. + Added protection to call G4ParticleRemoveAllParticles in 'readyToUse' state. + Added protection to call 'Clear' for G4IonTable and G4ShortlivedTable in 'readyToUse' state. + Added protection to call 'Remove' for G4ParticleTable and related tables in 'readyToUse' state. + Added protection to call destructor of G4ParticleDefinition in 'readyToUse' state. + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Persistency: ----------- + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. + ascii: o Fixed case of conversion from size_t to G4int in G4tgrUtils in function AreWordsEquivalent(), detected on win64 system. o Physics Lists: ------------- + In all EM builders use the same instances of the Bremsstrahlung and e+/e- pair production processes for each particle/antiparticle pair. As a result, mu+ and mu- share one instance of each process. Pi+ and pi- share a different instance of each process. The same occurs for K+ and K-, and for proton and anti_proton. Expect reduction of memory required for physics tables and initialisation time for EM physics. + Modified method of instantiation of multiple scattering: the same process instance is used by mu+ and mu-; Note: different instances are still used for pi+, pi-, K+, K-, proton and anti_protons. Separate processes are needed to enable the different internal transport cross-section tables. For all others particles one (extra) process instance is used and no table is built. + Use the WentzelVI model for e+ and e- above 100 MeV in all standard builders for HEP use cases (Opt0, Opt1, Opt2). This is coupled with single Coulomb scattering using G4eCoulombScattering models. Below 100 MeV the G4UrbanMscModel95 model is retained. This addresses the issue of unphysical large angle scatters of GeV electrons reported by Atlas. + New builders using Bertini gamma- and electron-nuclear. Migrated FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT_TRV to use the new builders. Moved FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT_TRV to use the new cross-sections extracted from CHIPS. + Using new functionality of cross-sections registry to allow sharing of cross section data-sets. Migrated the Elastic and DElastic builders, and the FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT_TRV physics lists to use factory mechanism for CHIPS cross-sections. + Use Bertini model for pi-, K-, and Sigma- for nuclear capture at rest in FTFP_BERT and FTFP_BERT_TRV physics lists. In addition use FTF/Preco for anti-proton and anti-Sigma+; removed CHIPS for Xi- and Omega-. + Fix to use correct classes for Bertini gamma/electro-nuclear. + Improve creation of cascade to avoid one instantiation of Precompound in FTFP{Proton,Neutron,PiK,AntiBarion} builders. + Remove use of SetModel() for optical physics, according to changes to optical process. + Updates the INCLXX builders for compatibility with the latest INCL++ developments. Updated QGSP_INCLXX physics list to treat light-ion-induced collisions with INCL++. + G4EmExtraPhysics: changed name of class G4VDMuonNuclearModel to G4MuonVDNuclearModel. + Changed G4WaterExcitation to G4DNAWaterExcitation in G4EmDNAPhysicsChemistry. Updated builders for G4DNA. + Reduced number of objects deleted in hadronic builders to avoid cases of double deletion. + G4IonBinaryCascadePhysics, G4IonFTFPBinaryCascadePhysics: migrated to use Shen and Ion/proton cross-sections. Commented out Tripathi cross-sections. + Removed obsolete class G4HadronInelasticQLHEP. + In G4QandFTFStoppingPhysics the annihilation at rest of anti_sigma+ are now handled by FTF. Use general G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini. + HadronPhysicsShielding: fixed problem in neutron cross-section for inelastic reaction below 20MeV. + Added new CHIPS_HP physics list, which combined CHIPS models with the HP data-driven treatment for low-energy neutrons. + Added new Physics constructor G4EmLivermoreMUPhysics. + Fixes for Coverity defects. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + Fixed cases of variable shadowing and Coverity defects. + Adjoint: o G4AdjointMultipleScattering: commented out obsolete call. + DNA: o Bug fix in G4DNAChemistryManager::CreateSolvatedElectron() concerning the final position of the solvated electron using Sanche thermalization. o Updated source of cross-section file for elastic scattering. Updated electron elastic scattering low limit. o Removed G4Water* classes in 'utils' module. o Improved management of information in G4ITStepProcessor and fixed Coverity defects. o Added products of dissociative attachments (as a molecular decay). o Added exception in molecular decay, in case no decay channel is proposed in input. o Added possibility of calling G4ITStepManager::EndTracking() from UserReactionAction::EndProcessing(). o Added new classes G4DNAMolecularMaterial, G4DNADamages and G4ITTrackingInteractivity. Modified all models to use G4DNAMolecularMaterial. Added G4DNASecondOrderReaction prototype class. + High Energy: o G4mplIonisation, G4mplIonisationModel, G4mplIonisationWithDeltaModel: extended energy range of dEdx and other tables