Geant4 10.2-beta-01 Release Notes --------------------------------- 26 June 2015 Migration Notes & Main New Features ----------------------------------- o New implementation of Goudsmit-Saunderson model for multiple-scattering now used for e+e- below 100 MeV in G4EmStandardPhysicsGS constructor. Used as default in experimental physics-list FTFP_BERT_TRV. o G4UrbanMscModel: updated step limitation and new positron correction. o New Monash Compton model G4LowEPPolarizedComptonModel including polarization. o Added elastic model by H.Tran in Geant4-DNA. o PAI, MicroElec, and DNA models may be enabled via UI commands on top of existing EM physics constructors o Major revision of Quark-Gluon-String (QGS) model. Implemented Reggeon cascading and associated "Fermi motion". Implemented new algorithm of parton kinematical properties determination and calculation of residual nucleus properties. o Improved production of evaporated neutrons in Fritiof (FTF) model. o Improved fragmentation of fast residual nuclei in Binary Cascade. o Implemented alternative model for photon-evaporation, which can be optionally enabled; default is off. o New G4VAuxiliaryTrackInformation class to be associated to G4Track. o New GDML schema version 3.1.2 with added 'userinfo' field to allow for 'global' auxiliary fields. Defined ability in the GDML parser to optionally export and import geometrical regions for production cuts. o Adopting dedicated thread for visualization in MT mode. o Implemented support for ntuple vector columns with Csv output. o New data set G4EMLOW-6.44 is required. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o Tested platforms: + Linux, gcc-4.4.7. Tested on 64 bits architectures (Intel or AMD) with the Scientific Linux CERN 6 (SLC6) distribution (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 6). Versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other Linux distributions, Ubuntu, Debian, Suse or other RedHat systems. + MacOSX 10.10, gcc-4.2.1, clang-3.6 * For multi-threading on MacOSX, -clang- compiler has to be used. + Windows/7 with Visual C++ 12.0 (Visual Studio 2013) * Multi-threading mode currently -not- supported on Windows. o More verified configurations: + Linux, gcc-4.8.2, gcc-4.9.2, gcc-5.1.0 + Linux, Intel-icc 15.0. o Geant4 10.2-beta-01 has been tested using CLHEP- Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of features and fixes included in this Beta release since 10.1.p02: o Configuration: ------------- + CMake: o Updated version of data sets: G4EMLOW-6.44. Updated tags for 10.2-beta. o Analysis: -------- + Implemented support for ntuple vector columns with Csv output. + Implemented activation of ntuples. + Added "batch plotting" facility. + Added code to send/recv histos through MPI. + Fixed false warnings about unknown column type when an ntuple contains a column of a vector type and is created via ntuple booking. + Added functions for batch plotting; plotting available for 1D, 2D histograms + Added Set/GetCompressionLevel() functions to G4AnalysisManager and changed its default value to 1 (was 9). + Implemented setX,Y,Z commands for setting histograms/profiles parameters per dimension. They can be used as an alternative to the complex set commands. + Restructured messenger classes to avoid code duplications. + Revisited structure for plotting related code. Added methods for writing multiple pages in a file. + Integrated changes in g4tools: generating a single plot file with multiple pages. + Make new functions SetNtupleSColumn() in G4VRNtupleManager pure virtual. + Fixed command directory names and code clean-up. + Updated to g4tools version 1.20.1 (see History_tools). o Externals: --------- + Updated CLHEP module to version o Fixed usage of std::abs() in RandGaussZiggurat. o Moved static methods handling static data in G4RandGauss from inline to source. Addressing problem report #1754. o Switch off gcc-5 warnings for deprecated calls to auto_ptr in Utility headers. Switch off gcc-5 warning for unused variable in Randomize.h header. o Geometry: -------- + magneticfield: o Change assignment to field instead of field array in G4RepleteEofM. + management: o Return const reference in G4LogicalVolume::GetName(). Addressing report #1757. o Use G4Threading::IsMasterThread() function in splitters. + navigation: o Removed unused leftover header file G4GeomTestVolPoint.hh. o Global: ------ + First implementation of G4UniformRandPool for serial generation of uniform random numbers. Feature not actived yet. + Introduced IsMasterThread() function in G4Threading header. + Added type-info information to G4Allocator to aid debugging. + Changed date for release 10.2-beta. o Graphical Representations: ------------------------- + HepPolyhedron: corrected a long-standing spelling mistakes. This is reflected in the method names, but the old names have been kept for backwards compatibility. Fixed Coverity defect. o Intercoms: --------- + Deal with implementation of remove_reference() in G4AnyMethod for cases where one is compiling with the C++11 standard. o Interfaces: ---------- + G4UIQt: o Added method GetCoutDockWidget() returning a QDockWidget. o Materials: --------- + G4NistManager: added method FindOrBuildSimpleMaterial(Z); removed method GetLOGA(), duplicated from G4Pow. + G4NistMaterialBuilder: added FindOrBuildSimpleMaterial(Z); splitted implementation in longest private method. + G4NistMaterialBuilder, G4SandiaTable: fixed minor Coverity defects. o Persistency: ----------- + GDML: o New GDML schema version 3.1.2 (files: gdml.xsd, gdml_core.xsd): Added 'userinfo' to GDML schema to allow 'global' auxiliary fields. Extended auxiliary field in the schema by 'auxunit' and pointer to sub-auxiliary fields (no limit on the number of levels). o Added writer support for auxiliary info (global and volume-specific). o Implemented import/export of geometrical regions associated to volumes for importing and storing production cuts and user-limits, as global auxiliary_info entity. Updated G4GDMLParser to optionally activate export of regions (default is OFF). Export of regions can be activated/de-activated by means of the new UI command "/persistency/gdml/export_regions [true/false]". o Implemented ability to optionally export energy cuts associated to logical volumes (default is OFF). Export of energy cuts for volumes can be activated/de-activated by means of a new UI command "/persistency/gdml/export_Ecuts [true/false]". o Fixed writing out of reflected volumes. No more redundant duplicated logical volumes in the store after import of geometry. o Allow for return of NULL pointer in call to GetWorldVolume() in case read command for importing a GDML file has not been yet issued. Addressing enhancement request #1412. o Code cleanup and formatting. o Physics Lists: ------------- + Builders: o G4INCLXXPionBuilder: fixed pion cross-section for pi-. o Do not delete model and x-section at exit to avoid double deletion. o Fixes for Coverity defects. + Constructors: o electromagnetic: - Added G4EmDNAPhysics_option2 and G4EmDNAPhysics_option3 constructors. - G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4: parameters for multiple scattering are defined via G4EmParameters class. - New helper class G4EmModelActivator to activate PAI, MicroElec and DNA models per G4Region. Adapted constructor classes G4EmLivermorePhysics, G4EmLowEPPhysics, G4EmPenelopePhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1, G4EmStandardPhysics_option2, G4EmStandardPhysics_option3, G4EmStandardPhysics_option4 G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI, G4EmStandardPhysicsSS and G4EmLivermorePolarizedPhysics to use G4EmModelActivator. - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS: full activation of the atomic de-excitation module. - Added constructor G4EmDNAPhysics_option4. Added G4EmStandardPhysicsGS constructor to use the Goudsmit-Saunderson multiple-scattering model for e+e- below 100 MeV. Enable Rayleigh scattering and fluorescence. - G4EmStandardPhysics_option4: configure Penelope ionisation for e+- below 1 MeV. - Added G4EmDNAPhysics_option5 constructor. - G4EmStandardPhysicsSS, G4EmStandardPhysicsWVI: enable Rayleigh scattering and fluorescence. o decay: - Added constructor for Spin decay, G4SpinDecayPhysics. - Fixed Coverity defects for