Geant4 9.3-beta-01 Release Notes -------------------------------- 5 June 2009 List of main features and fixes included in this Beta release since 9.2.p01: o Configuration: ------------- + Configure script: o Rewritten check on make/gmake on WIN32-VC systems to avoid problems with cygwin and Matlab. o Added check to build Qt driver only when Qt UI module is built; reordered 'moc' checks and added cross-check on moc version. Added safety reset of OpenGL QT build and use variables. o Commented out echo compatibility warning to address problem report #1067. + Corrections in analysis.gmk for AIDA setup on Windows. + Improved non-standard setup for Qt on Linux, Mac and Windows. + Removed "-lcxa -lunwind" LOADLIBS addition in Linux-icc.gmk, no longer necessary since icc version 11.0.083. o Digits & Hits: ------------- + Replaced usage of non-Standard calls to sprintf() with ostringstream, to fix compilation errors reported by gcc-4.4.0 compiler. o Environments: ------------ + G4Py: updated configuration scripts and some minor fixes. o Error Propagation: ----------------- + Inclusion of pi+, pi- and proton in physics list. + Added possibility to account for error deflation (needed to make 'smoothing'). o Geometry: -------- + divisions: o Allow for generic divisions along Z for polyhedras and polycones; now divisions can happen along z-axis with width and offset, which fulfils the condition that division does not span over more than one segment. o Fixed initialization of division in Phi for polyhedras to avoid taking into account user defined width. + magnetic field: o Added 3rd term of BMT equation (Spin x Beta x Efield) to G4EqEMFieldWithSpin, as reported in the Emfield Hypernews Forum posting #155. o Moved renormalization of spin from G4EqEMFieldWithSpin and G4Mag_SpinEqRhs to G4ClassicalRK4 and G4SimpleHeum. o Added Spin propagation errors to the criteria for 'OneGoodStep' in G4MagIntegratorDriver; not added it yet to the decision logic. o Enhanced algorithm for ApproxCurvePointS() in G4ChordFinder speeding up Brent locator. o Some code cleanup and formatting. + management: o Fixed initialisation of min/max extent in method BuildReplicaVoxels() in G4SmartVoxelHeader. o Adopt 'const' references for strings as arguments/return-values in G4LogicalSurface. Some minor cleanup... + navigation: o Fix in G4Navigator::ComputeStep() for the computation of rotation of the 'LocalExitNormal' in cases when DistanceToOut() returns non-valid normal for optical photons in rotated solids. Addresses problem report #1059. o Fix in G4PathFinder: a geometry is at a boundary if its step is within tolerance of the minimum step for any defined geometry. o Fix in G4PropagatorInField::SetNavigator() to forward new navigator to G4VIntersectionLocator. Corrects handling of parallel geometries. o Enhanced algorithm to speed up Brent intersection locator for propagation in field. o Fix in the usage of the geometrical tolerance in G4VIntersectionLocator in method AdjustementOfFoundIntersection(). o Added method BuildContainerSolid() taking a solid as argument to G4PhantomParameterisation. Added protection to GetMaterialIndex() for zero index. + solids/CSG: o Implemented speed improvements and corrections in G4Sphere from joint code review: cached computation for half-tolerances and use of Boolean flag for identifying if full-sphere, shell or section; implemented caching of trigonometric values, now directly computed inside modifiers for Phi and Theta angles as required for parametrised cases; rationalised usage of relative radial tolerances. o Implemented correction to G4Sphere::DistanceToOut(p,v, ...) for phi sections for rays passing through zero. o G4Tubs, G4Cons: rationalised usage of modifiers for Phi angles and simplified constructors. + solids/specific: o Corrected implementation of GetSurfaceArea() in base class G4VCSGFaceted, which was erroneously returning cubic volume estimation. Addresses problem report #1062. o Relaxed error condition in G4TessellatedSolid::Inside(p) to warning, for excess of max trials and anomalous conditions in distance calculation. Added more printout information when error condition is detected. o Global: ------ + G4PhysicsVector: added method ComputeSecondDerivatives() for the case when user provides first derivative at end-points (4 bins minimum); use "Not-a-Knot" algorithm for computing second derivatives in default method FillSecondDerivatives() (5 bins minimum); for smaller number of bins the linear interpolation is used. + Added G4ErrorStage enum to G4ErrorPropagatorData