# - Top-level CMakeLists.txt for Geant4Py # Note that we are assuming it is always part of Geant4, never separately # released. That's for later, if required at all. # In particular, Geant4Py must be matched exactly to a given Geant4 release # Require Python 3 or newer, calling Interp before Libs to help find a consistent set # Boost python requirement is reliant on correct user config (not yet known how to check # which Python an install of Boost Python uses)... find_package(PythonInterp 3.0 REQUIRED) find_package(PythonLibs REQUIRED) find_package(Boost REQUIRED python) # Variables and Functions to help build, organise, and install modules include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/G4PythonHelpers.cmake) # - Build package/modules, tests if required add_subdirectory(source) if(GEANT4_ENABLE_TESTING) add_subdirectory(tests) endif() # Add the feature recording here so we can note the Python version geant4_add_feature(GEANT4_USE_PYTHON "Building bindings for Python ${PYTHON_VERSION_MAJOR}.${PYTHON_VERSION_MINOR}")