pointer going out of scope. o hadron_elastic: - Replaced CHIPS neutron elastic cross-section with NeutronElasticXS cross-section. - G4HadronHElasticPhysics: fixed Coverity report for memory leak at exit. o hadron_inelastic: - G4HadronPhysicsFTFP_BERT_TRV: changed the transition region between BERT and FTF from [3, 12] GeV to [2, 4] GeV. - G4HadronInelasticQBBC: reduced upper limit of Bertini from 12 to 4 GeV; use BGG inelastic cross-sections for pions. o limiters: - Fixes for Coverity defects. + Lists: o FTFP_BERT_TRV: switch on low-mass diffraction dissociation in G4HadronHElasticPhysics. Now using G4EmStandardPhysicsGS. o Updates to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory to do more passthrough to underlying G4PhysListRegistry singleton. o G4PhysListRegistry more checking that all the requested physics constructor additions are available; updated output to closer match old factory. o Enable registration of ShieldingLEND, ShieldingM and G4GenericPhysicsList to g4alt::G4PhysListFactory. o G4PhysListFactory: added QGSP_BIC_AllHP. Addresses problem report #1732. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + Adjoint: o G4AdjointhMultipleScattering: make it coherent with the forward multiple-scattering processes. + DNA: o Added elastic model by H.Tran. o Vector of products becomes a pointer instead of a reference in G4UserTimeStepAction::UserReactionAction(). o G4DNAMillerGreenExcitationModel, G4DNABornExcitationModel: added GetPartialCrossSection() method. o Updated G4DNABrownianTransportation and G4Scheduler classes. o Updated G4TrackState & related classes. o Born headers: include both model versions when proxy header is included. o Added classes G4DNAEmfietzoglouExcitationMode, G4DNAEmfietzoglouIonisationModel and G4DNAUeharaScreenedRutherfordElasticModel. o Added temporary classes G4DNABornIonisationModel2 and G4DNABornExcitationModel2. o Added preliminary implementation of G4DNASmoluchowskiDiffusion. o G4ITTrackHolder: replaced use of "G4Threading::IsWorkerThread()" by "G4Threading::IsMasterThread()". o G4DNAElastic: added check on name. o G4DNAIonElasticModel: cleanup and fixed potential double free. o Removed unnecessary "using namespace std" from few headers. o Requires new data-set G4EMLOW version 6.44. + Low Energy: o New Monash Compton model G4LowEPPolarizedComptonModel including polarization. o Migrated G4LowEPComptonModel to multi-threading. o G4MicroElecElastic, G4MicroElecInelastic: fixed definition of default models at initialisation; by default use G4DummyModel. o G4UAtomicDeexcitation: added optional implementation of Auger cascade, based on proposal by B.Suerfu (see problem report #1727). o G4LowECapture: added capture process needed for MicroElec and DNA applications. o G4AtomicTransitionManager: improved Exception printout. o Requires new data-set G4EMLOW version 6.44. + Muons: o G4MuMultipleScattering: do not redefine step limit type. + Standard: o G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel, G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable: revised and improved implementation of the model. o New class G4PWATotalXsecTable for GS model. o G4UrbanMscModel: new lateral displacement correlation added as an alternative (disabled by default), new positron correction below 1 MeV, and reorganized the code. Repeat check on safety for each new step, added extra limit for very small step regime, use "distance" instead of "range" to compare with safety. This provides speedup for EM shower simulation in sampling calorimeters. Flags are added to switch between lateral displacement methods and to enable/disable special treatment of positrons. o G4hMultipleScattering: do not redefine step limit type. o G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotModel: fixed re-initilisation in MT mode. o Removed obsolete class G4PAIPhotonModel. o G4IonCoulombScatteringModel, G4eSingleCoulombScatteringModel: removed unnecessary "using namespace std" from header files. o Fixes for Coverity defects. + Utils: o G4VEmModel: added extra interface ComputeCrossSectionPerShell(). o G4EmCalculator: moved simple methods to inline; added public