for monopoles with large mass, required for interpolation of dEdx for super-heavy monopoles. + Low Energy: o New processes and models for microdosimetry in Si for electrons, protons and ions. Details can be found in: "Inelastic cross-sections of low energy electrons in silicon for the simulation of heavy ion tracks with the Geant4-DNA toolkit", NSS Conf. Record 2010, p80-85; "Geant4 physics processes for microdosimetry simulation: very low energy electromagnetic models for electrons in Si", submitted to TNS; "Geant4 physics processes for microdosimetry simulation: very low energy electromagnetic models for protons and heavy ions in Si", accepted in NIMB. o Requiring G4EMLOW data set version 6.27. o Added new Compton model G4MUComptonModel. o Removed obsolete Penelope v2001 models and related helper classes. o New draft class G4Livermore2012GammaConversionModel. o Make a consistent use of G4Element::GetA() and GetAtomicMassAmu() in Penelope models. o Removed dependency on obsolete G4AtomicDeexcitation in G4PenelopeIonisationModel. o Decoupled calculation of Penelope ionisation cross-sections from the Ionisation model. Prepatory step for a future Penelope-specific atomic de-excitation model. o Minor design iteration for G4VhShellCrossSection base class, in order to carry also the information about G4Material. Also prepatory step for a future Penelope-specific fluorescence model. o Made G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungAngular derived from the basic interface G4VEmAngularDistribution. Makes angular generator usable by any other model via the interface. o Renamed G4PenelopeIonisationCrossSection to G4PenelopeIonisationXSHandler (the name will be reserved for a different class). o Made G4PenelopeCrossSection able to return both absolute and normalized values of the shell cross sections. It will be used for Penelope-PIXE. o Penelope-based cross-section model for electron PIXE registered in G4UAtomicDeexcitation. Added warning messages to Penelope models to verify the proper activation of fluorescence. o Updated G4PenelopeOscillatorManager to accomodate the calculation of PIXE cross-sections. First implementation of Penelope-specific PIXE cross-sections. + Standard: o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel: fixed FPE bug; fixed inconsistency - lateral displacement is not anymore sampled for plural scattering. o G4CoulombScattering: added method MinPrimaryEnergy() allowing to define low edge of physics table when Coulomb scattering is combined with multiple or single scattering. Modified initialisation, to allow addition of custom model with specialised parameters. o Fixed event non-reproducibility in multiple-scattering models for the case where more than one model is defined for different energy intervals. o G4UrbanMscModel95: improved fix for cases of abnormal tail using results of single scattering model for tuning. Protection against very large angles is retained. o G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95, G4WentzelVIModel and G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel: moved cross-section table from process to model; removed method GetLambda(). o G4WentzelVIModel: fixed sampling for single scattering mode. o G4eMultipleScattering, G4hMultipleScattering: minor optimisation at initialisation. o G4SeltzerBergerModel: fixed minor problem of sampling for positrons; made internal data structure static to be used by both e+ and e- models providing some memory reduction; use simplified computation of majorant valid for data with more detailed grid. o G4DipBustGenerator: fixed model description. o G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel: switched full screening off. o G4eplusAnnihilation: fixed propagate weight to secondaries. o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel: improved method of definition of screening parameter. Fixed use of screening function in G4eBremsstrahlungRelModel. o G4ScreeningMottCrossSection, G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel: updated version of electron scattering code based on analytical approximation of the Mott cross-section by means of Hose coefficients. Added new class G4MottCoefficients. + Utils: o G4VAtomDeexcitation: corrected activation of de-excitation for the case when specific de-excitation regions are not defined. Use safe method to extract integer Z. o G4VEmAngularDistribution added methods SampleCosinePolarAngle(), SampleDirection() and Initialise(). o G4LossTableManager: added a check and protection against double registration of the same process; this allows the use of the same EM energy-loss process for different particle types. o G4EmCalculator: modified method to access a process to take into account that the same process may be used by different particle types; added new methods ActiveForParticle(), FindEnLossProcess(), FindDiscreteProcess() and FindMscProcess(). Fix in FindRegion(). Improved model selection for multiple-scattering processes. o G4EmCorrections: fixed event reproducibility violation due to cashing of 'IonHighOrderCorrections' with a vector