class. + Changed date for release 9.3-beta. o Graphical Representations: ------------------------- + G4VVisManager: added notify scene handlers (G4VGraphicsScene objects) which inform that the scene has changed, so that handlers can rebuild their graphics database (if it exists) and redraw all views. + G4VMarker: added enum 'SizeType' {none, world, screen}; added GetSizeType() and SetSize/Diameter/Radius() methods. o Intercoms: --------- + G4UIcommandTree: improved completion of commands for GUIs by sharing code of X and Xm drivers with the Qt driver. o Interfaces: ---------- + G4UIExecutive: new class for automatic instantiation of user interactive sessions. + better command completion in command line. + G4VUIshell: added SetLsColor() method. + G4UIQt: new interactor for adding button on file and help menu; added public method to get the MainWindow. Fixed compilation warnings. o Materials: --------- + Implemented migration of ICRU 73 stopping power classes to the G4VIonDEDXTable interface: o Access methods of physics vectors have changed (vectors can also be identified via atomic number of material if material is pure); o Classes now deliver mass stopping powers instead of stopping powers per unit length o Dependency on ICRU 73 material densities was removed (no densities are included in the classes anymore). o Stopping power vectors are now built on request. + G4IonStoppingICRU73: extended upper limit of the data vector from 10 MeV to 1 GeV, using 53 bins; added G4WATER data and fixed GetDEDX() methods in these classes for E=10 MeV (upper limit). + G4NistMaterialBuilder: mean ionisation potential for G4_WATER is changed to 78 eV according to GSI Annual Report (2008) p.373, in order to be consistent with ICRU'73 tables. + Fixed ICRU'73 data for G4WATER, G4WATER_VAPOR, G4NYLON-6/6 (in G4MaterialStoppingICRU73) and G4_Cu (in G4SimpleMaterialStoppingICRU73). + New utility class G4ExtDEDXTable to handle external electronic stopping power tables for ions. + Use 'const' references for strings as arguments/return-values in material properties tables and related classes. Inlined methods and minor cleanup. + Added Entries() method to G4MaterialPropertyVector and accessors for maps in G4MaterialPropertiesTable, required for internal use in persistency of material properties. Make visible GetEntry() accessor in G4MaterialPropertyVector for use restricted to persistency. o Particles: --------- + Added method GetNuclearMass(A,Z) in G4NuclearProperty. + Use new class G4NucleiPropertiesTableAME03 for atomic masses. Including data updated to the Ame-2003 atomic mass evaluation (II) by G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra and C.Thibault, Nuclear Physics A729, 2003. + Ensure that the boost beta value is less than 1 in G4MuonRadiativeDecayChannelWithSpin. + Added CalculateAnomaly() method for magnetic moment in G4ParticleDefinition. + Fixed use of std::fabs() in place of std::abs(). o Persistency (GDML): ------------------ + Correction in materials and solids tags to allow parsing of definitions within the tag scope; possibility foreseen by the schema. + Correction in G4GDMLWriteSolids::BooleanWrite() in order to handle cases of nested displaced solids given to both operands in a Boolean operation (ATLAS use case). + Implemented virtual layer to allow customisation of the writer for user-extended schemas. + Implemented ability to write surface properties associated to volumes and material properties. + Allow for reading/writing of constant material properties. + Defined missing copy constructor and operator=() to G4GDMLMatrix internal class, to avoid cases of memory corruption when handling matrices. + Restricted usage of loops only for placement of volumes. Now correctly handles most common use-case of multiple copies of the same volume/solid through loop statement. Addressing problem report #1063. + Renamed flag for maximum number of transformations applied to a solid and moved to G4GDMLWriteSolids base class. + Code cleanup: rationalised inclusion of headers, replacing them with forward declarations where possible. + Added empty default constructor and virtual destructor to classes in the inheritance chain. o Physics Lists: ------------- + Added builders for DNA, Livermore and Penelope physics processes. + Added QGSP_FTFP_BERT based on QGSP_BERT replacing the bridging LEP with FTFP, and transitioning from BERT to FTFP between 7 and 9 GeV. + Added FTFP_BERT_TRV as variant of FTFP_BERT with transition between 6 and 8 GeV. + Added MaxEnergy() method in