method SetupMaterial() for computation of cross-section per atom, to add initialisation of material (problem observed in Bremsstrahlung cross-section), added ComputeCrossSectionPerShell, minor fixes of printout. o G4VEmModel, G4VEmFluctuationModel: removed pointers to random engine, now handled by individual models. o G4LossTableManager: moved run time methods to be inlined. o G4EmParameters, G4EmParametersMessenger: added new methods and respective UI commands for muon/hadron/ion multiple scattering: SetMscMuHadRangeFactor(), SetMscMuHadStepLimitType(); /process/msc/RangeFactorMuHad, /process/msc/StepLimitMuHad. Use new methods in G4VMultipleScattering. o G4VAtomDeexcitation, G4LossTableManager: changed initialisation, now happening before BuildPhysicsTable() in each thread. o G4EmParameters, G4EmParametersMessenger, G4VAtomDeexcitation: added added extra flag AugerCascade; o G4EmParametersMessenger: added PreInit state for new commands. o G4EmParameters, G4EmParametersMessenger: added vector of regions, public interface and corresponding UI commmands for which PAI, MicroElec, or DNA models may be activated. o Fixes for Coverity defects. + Xrays: o Calculate 'deltaTime' more accurately in G4Scintillation and G4Cerenkov. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Decay: o Fixed issue in G4Decay::DecayIt() to check that the parent mass is enough for decay products. + Optical: o Change calculation of NewPolarization in G4OpRayleigh to avoid potential division by zero. If the polarization is perpendicular to the scattering plane, it will not change after the scattering. o Added call to ProposeLocalEnergyDeposit() for particle-change in G4OpAbsorption. + Scoring: o G4ParallelWorldProcess: added verbosity to check update of field-track. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections o G4CrossSectionDataSetRegistry, G4VCrossSectionDataSet: defined as G4ThreadLocalSingleton; delete all x-sections at exit except HP. o G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS: fixed initialisation for the case of multiple runs. o G4DiffElasticRatio: added protection for hydrogen; added energy thresholds to skip treatment of low-energy particles. o Added description method to cross-section classes. o G4CrossSectionDataStore: additions to print Html documentation. + management o G4HadronicProcessStore, G4HadronicProcess: fixed procedure of deletion at exit. o G4HadronicProcess: improved method GetElementCrossSection() to be used also with neutronHP (which needs a material defined). o Updates to G4HadronicProcessStore for Html documentation. + models/abla o Fixes for Coverity defects. + models/binary_cascade o Improved fragmentation of fast residual nuclei in G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface, with energies of the order of some TeV/nucleon. A residual is transformed in its rest frame. After fragmentation, all produced fragments are transformed to Lab. system. o G4GeneratorPrecompoundInterface: propagate for hA interactions. Fixed bug for a case when the actual mass of a residual nucleus is less than the ground state mass of the residual. Introduced CaptureThreshold variable and improved calculation of excitation energies of projectile and target nuclear residuals. Improved calculation of excitation energies of nuclear residuals for QGS model. + models/cascade o G4InuclCollider: added special end-of-cascade test to require low-energy photo-nuclear and lepto-nuclear events to produce at least one non-gamma secondary. Currently hidden behind G4CASCADE_CHECK_PHOTONUCLEAR flag; will address problem report #1680 to increase neutron yield around the giant dipole resonance, without model changes. o G4KaonSampler, G4HyperonSampler: new copies of G4KaonHypSampler, which will eventually diverge with different energy binning, in order to extend kaon and hyperon final state tables to ~30 GeV. o G4CascadeInterface: call static Initialize() function in constructor, for sequential builds or master thread. o Verified while-do loops conditions for potential non-termination. + models/coherent_elastic o G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE : share cross-section tables among threads. o G4LMsdGenerator: modification in angle distribution to reduce angles at high energies. Changed final state for pi+- DD, according to recent COMPASS data. o Migrated Description() to ModelDescription() for G4ChipsElasticModel, G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE, and G4HadronElastic. o G4ElasticHadrNucleusHE: replaced use of std::log/exp/pow with G4Exp, G4Log and G4Pow. Added check on max Z. Fixed Coverity defect. o G4LMsdGenerator: disactivated internal elastic scattering of dissociated hadron. o G4NuclNuclDiffuseElastic: fixed trivial Coverity reports. o Removed unnecessary "using namespace std" statement from some headers. + models/de_excitation o G4NuclearLevelStore: take out access to G4LevelManager. o G4NuclearLevelData: new data class for nuclear levels and gamma transitions; pure singleton with data shared among threads. Adapted classes G4LevelReader, G4LevelManager and G4NucLevel accordingly. o G4LevelReader: added factor to transform half life time into life time. o G4VEvaporationChannel, G4VEvaporation, G4VEvaporationChannel: moved setters from G4PhotonEvaporation to reduce number of new/delete at initialisation. o Moved new nuclear data structure classes to 'management' module. Removed obsolete G4E1SingleProbability1, G4VPhotonEvaporation classes. o G4WilsonAblationModel, G4EvaporationFactory, G4EvaporationFactory, G4ExcitationHandler: use default constructor of G4Evaporation and access photon evaporation class from G4Evaporation. o G4Evaporation: use environment variable "G4UsePromptPhotonEvaporation" to select gamma de-excitation model; if the variable is defined the new G4PromptPhotonEvaporation class is used. Implemented choice between G4PhotonEvaporation and G4PromptPhotonEvaporation. o G4VEvaporationChannel, G4PhotonEvaporation: removed "timeType" which is no longer used; removed name of channel. o G4ChatterjeeCrossSection, G4KalbachCrossSection: new cross-section classes to be used for all evaporation fragments. o G4AlphaEvaporationProbability, G4DeuteronEvaporationProbability, G4EvaporationProbability, G4He3EvaporationProbability, G4NeutronEvaporationProbability, G4ProtonEvaporationProbability, G4TritonEvaporationProbability: use new classes above; reduced number of virtual calls and number of computations in the loop of integration. o G4PromptPhotonEvaporation: moved virtual methods to source. o G4PromptPhotonEvaporation, G4LevelReader, G4NucLevel: code cleanup. o G4FissionParameters, G4CompetitiveFission: fixed kinematics; code cleanup. o G4EvaporationChannel, G4EvaporationProbability: optimisation of sampling of final state. o Fixed Coverity defects. + models/fission o Migrated to use ParticleHP instead of NeutronHP. o Adapted interface in G4FissionLibrary with particle-hp module. o Set A and Z of actual target of reaction to "targetNucleus" from HadronicProcess. Reset isotope pointer to the target G4Nucleus object of reaction; fixing warning message about 'ReactionWhiteBoard disappeared'. + models/im_r_matrix o Moved G4Clebsch class to 'models/util' module. o Cleared compilation warning on clang-3.6. + models/inclxx o Removed unnecessary "using namespace std" statement in G4INCLXXInterface. + models/lepto_nuclear o G4MuonVDNuclearModel: defined G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS via factory interface allowing reuse of already instantiated class; keep pointer of G4KokoulinMuonNuclearXS instead of object in order to avoid double deletion at exit. + models/management o G4HadronicInteractionRegistry, G4HadronicInteraction: fixed deletion of models at exit. Made G4HadronicInteractionRegistry thread-local singleton. o G4HadronicInteractionRegistry: more accurate check on HP models. + models/neutron_hp o Fixed issue in MT-mode in Wendt-Fission-Fragment model. o Avoid using the cache of cross-section, as the same feature is offered in G4CrossSectionDataStore. o Fixed problem on photon distribution. Addressing problem report #1745. o Added model and cross-section descriptions. o Use G4Threading::IsMasterThread() instead of calls to IsWorkerThread(). o Fixed Coverity defects in