depending on the ion charge. o G4VEmProcess: use ProposeWeight() instead of ProposeParentWeight() to fix weights of secondary particle for gamma processes. o G4VEmModel: added virtual method Value(), by default computing cross-section. Added inline methods HighEnergyActivationLimit(), LowEnergyActivationLimit(), ForceBuildTableFlag(), ForceBuildTable(). o G4VMultipleScattering: removed transport cross-section table (it is assigned to msc models); simplified AlongStepGetPhysicalInteractionLength() method; added protection against zero kinetic energy into PostStepDoIt(). Optimised initialisation and reduced number of checks at run time. Improved printout at initialisation. o G4VMscModel: added building of transport cross-section table and new method GetTransportCrossSection() to be used at run-time. Added method GetTransportMeanFreePath(). Updated GetRange() and GetEnergy() methods to allow using the same model class for many particles. Optimisation of inline methods. Allow build of transport cross-section table for d, t, He3, He4. o G4LossTableBuilder: added method BuildTableForModel() to enable the building of the physics-table for a model. o G4LossTableManager: added methods MinKinEnergy() and MaxKinEnergy(). o G4EmModelManager: extended printout if cross-section table is built for the model. Improved printout of model energy limits. o G4VEnergyLossProcess: fix for forced biasing, now forcing if step==1 (addressing problem report #1314). o G4EmBiasingmanager: added check on number of secondaries PostStep, if not 1 then disable both splitting and Russian roulette. This does not affect ordinary delta-electron and Bremssrahlung secondary biasing. Dynamic weight approach (weight is function of secondary energy) is applied for Russian roulette if biasing limit energy is set below 1 GeV, alternatively costant factor is used. o G4EmBiasingManager, G4VEmProcess, G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4EmProcessOptions, G4EnergyLossMessenger: change Bremsstrahlung splitting to EGS-style with unique secondaries. Only Bremsstrahlung split particles with weight > 1/N (N=brem splitting factor), and only Russian Roulette with weight < 1. Energy limit no longer used. Set weight consistently for forced interaction and cross-section biasing in G4VEmProcess and G4VEnergyLossProcess. o G4ElectronIonPair: use inverse FanoFactor to simplify formula. Cleanup implementation of sampling of number of ions. + Xrays: o Updated G4VXTRenergyLoss and regular XTR radiators/models for more accurate angular distribution of XTR. o Modified G4SynchrotronRadiation and G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat to provide more realistic angular distribution for secondary SR gammas according to simplified dipole busted approach. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Fixes for Coverity defects and variable shadowing. + Management: o Added GetTotalNumberOfInteractionLengthTraversed() method to G4VProcess. o Move virtual inlined methods to source. + Optical: o Removed unnecessary methods Get/SetModel() from G4OpBoundaryProcess. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + Fixed cases of variable shadowing and Coverity defects. + cross_sections o G4HadronNucleonXsc: updated p,n,pi-,pi+ cross-sections on p,n. Added new method GetCoulombBarrier(). o G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection, G4GlauberGribovCrossSection: updated to get total and inelastic cross-sections from G4HadronNucleonXsc. o G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection: updated to get nucleus radii of light elements p, d, t, He3, He4, Li7 and Be9. o New classes G4ComponentGGNuclNuclXsc based on G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection (Glauber-Gribov for ion-ion xsc) and G4ComponentBarNucleonNucleusXsc based on G4NucleonNuclearCrossSection (Barashenkov xsc); implemented component interface. o Added elastic and inelastic cross-sections extracted from CHIPS. Make GetExchangeT() method public to be used in coherent_elastic. o Extended functionality of G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry to allow sharing of cross-sections sets. o New class G4ComponentSAIDTotalXS for SAID cross-sections. o Use new cross-sections factory for CHIPS elastic and inelastic cross-sections. + management o Added method for energy non-conservation check; in case of non-conservation, re-sample the interaction. Limits are set in G4HadronicInteraction, and may be overridden per model; LEP and HEP override defaults, as these do not include the recoil nucleus in the final state. E/p conservation fails only if both absolute and relative fail. Added check for momentum conservation, reusing limits for energy. Added check for charge and baryon number conservation if limit is less than DBL_MAX. o G4HadronicProcess: move some data members to protected to be used in derived classes; removed unused code. Changed logic of definition of time for secondary particles inside method FillResults(). Moved to use method ResetNumberOfInteractionLengthLeft() and GetTotalNumberOfInteractionLengthTraversed() from