FTF builders. + Added two new physics lists QGSC_QGSC and QGSC_CHIPS. QGSC_QGSC physics list uses the QGS model with the MultiSoft interface to CHIPS at all energies, starting from E=0. For neutrons it still uses LEP (LHEP) models for the radioactive capture and fission. QGSC_CHIPS physics list uses the QGS model with the EnergyFlow interface to CHIPS at all energies. For the pA interactions the native CHIPS process G4QCollision is used below 290 MeV. The QGSC and G4QCollision processes are unified in one process by the CHIPS G4QDiscProcessMixer interface. Added the corresponding physics builders. + Added new physics-lists with special EM options: FTFP_BERT_EMV, FTFP_BERT_EMX, QGSP_BERT_EMX, QGSP_BIC_EMY (opt3 EM physics). + Declared obsolete several unused lists, partially disabling their use: o Obsolete and disabled: FTF_EMV, replacement FTFP_BERT_EMV QGSC_EFLOW, replacement QGSC_CHIPS QGSP_EMX, replacement QGSP_BERT_EMX o Obsolete: FTFC, LHEP_BERT, LHEP_BERT_HP, LHEP_PRECO_HP QGSP_BERT_DIF, QGSP_BERT_NQE, QGSP_DIF, QGSP_EMV, QGSP_EMV_NQE, QGSP_NQE, QGSP_QEL + G4PhysicsListFactory: updated list of supported PhysLists. + G4EmStandardPhysics, G4EmStandardPhysics_option1: use 9.2 msc model for e+-. + G4EmStandardPhysics_option2: use G4WentzelVIModel for e+/e-. + G4EmStandardPhysics_option3: use updated multiple scattering model G4UrbanMscModel2 and G4RayleighScattering process. + Fix in G4HadronInelasticQBBC: cross sections are created dynamically not by value, fission only instantiated for HP. + Fix to address problem report #1056: all cross section data sets are created dynamically and no longer member of the class. + Inline constructor and destructors are moved to source for classes: G4VNeutronBuilder, G4VPiKBuilder, G4VProtonBuilder, G4WarnPLStatus. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + High Energy: o Simplified initialisation in G4mplIonisationModel for monopole and G4eeToHadronsMultiModel. o Some code cleanup: improved comments, avoid inlined virtual methods. + Low Energy: o Added G4PenelopeBremsstrahlungModel, namely Bremsstrahlung according to Penelope model, inheriting from G4VEmModel. Completes migration to common 'Standard' design for all Penelope processes. o Added G4RayleighScattering process to describe Rayleigh scattering and removed G4Rayleigh class to avoid duplication. o Added G4LivermoreIonisationModel, first implementation of LowEnergyIonisation in the common design. o Updated public interface of G4eIonisationCrossSectionHandler in order to facilitate migration from G4LowEnergyIonisation to G4LivermoreIonisationModel. o Replaced old version of G4IonParametrisedLossModel with newer one. Added G4IonDEDXHandler, for use by the new G4IonParametrisedLossModel class. removed old handler class G4IonParametrisedLossTable. o Added G4VIonDEDXScalingAlgorithm, which is used by G4IonDEDXHandler. o Added new scaling algorithm, G4IonDEDXScalingICRU73, to obtain heavy ion stopping powers for ions not covered by ICRU 73 report (scaled from existing ICRU 73 data). Included algorithm in ion model, G4IonParametrisedLossModel, extending its applicability to very heavy ions. o Added protections in G4eIonisationSpectrum and G4eIonisationParameters, addressing problem report #1042. o First fully tested version of G4LivermoreBremsstrahlungModel All Livermore models are migrated. o Updated Livermore photon processes classes for handling of compound materials. o Set default angular generator in G4LivermorePhotoElectric to Sauter-Gavrila. o Added check of particle type and energy range in cross section computation of Livermore photon processes. o Changed energy range display for migrated Livermore photon processes o New migrated Geant4-DNA processes and models. o Added ability for DNA charge change processes to kill particle without total energy deposit. o Added proton case in G4CrossSectionExcitationMillerGreenPartial. o Added angle initialisation in G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel. o Added several corrections to migrated Geant4-DNA processes and allow for compatibility with general EM utility classes. o Improved energy limit display in Geant4-DNA model classes. o Fixed cross section computation problem in G4DNAScreenedRutherfordElasticModel and G4DNAChampionElasticModel. o Increased energy range validity of e- elastic Champion model up to 10 MeV. From this tag, G4LEDATA data set version 6.5 is needed. o Added message to obsolete non-migrated Geant4-DNA cross section and final state classes, and non-migrated Livermore and Penelope