G4NeutronHPEnAngCorrelation and G4NeutronHPInterpolator. + models/particle_hp o Fixing problem of possible infinite loop in G4ParticleHPEnAngCorrelation. o Fixed rare core dump in thermal scattering. o Uncomment out para/ortho hydrogen and liquid/solid methane. o Adjust A and Z in the case of mismatch between selected data and target nucleus o Added G4ParticleHPMessenger class. Added UI commands for controlling options of HP package. o Delete unnecessary issue of BuildPhysicTable o Introducing ThreadLocalManager for storing information related to each individual reactions. o Avoid using the cache of cross-section, as the same feature is offered in G4CrossSectionDataStore. o Improved sharing of static data among threads. o Added model and cross-section descriptions. o Fixed problem on photon distribution. Addressing problem report #1745. o Fixed Coverity defects and problem of array out-of-bound errors. + models/parton_string o Major revision of QGS model; implemented Reggeon cascading and associated "Fermi motion". Implemented new algorithm of parton kinematical properties determination and calculation of residual nucleus properties. Adjusted G4GammaParticipants to the revised model. o Improved energy-momentum conservation in the QGS model, especially in the case of diffraction interactions. o G4FTFParameters: tuning to improve the description of evaporated neutrons, based on an analysis of ITEP and Leray experimental data. o G4LundStringFragmentation: improved reaction cross-sections of: Pbar + P -> Pi+ Pi-, K+ K-. o G4FTFModel: changed lower energy limit from 2 to 1 GeV. Introduced smearing of the excitation energy associated with an involved nucleon. o Implemented correct coupling of FTF with BIC. Energy-momentum is conserved. o Improved sampling of nucleon momenta after the Reggeon cascading in the method G4FTFModel::SamplingNucleonKinematics(). Added protection to Elastic hN scattering. o Added new methods Set/GetCofNuclearDestructionPr() in G4FTFParameters, for projectile nucleus, according to last studies that Reggeon cascading depends on nuclear mass number. o Tuned parameters in G4LundStringFragmentation according to NA49 data. Fixed case of potential FPE in FragmentString() function. o G4ExcitedStringDecay: fixed bug leading to energy-momentum non-conservation in QGSM. o Fixed bug in G4QGSMFragmentation::SplitEandP() for rare energy-momentum non-conservation. + models/pre_equilibrium o G4PreCompoundFragment: use classes G4KalbachCrossSection and G4ChatterjeeCrossSection; removed duplicate computations of these cross-sections; fixed sampling of kinetic energy of emitted fragment. + models/qmd o Added model and cross-section descriptions. o Added new method GetExcitationHandler() in G4QMDReaction and deleted obsolete code. + models/radioactive_decay o Added new classes G4BetaMinusDecay, G4BetaPlusDecay, G4ECDecay and G4ITDecay to streamline inheritance chain and reduce non-reproducibility. o Use G4NuclearDecay as the new base class for all decay channels. This replaces G4NuclearDecayChannel. o Removed G4NuclearDecayChannel from G4RadioactiveDecay. o G4RadioactiveDecay: register G4UAtomicDeexcitation to G4LossTableManager in BuildPhysicsTable() so that electron shells can be found. Set Fluo and Auger flags to true, PIXE to false. Change code to create new atomic deexcitation only if one doesn't already exist. o Temporary removal of decay table map sharing for threads, to resolve observed failures in MT mode. o Activated Auger in G4RadioactiveDecay::BuildPhysicsTable(). o Re-enable setting of ARM on/off (default is on) in G4ITDecay and G4ECDecay. o G4RadioactivedDecay::LoadDecayTable(): implemented changes back to level search using tolerance (now 0.1 keV). o G4RadioactivedDecay::AddDecayTable(): bug fix in combination of branching ratios (brs[1] -> brs[2] in beta+ decay). o G4ECDecay: use of daughter atom instead of parent atom when calling atomic relaxation. + models/util o New implementations of G4Clebsch, G4LegendrePolynomial and G4PolynomialPDF for correlated gamma nuclear de-excitation. o Use G4Exp, G4Log and G4Pow in place of std functions. + processes o G4HadronElasticProcess: switch to ProcessDescription() interface. o Inline some methods in G4UCNBoundaryProcess. o Run --- + Added new method G4WorkerRunManager::DoWork(), called by G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread() to process requests of new runs from kernel. + Moved setting of pin affinity from G4MTRunManagerKernel::StartThread() to G4WorkerThread. + Corrected handling of deletion of worker run-managers. + G4VUserPhysicsList: lookup for default-world-region in G4RegionStore instead of accessing the store at index 0. It's not always guaranteed the default world region is the first element in the store! + G4MTRunManager: removed explicit initialization of Bertini Cascade (now done in Bertini module). + Replaced calls to IsWorkerThread() by G4Threading::IsMasterThread(). + Fixes for Coverity defects. o Tract & Tracking ---------------- + New G4VAuxiliaryTrackInformation class to be associated to G4Track. + Added 'Creator Model ID' and 'Creator Model Name' to G4Atts of G4RichTrajectory. o Visualization: ------------- + management: o Now adopting dedicated thread for visualization in MT mode. o New interface in G4VViewer for multi-threading. o Improved guidance for /vis/scene/add/extent. o Fixed /vis/scene/add/eventID command for MT mode. o Added methods to manage GLContext in Qt. o Introduced G4USE_STD11 (limited to clang) and tidied. + modeling: o Augmented G4PhysicalVolumeModel interface. Added local transformation attribute. o G4TouchableDumpScene: added polyhedron dump for use with /vis/touchable/dump. o G4PhysicalVolumeSearchScene: optimised ProcessVolume() by setting variables only when needed and by comparing string length before comparing all string. + externals: o G4OpenGL2PSAction: added method setBufferSize(). + OpenGL: o Added methods to manage GLContext in Qt. o Fixing Qt visualization in MT mode on clang. o G4OpenGLXViewer: added sleep while waiting for pick action. o Fixed problem when zooming on small volumes. o Introduced sleep while waiting for pick action o Migrated to new G4VViewer interface. o A bit of cleaning in managing OpenGL context for Qt. + OpenInventor: o G4OpenInventorViewer, G4OpenInventorXtExtendedViewer: added viewer menu button and methods for PDF output. + Tree: o G4ASCIITreeSceneHandler: added physical volume dump for verbosity >=7. o Tidied and cleaned up att values after use. o Data Sets: --------- + G4EMLOW-6.44: o Added elastic files by H.Tran for Geant4-DNA. o Added files by D. Emfietzoglou for Geant4-DNA o Added files by M.Novak for upgraded version of the Goudthmit-Sounderson multiple-scattering model. o Substituted 2016 files in ion_stopping_data by new PASS computations. o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs, macros and scripts. Applied coding guidelines. + advanced/air_shower o Replaced call to obsolete GetDz() for G4Tubs to GetZHalfLength() in UltraDetectorConstruction. + advanced/lAr_calorimeter o Fixed internal array overflow in FCALTestSetupSD, causing crashes in MT. + basic/B1 o Modified RunAction; no functional changes. + extended/analysis/AnaEx01 o Updated hbook for developments in analysis category: implemented interfaces for activations of ntuples. + extended/biasing/GB04 o Bug fix in GB04BOptnBremSplitting for missing call to SetSecondaryWeightByProcess(true). + extended/biasing/ReverseMC01 o RMC01AnalysisManager: added variable 'fNentry' in order to correctly compute mean and error of energy deposition. + extended/common o Added a client-specific prefix to common library and test to avoid name clashes when building all extended examples at once. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm1 o PhysicsList: removed SetICM() method. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm2 o PhysicsList: use GS, WVI, SS EM physics from main library. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3, TestEm5 o PhysicsList: use GS physics from main library. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm10 o Em10PhysicsList: removed obsolete header. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm12 o PhysicsList: use GS physics from main library. + extended/eventgenerator/basicPrimary o New example showing how to create a primary event including several vertices and several primary particles per vertex. + extended/eventgenerator/exgps o Added in ctest with distribution from histogram for PhysicsChecks. o Updated macros with new commands for H2. o Fixed documentation. + extended/eventgenerator/particleGun o PrimaryGeneratorAction1: added randomization of time zero of each event. + extended/eventgenerator/pythia/decayer6 o Set a specific prefix to common library and test to avoid name clashes when building all extended examples at once. + extended/exoticphysics/channeling o Added full integration of particle trajectory into the channeling process. o Added beampipe and detector box to the detector construction. o Modified wrapper classes to correct bugs in energy loss calculation under channeling. o Added to the wrapper class the InCrystal parameter in order to be completely transparent if the particle is outside a volume with a lattice. Added InCrystal parameter to the user info to switch between single and multiple scattering. o Single and multiple scattering are enabled/disabled if the volume has or not a lattice. o Added data files for Si110 and Si111 planar nuclei density, planar electron density and planar electric field. o Minor modification to XPhysicalLattice. o Minor modification to the macro to analyze the output data. + extended/exoticphysics/ucn o Corrected way to access G4Transportation::EnableUseMagneticMoment(). + extended/field/field04 o Removed obsolete commands from macros. + extended/field/field05 o Use new G4SpinDecayPhysics constructor in PhysicsList. + extended/g3tog4 o Set a specific prefix to common library and test to avoid name clashes when building all extended examples at once. + extended/hadronic/Hadr02 o Removed obsolete interface to DPMJET. + extended/medical/dna/microyz o New example showing how to compute microdosimetry distributions in liquid water using Geant4-DNA. + extended/medical/dna/chem2, chem3 o In G4UserTimeStepAction::UserReactionAction(), vector of reaction products becomes a pointer instead of a reference. o CommandLine option: -mt option restaured with 2 as default number of threads o Updated visualization macros. + extended/medical/dna/pdb4dna o Removed modulo printing at EventAction level. + extended/medical/dna/svalue o New example showing how to calculate mono-energetic S values in liquid water using the Geant4-DNA physics processes and models. + extended/medical/electronScattering2 o Removing from master unnecessary instance of GPS. + extended/medical/fanoCavity, FanoCavity2 o Migrated code to support multi-threading. + extended/optical/OpNovice o Replaced use of IsWorkerThread() by G4Threading::IsMasterThread(). Introduced G4ThreadLocal in OpNovicePhysicsList. + extended/optical/WLS o Removed obsolete commands from macros. + extended/parallel/MPI o Fixed bug in exMPI02 using wrong calls to random generator for generation of primaries. o Introduced new functionality in G4mpi library to merge G4Run, scorers and g4tools histograms/profiles across MPI ranks. o Introduced new example exMPI03, based on same geometry and physics of exMPI02 to demonstrate merging capabilities. o Adding MPI examples for ctest/cdash testing. + extended/parameterisations/Par02 o New example implementing a simplified version of a Geant4-based fast simulation program for Future Circular Collider (FCC), showing how to do "track and energy smearing" . + extended/persistency/persistency/gdml/G01 o Added example code showing how to import and export auxiliary information. o Enabled export of geometrical regions. + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay01 o PhysicsList: removed call to SetICM(). Removed initialization of UAtomicDeexcitation. o Compute total visible energy in TrackingAction, EventAction, Run and HistoManager. o Updated it1.mac and it2.mac macros. + extended/radioactivedecay/rdecay02 o Migrated to support multi-threading. o Migrated to use g4tools for analysis. + extended/runAndEvent/RE06 o Adding new macro file for testing on Xeon Phi with limited statistics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------