G4VProcess. o Added printing of model desciptions to html files. o Moved isotope production infrastructure from process to model level; now done only for LEP models. Updated G4HadronicProcess accordingly. o G4IsoParticleChange: moved to models/management module. + models/binary_cascade o G4BinaryCascade: when propagating secondaries from HE model, do not modify initial energy for Fermi level. o Added description in G4BinaryLightIonReaction. o Fixed minor leak in G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface. + models/cascade o Developed and improved ability of Bertini cascade to handle photo-nuclear and elector-nuclear interactions and the interactions of stopping particles. o G4CascadeInterface: check for no-interaction in retryInelasticProton(), both in return value and in debugging report. o G4NucleiModel: in getPotential() added test for ip==9 (photon) to return zero potential. Return empty output (stop propagating) in case of particle collision. o G4ElementaryParticleCollider: added angular distributions for elastic and inelastic 2-body final states of gamma p and gamma n reactions. o G4ElementaryParticle: expanded diagnostics in getMomModuleFor2toMany(), in generateSCMfinalState(), defer "particles.resize()" action until after final-state properties have been validated. In case no final state can be generated, this ensures that the failure propagates back up the calling chain, instead of simply looping forever. o G4PreCompoundDeexcitation: avoid deleting pre-compound model and excitation handler to avoid double deletion. o G4NucleiModel: added check in isProjectile() for single-zone nuclei. Added binned spectrum in absorptionCrossSection() for use with photons. Added scale factor for gamma absorption. Allow photons to be absorbed via dibaryon (quasideuteron) excitation in generateInteractionPartners() and absorptionCrossSection(). Simplified and encapsulated path-length computations. o G4CascadeSigmaMinusPChannel: changed zero-bin cross-sections for Lambda-n and Sigma0-n, based on data from M.Goossens et al. measurements of Sigma- capture. o G4CascadeKminusPChannel: modified two-body cross-section values in zero-energy bin, to reflect stopping data. o G4ElementaryParticleCollider: modified sanity checks on dibaryon targets to allow both photons and gamma to interact. o G4CascadeParticle: added public accessor for cumulative path length. o G4Fissioner: removed static in local vectors in method collide(), to ensure event reproducibility. o G4IntraNucleiCascader: specify mass when decaying trapped particle. This fixes reproducibility violations when hyperons are forced to decay inside the nucleus. o G4CascadeCheckBalance: lower verbosity level for energy-conservation reports, change violation rules to allow relative OR absolute passing, consistent with new process-level checks. o G4Dineutron, G4Diproton, G4UnboundPN: added protection against warning messages issued from G4ParticleTable::Remove(). + models/chiral_inv_phase_space o New tuning for stopping in CHIPS. Added rescattering to allow for wider energy resolution. o Fixed charge non-conservation problem in G4QFreeScattering. o Bug fixes for E/M violation with (dE)^2+(dp)^2>.5 MeV^2. o Split G4QInelastic into G4QInelastic and G4QNGamma classes for use with the CHIPS_HP physics-list. o Fix to hadron elastic and inelastic interfaces to correct the use of the base class G4VCrossSectionDataSet. o Fix to linear table update for quasi-elastic cross-sections responsible for event non-reproducibility. o Fix for quasi-elastic duplication in G4QInelastic (for p & n). + models/coherent_elastic o G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE: fixed reproducibility violation due to caching of cross-sections based on the target element, whereas they depend also on the isotope. Rather than using the first isotope encountered for an element, the natural average is used. o Added G4ChipsElasticModel class to use the extracted CHIPS cross-section classes from main 'cross_sections' module. + models/de_excitation o G4ExcitationHandler: propagate G4VPhotonEvaporation pointer to G4Evaporation and do not delete it; this allows usage of the same gamma evaporation object inside G4Evaporation class and G4ExcitationHandler; added access methods to de-excitation components. o G4VEvaporationFactory, G4Evaporation, G4EvaporationGEMFactory, G4EvaporationFactory, G4EvaporationDefaultGEMFactory: correct deletion of decay channels after run. Simplified constructors. o G4Evaporation: cleanup logic of initialisation and setup options; always define photon evaporation channel as first; removed obsolete constructor. o G4PhotonEvaporation: added check for environment variable 'G4AddTimeLimitToPhotonEvaporation', if it is defined a time limit 1.e10-16 is compared with the nuclear level life time allows to identify and sample narrow gamma lines or use relativistic kinematics which will result in Doppler broadening for other nuclear lines; this option has a side effect for energy-momentum non-conservation. o New classes G4PromptPhotonEvaporation, G4LevelManager, G4NucLevel, and G4LevelReader implementing new photon-evaporation model. + models/high_energy o Relaxed limits on check for "catastrophic" energy non-conservation, allow for deviation by the mass of heavy nucleus. + models/im_r_matrix o Incorporate new data from extended nucleon-nucleon elastic scattering data (SAID evaluation). These double-differential elastic cross-sections now cover energies up to 5 GeV. + models/incl o Added missing projectile parameters for He6 projectiles to avoid error condition due to inability to use He6 projectiles. + models/inclxx o Updated to INCL++ v5.1: can now handle heavy-ion collisions. Conserves energy using masses from the Geant4 tables down to the keV level. Fixed a bug mostly affecting reactions around 200 MeV. Refactored the configuration part of the interface in a separate G4INCLXXInterfaceConfig singleton. Interface returns an empty G4HadFinalState if no inelastic event can be produced. o Better (iterative) determination of the remnant recoil at the end of the cascade. Isospin-dependent back-to-spectator. o Minor bug for negative incident pions: integration over impact-parameter distribution was incomplete. o Cache nuclear-density objects for better performance. o Fixed sampling of the impact-parameter distribution for nucleon-induced reactions and incoming kinetic energies below ~40 MeV. o Always apply numerical solutions (used to lead to some minor violations of energy conservation). o Do nothing if the projectile is below the Coulomb barrier. o Bug fix to void collisions with A=1 targets. o Bug fix: de-excitation products should not be boosted using the pre-fragment velocity. + models/isotope_production o Change GetIsotope() interface argument to use G4HadProjectile instead of G4Track. + models/low_energy o Moved G4InelasticInteraction class to this module from 'management'. o In ApplyYourself() method of all G4LEXXXInelastic classes, added call to DoIsotopeCounting(), conditional upon isotope production mode being turned on. o Relaxed limits on check for "catastrophic" energy non-conservation (for G4LCapture, G4LFission and G4LElastic). This allows for deviation by the mass of heavy nucleus. Accounts for lack of recoil nucleus. + models/management o Moved G4InelasticInteraction class to 'low_energy' model. o G4IsoParticleChange: moved from main 'management' module. o G4VIsotopeProduction: replace G4Track argument in GetIsotope() with G4HadProjectile. o G4VHighEnergyGenerator: added virtual method PartonStringModelDescription(). o G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel, G4VPreCompoundModel: cleanup for object construction/deletion. o Provide method and default values for checking of "catastrophic" energy non-conservation. Current default is a deviation larger than 150 MeV and at least 10% of the kinetic energy of the primary. Set default limit for energy non-conservation to 5 GeV; o Added G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel::Description() method, printing a descriptive message before throwing a G4Exception. o Modified G4VHighEnergyGenerator: added ModelDescripion() to interface; made copy-costructor, =, ==, and != operators private, not implemented. o G4VIntraNuclearTransportModel: added PropagateModelDescription() method. + models/neutron_hp o Requires new data set G4NDL-4.1. o Added protection of huge E/p breakdown caused by a miss match between cross-section data set and model. Added final momentum check in G4NeutronHPInelasticBaseFS. Added method to loosen check for bad energy violation and allow for big differences when G4NEUTRONHP_DO_NOT_ADJUST_FINAL_STATE is set. o Removed unnecessary debug output produced by G4NeutronHPCapture. o Use QI values for limiting the products energies in G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS. o Added isotropic emission in CM system. o Added non LIN-LIN interpolation and 2D interpolation. o Added capability to produce fission fragments for those currently neglected, based on ENDF nfy data; enabled by setting environment variable G4NEUTRONHP_PRODUCE_FISSION_FRAGMENTS. o G4NeutronHPFission: added method to loosen check for bad energy violation to allow for a violation of order of nuclear mass (250GeV). o Added excited isomer index and methods in G4NeutronHPFinalState and G4NeutronHPDataUsed. Updated relevant sources accordingly. o Migrated 'frameFlag' (MF6 LCT) = 3, used for several ENDF/B-VII.1 files previously in use only for energies beyond 20 MeV. o Added G4NeutronHPBGGNucleonInelasticXS class to be used in Shielding physics-list. + models/parton_string o Improved diffraction dissociation of p/pi/k-mesons. Fit of exp. data on p/pi/k + H. Good results are obtained for h+A interactions. o Introduced new energy dependence for diffraction cross-sections. o Improved quark exchange algorithm. Strings with large masses are now allowed to save their masses. o Increased Pt transfer in excitation up to 0.3 GeV/c. o Changed string mass sampling for baryon like strings. o Safer implementation of the static pointer for cross-sections. o Bug-fixes in PutOnMassShell() and high energy anti-baryons in FTF model. Fixed bug for K-minus interactions. o Modified G4FTFParameters to use new G4ChipsComponentXS from main 'cross_sections' module; made G4ChipsComponentXS static to avoid multiple instanciations. Removed old interface G4ComponentCHIPShadronNuclearXS. o Implemented improved diffraction dissociation. o Added ModelDescription() to FTF and QGS. o Probabilities of s-sbar quark pairs and qq-qqbar diquark pairs are changed in G4LundStringFragmentation to describe the NA49 data. + models/photolepton_hadron/muon_nuclear o Added new model G4ElectroVDNuclearModel. Removed classes G4LeptonHadronProcess and G4LeptonHadronInteractionModel o Changed name of G4VDMuonNuclearModel to G4MuonVDNuclearModel to avoid any confusion with virtual class names. For gammas below 10 GeV use Bertini cascade to interact gammas directly with nucleus. Above 10 GeV, treat gamma as pi0 and use FTFP model. Fixed negative KE bug in CalculateHadronicVertex(). Fixed case of NaN value for pion momentum at low gamma energies. + models/pre_equilibrium o G4VPreCompoundFragment: fixed rare bug for abnormal fragments by moving computation of Z^(1/3) after consistency check. o G4PreCompoundModel: deal correctly with instantiation and deletion of G4ExcitationHandler in constructor and destructor. o Added Description() method in G4PreCompoundModel printing the description from the Physics Reference Manual. + models/quasi_elastic o Bug fix in G4QuasiElRatios affecting the initialisation of table. Fixed wrong initialization of linear table, which influenced event reproducibility. + models/radioactive_decay o Changed length of input characters to 100 in G4RIsotopeTable to fix infinite loop when excitation energy is non-zero. o G4RIsotopeTable: added reading of user data files in order to take into account the life time. o G4RadioactiveDecay: added computation of activation. o G4BetaDecayCorrections: fix in constructor for a bug on beta+ decay. In FermiFunction(), fix for discontinuity in electron screening energy. + models/theo_high_energy o Added ModelDescription() interface. + processes o G4WHadronElasticProcess: time and weight for recoil are copied from the primary particle directly to avoid inconsistency of parameters definition. + stopping o G4FTFCaptureAtRest: modified initialisation of de-excitation; fixed potential cases of double deletion of objects; added registration in G4HadronicProcessStore and added sub-type definition. Included annihilation of anti_sigma+. o Added new classes G4MuonMinusBoundDecay, G4ElementSelector, G4EmCaptureCascade, G4MuMinusCapturePrecompound, G4HadronStoppingProcess, G4MuonMinusCapture, providing general stopping process. o New class G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini inheriting from G4HadronStoppingProcess, registering Bertini as the model. G4PiMinusAbsorptionBertini as subclass of G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini, G4KaonMinusAbsorptionBertini and G4SigmaMinusAbsorptionBertini new subclasses of G4HadronicAbsorptionBertini. + util o G4HadProjectile: added methods SetGlobalTime(), SetBoundEnergy() and GetBoundEnergy() needed for general stopping process; always set time to zero at construction or initialisation, so hadronic interaction is starting from zero local time. Added Initialise() method allowing to update the projectile and not instantiate it for any new interaction. Inlined all get methods. Added protection to kinetic energy computation. o Run --- + Destructor of G4RunManager now sets G4State_Quit in addition to G4RunManagerKernel. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Track ----- + Modified way of handling parent weight in AlongStep in accumulated way (same as for other properties). Fixed treatment of weights in G4ParticleChange. Addressing problem report #1283. + Fixed bug in G4ParticleChange::AddSecondary(), where the local time of the parent was incorrectly used. Addressing problem report #1305. Added global time check for secondaries in G4VParticleChange + Modified output messages for CheckIt() and CheckSecondary(). Added G4Exception in G4ParticleChangeForRadDecay::AddSecondary(). + Fix in G4VelocityTable::Interpolation(). + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Tracking -------- + Explicitly use inclusion of headers for system of units and physical constants. + Fixed cases of variable shadowing. o Visualization: ------------- + Migrated drivers to use G4VScenehandler::fObjectTransformation. + Migrated to G4Scene::Model. + Fixed Ubuntu warnings about ignoring return value of system call. + Code health check removed several instances of code duplication, unnecessary screen refeshing, incorrect buffer switching (necessitating extra refreshing), variable shadowing, etc. + management: o Extended G4VisManager to allow registering any number of named vis actions and associate them with particular types of action. They are added to the scene with the command '/vis/scene/add/userAction []' (default all). o Added UI commands '/vis/scene/activateModel', '/vis/viewer/copyViewFrom', '/vis/set/colour', '/vis/set/lineWidth', '/vis/scene/add/line(2D) and arrow(2D). o Introduced concept of "current quantities" for use in vis commands. o Added command '/vis/set/textColour', allowing the user to change the above current quantities for use by subsequent commands. o Added command '/vis/set/textLayout'. o Added command '/vis/scene/add/logo2D' and 'text2D'. o Improved '/vis/scene/add/axes' command, logo and scale: size computed automatically by default. o G4VisManager::EndOfEvent: removed unwarranted DrawView(). It was causing two copies of the geometry to be drawn. o G4VisManager: implemented Begin/EndDraw(2D). This forces all thus-bracketed Draw messages to have the same transformation. If an attempt to change the transformation is detected, a fatal exception is raised. o G4VSceneHandler: Added Get/SetObjectTransformation. o Marker size bug fix. o Fixes for Qt Stored text. o Added /vis/scene/add/date and /vis/scene/add/frame. + modeling: o Validating geometry in all worlds. o Added Get/SetType for all models (sub-classes of G4VModel). o G4PhysicalVolumeModel: draw only one replica if top volume. o Use Begin/EndDraw to improve drawing speed. Assumes all trajectories are drawn with the same transformation. o Brought stray print statement under control of verbosity. Addressing problem report #1310. o G4AxesModel: augmented global description. + OpenGL: o Improved rendering speed. o X and Xm drivers: implemented text layout and offset. o Introduced QT tree ("Scene" panel in G4UIQt session). o Corrected treatment of colour for transient objects. o Implemented proper treatment of transparency in OpenGL stored mode in the case trajectories pass through or behind transparent persistent objects (detector components). Required proper ordering of display list execution. o Multiple fixes and improvements to Qt and Qt Stored text. o Introduced depth of geometry slider. o G4OpenGLStoredSceneHandler: removed Set/Clear/Draw from EndModeling. Significant rationalisation in G4OpenGLSceneHandler. o Fixed drawing of non-display-list text. o Fixed drawing of trajectories when no memory from display lists. o Fixed cases of extra drawing, causing loss of trajectories. o Added UI command /vis/ogl/set/eventsDrawInterval. o Removed #ifdef G4VIS... protection from header files. + OpenInventor: o Removed #ifdef G4VIS... protection from header files. + Tree: o G4VTreeSceneHandler: removed empty implementations of Begin/EndPrimitives(), which allows objects to pick up the default. o Data Sets: --------- + G4EMLOW-6.27: o Updated high granularity electron elastic cross-section data o Updated data for Goudsmith-Sounderson model. o Removed unused files for obsolete Penelope01 models from the module 'penelope'. o Added new cross-section data files for microdosimetry models in Si, for electrons, protons, and ions. o Added updated Bremsstrahlung data files with extended grid from NIST (as in Penelope2008); added probabilities of scattering off electrons from S.M.Seltzer and M.J.Berger Atom. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 35 (1986) 345-418. + G4NDL-4.1: o Most data is converted from ENDF/B-VII.r1 with processing by NJOY-99.u364 with reconstruction tolerance of 0.001. Following isotopes are exception: Cl35 (same as v.4.0), MT600, 4Be7, 25Mn55, 33As74, 39Y90, 40Zr90, 40Zr91, 40Zr92, 40Zr93, 40Zr94, 40Zr95, 40Zr96, 69Tm168, 69Tm169, 69Tm170, 74W180, 74W182, 74W183, 74W184, 74W186, 90Th232, 91Pa231 and 91Pa232. o New independent and cumulative fission product yield data within Fission/FF module, originating from ENDF/B-VII.1 neutron fis.yields sub-library. o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs; added CMake scripts where missing. + Migrated to new g4tools histogramming system, where needed. + Updates to apply new coding conventions. + Added Doxygen documentation and comments. + advanced/air_shower o Removed use of SetModel() for optical physics, according to recent changes to optical process. + advanced/hadrontherapy o Fixed compilation warning on gcc-4.7. + advanced/human_phantom o Make destructor virtual in G4BasePhantomBuilder. + advanced/iort_therapy o Fixed compilation warning on gcc-4.7. + advanced/medical_linac o Fixed compilation warnings and cleanup of unused files. o Added batch.mac to run without graphics. o Fixed compilation warnings on gcc-4.7 and clang. + advanced/microbeam o Added description of composition of cell. o Updated composition of cell cytoplasm. + advanced/xray_fluorescence o Fixed compilation warnings on clang. + extended/analysis o Restructuring of AnaEx01, AnaEx02, AnaEx03 examples for use of shared classes; shared classes are now in a new directory, 'shared'. + extended/common o Updated scripts for copying shared files. o Added functions to customize the HBOOK IDs by user. o Added setting locks introduced in the base class. o Fixed handling of directories for both histograms and ntuple. o Added GetNtuple() function to specific managers. Increased granularity of verbose levels (now 3 levels are available). o Making creating directories optional. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm0 o Updated PhyListEmStandard for GenericIon. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm1 o New histograms for "total energy deposit", "energy of charged secondaries at creation", "energy of neutral secondaries at creation". o Use NIST materials in DetectorConstruction::SetMaterial(). o Added StackingAction class. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm2 o Added PhysListEmStandardWVI. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5 o PhysListEmStandardSSM: added alternative single scattering models. o PhysListEmStandardWVI, PhysListEmStandardSS: more correct process order and WVI model. o Added fluo.mac input macro. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm7 o PhysListEmStandard, PhysListEmStandardSS: more correct process order. o c2_functions: fixed compilation problems on gcc-4.7. o G4ScreenedNuclearRecoil: fixed division by zero at initialisation. o Added extra test case for low-energy ions. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm8 o DetectorConstruction: added gas of ALICE TPC and macro testALICE.mac. o TargetSD: added zero-energy steps to histograms and step counters. o Fixed initialization in PrimaryGeneratorAction. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm11 o Modified StepMax mechanism; added command /testem/StepMax. o PhysListEmStandard, PhysListEmStandardSS: more correct process order. o New results in sandia/EGSnr: e- 50 MeV, 150 MeV in Water. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12 o Modified StepMax mechanism; added command /testem/StepMax. o PhysListEmStandard, PhysListEmStandardSS: more correct process order. o Printing correction in StepMaxMessenger. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm15 + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm18 oPrinting corrections in RunAction::EndOfRunAction(). + extended/eventgenerator/pythia/decayer6 o Introduced use of classes from 'common' module. o Introduced a physics builder for adding the external decayer to an existing physics list. o Updated macro: added initialization (now required); added call to /pythia6Decayer/verbose. o Limited G4Pythia6Decayer verbose levels to 0, 1 o Updated Pythia6 version in README file + extended/field/field04 o Removed use of SetModel() for optical physics, according to recent changes to optical process. + extended/g3tog4 o Removed cltog4 example, duplication of clGeometry. o Restructured clGeometry for use of classes from common. Changed gun particle position & direction in test macros to get particles to go through volumes inside HALL. + extended/geometry/transforms o Simplified version, limited to geometry functionalities. Renamed classes, updated input macros. + extended/hadronic/Hadr02 o Added first implementation of UrQMD interface. + extended/medical/DICOM o Corrections in materials Z/A. Addressing problem report #1287. o Assign return value for fread() and fscanf() calls in DicomHandler. Fixes compilation warnings on Ubuntu. + extended/medical/electronScattering o PhysListEmStandardWVI, PhysListEmStandardSS: more correct process order and fixed initialisation. + extended/medical/electronScattering2 o PhysListEmStandardWVI, PhysListEmStandardSS: more correct process order and fixed initialisation. o Corrected area calculation in ElectronRun. + extended/medical/fanoCavity + extended/medical/fanoCavity2 o PhysListEmStandard_WVI: more safe initialisation method. + extended/optical/LXe + extended/optical/WLS o Removed use of SetModel() for optical physics, according to recent changes to optical process. + extended/persistency/gdml/G01 o Added missing unit in opticalsurfaces.gdml. + extended/persistency/P01 o Fixes in GNUMakefile and CMake scripts. o Removed unnecessary G4Exception from the code. o Added root macro to read the hits. o Removed debug printout; small fix in the iterator type. + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01 o PhysicsList: use G4PhysicsHelper. Added atomic de-excitation. o RunAction : added protections against division by zero. o fullChain.mac: added example of command /grdm/nuleusLimits. New macro electronicCapture.mac. Added macros Cf238.mac and No252.mac to demonstrate UserRadData and UserEvapData files respectively. + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay02 o Added ntuple RDecayProducts registering Z,A,time,energy, PID,weight of each radioactive decay product o Changed macro UserRadDataCf238Test.mac and UserRadData_z82.a210 to check that the mean life time given is properly taken into account in the code. o Merged modifications for the activation computation. - extended/runAndEvent/RE03 o Corrected signature of RE03UserScoreWriter::DumpQuantityToFile() to according to changes done in 'digits_hits' module. + extended/visualization/perspective + extended/visualization/standalone + extended/visualization/userVisAction o Corrected vis user action extent. + examples/novice/N06 o Set '/tracking/verbose 3' in input macros to also test timing of optical photons. o Removed use of SetModel() for optical physics, according to recent changes to optical process. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------