classes. o Cleared annoying printout from G4AugerData AugerTransitionTable. + Muons: o G4MuIonisation: fixed initialisation to allow for configuring external model of fluctuations. o Simplified initialisation in G4MuBetheBlochModel, G4MuBremsstrahlungModel and G4MuPairProductionModel. o G4MuPairProductionModel: added protection for the case when 'maxPairEnergy' is less than 'minPairEnergy' (empty interval for energy transfer observed for rare case with kaons). o Some code cleanup: improved comments, avoid inlined virtual methods. + Polarisation: o Simplified initialisation in G4PolarizedAnnihilationModel. + Standard: o G4UrbanMscModel2: new tuning for the central part and for the tail of the angular distribution using the old e- scattering data only (Phys. Rev. 84 (1951) 634; Phys. Rev. 61 (1942) 254); new version of theta0 and correction in tail tuning using MuScat data. o G4UrbanMscModel: frozen version of G4UrbanMscModel2 from release 9.2. o G4WentzelVIModel, G4eCoulombScattering, G4CoulombScattering: added relativistic factor to Rutherford cross section; set default limit on kinetic energy of the recoil 100 KeV. Reduced low-limit from 1 KeV to 0.1 KeV to provide smooth transport cross section table. Substituted scaling of low-energy limit by setting 1 keV for all particles; use EGSnrc form of screening parameter (second order correction). Use generic methods of G4VMscModel to access safety and other geometrical information. o Simplified initialisation of all models and some code cleanup: improved comments, avoid inlined virtual methods. o G4UniversalFluctuation: modification in width correction, the dependence of the correction on energy deposition at previous steps is now fixed. Addresses report from T2K setup. o Added new multiple-scattering model for e+- G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel. o Added new class G4HeatedKleinNishinaCompton, prototype model for plasma. o G4PairProductionRelModel: new relativistic model for gamma conversion. o G4PEEffectModel: substitute ComputeMeanFreePath() by CrossSectionPerVolume() resulting in minor CPU speedup for compound materials. o G4PAIModel, G4PAIPhotonModel: removed usage of random numbers at initialisation, to avoid potential non-reproducibility issues. o G4BetheBlochModel: fixed and simplified initialisation for ions needed for the new G4IonParametrisedLossModel of low-energy package. o G4IonFluctuations: removed extra phenomenological factor in fluctuation width. o G4WaterStopping: use updated ICRU'73 data. + Utils: o G4VEmModel: changed to protected the methods to access geometrical information ; added new method SetSampleZ() and SampleDeexcitationAlongStep(); multiple-scattering methods are moved to G4VMscModel; added protected methods for initialisation of ParticleChange. o G4VMscModel: added methods InitialiseSafetyHelper(), ComputeSafety(), ComputeGeomLimit() and ComputeDisplacement(). o G4VMscModel, G4VMultipleScattering: set default Range Factor to 0.04. o G4VEmProcess: added possibility for more than one model in SetEmModel() method. o G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess: added calls to de-excitation PostStep. Added ActivateDeexcitation() method in G4EmProcessOptions and '/process/em/deexcitation' UI command to messenger. Added de-excitation AlongStep per region. o G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4VMultipleScattering: set high energy limit to 10 TeV and number of bins to 77. Added initialisation of G4EmConfigurator. o G4LossTableBuilder: added protection in BuildRangeTable() against zero dEdx. o G4EmCalculator: extended use to DNA low-energy processes; take into account special DNA particles. o Ability to obtain pointer to G4EmConfigurator from G4LossTableManager simplifies user code for adding models per region. o G4EmModelManager: fixed the algorithm for selection of model by its energy range for the case of a small intersection of model energy intervals. Used for potential small overlap of energy regions of standard and low-energy models. o G4EmElementSelector: added protection for zero cross section at first and last bins of physics vector; do not use Spline interpolation. o Some code cleanup: improved comments, avoid inlined virtual methods. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections o Added new Glauber-Gribov cross section for ions, G4GGNuclNuclCrossSection. o G4IonsKoxCrossSection, G4IonsShenCrossSection, G4TripathiCrossSection, G4TripathiLightCrossSection: added protections against numerical FPE exceptions. + models/chiral_inv_phase_space o Tuning of the G4QCollision for better description of the pA interactions (E<290 MeV). o Improvement of G4QuasiFreeRatios for application in QGSC from E=0. o Order of models is changed in G4QDiscProcessMixer (was from L to H, now from H to L). o Bug fix in 'body' module against division by zero in G4QEnvironment. o Improvement for case when the Hypernucleus cannot decay into residual nucleus and pion; now it is decayed into residual nucleus and gamma. o For rare cases of the output hadron mass below the GS mass avoid exception in the G4QEnvironment class; use 'As-Is' filling for the hadron with appropriate warning. o Cleared warning in elastic scattering for low energy nHe and pHe reactions. o Added safety check of 'nDelta' in the hadronization probability calculations in G4Quasmon. o Adapted to new signature of GetNuclearMass(A,Z) with integer arguments. o Improved readability of the CHIPS code (get rid of tab's) and code improvements. + models/coherent_elastic o Model precise sampling and 'on the fly' table preparation in G4DiffuseElastic. + models/de_excitation o Fixes to GEM code, in G4GEMProbability and G4GEMChannel. o Fixed 4-momentum balance by using direct Lorentz computations in G4CompetitiveFission. Make use of internal units. + models/neutron_hp o Fixed bug in IC electron emissions for G4NeutronHPPhotonDist and G4NeutronHPInelasticCompFS. + models/parton_string/hadronization o Changed pt sampling in G4LundStringFragmentation to avoid near endless loop; this should improve overall performance slightly. Addresses problem report #1066. Affected G4VLongitudinalStringDecay, where SampleQuarkPt() is implemented; added new optional argument of max Pt to SampleQuarkPt(). o Removed warning in G4ExcitedStringDecay for applying QGSC from zero energy. - models/parton_string/qgsm o Fix in G4SPBaryon for anti-baryon: a diquark & quark was given instead of anti-diquark & antiquark; note the reverse order, too. Fixes problems with incident anti-baryons, e.g. anti-proton, manifesting in problems with forming hadrons. o Modifications in G4GammaParticipants and G4QGSParticipants for applying QGSC from zero energy. + models/qmd o Fixed bug in gamma (mass zero) participants in G4QMDCollision. o Changed object data member to pointer in G4QMDReaction. + models/rpg o Removed global variables (pointers to static particle definitions) in G4RPGInelastic and replaced with local array. Fixed issues of wrong order for static initialization. + models/theo_high_energy o Quasi Elastic part is used in QGSC at low energies to improve the performance of QGSC at low energies. + processes o Fix to address problem report #1056: cross section data set now are created dynamically in G4PhotoNuclearProcess, G4ElectronNuclearProcess and G4PositronNuclearProcess. o Moved inline constructor and destructors to source in class G4PositronNuclearProcess. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Cuts: o Replaced usage of std::abs() with std::fabs() where appropriate. + Optical: o Fix in G4OpBoundaryProcess for complex index of refraction: resample the reflectivity every time for DielectricMetal, and do not re-calculate normal to facet; also fixed possible infinite loop by resetting iTE and iTM inside GetReflectivity(). o Added exception for cases where invalid normal is returned; following problem report #1060. o Track: ----- + Modified implementation of GetVelocity() for particle-change for performance improvement. + Set 'lowEnergyLimit' to 1 eV in G4ParticleChangeForLoss. o Visualization: ------------- + HepRep: o Resolved compilation error reported by gcc-4.4.0. o Data Sets: --------- + G4EMLOW-6.5: o Corrected corrupted data files: ioni/ion-sp-38.dat, ioni/ion-sp-56.dat and ioni/ion-sp-57.dat. Addresses problem report #1042. o Extended energy range of Champion e- elastic scattering model from 10 KeV up to 10 MeV. o Examples: -------- + Various fixes, improvements, adoption of new features. + advanced/amsEcal o New example implementing the AMS Ecal calorimeter. + advanced/hadrontherapy: o Reviewed physics implementation. Now Hadrontherapy can be launched with physics-lists, packages and built-in physics models. All models can be activated via macro command. o Enabled use of new implementation of low-energy Livermore and Penelope models o Improved HadrontherapyModulator. o Corrected stepMax value in each macro in order to avoid wrong dose deposition in the first slice. o Corrected a bug in the call of a physics-list and in proton_therapy.mac. o Modified and revised the README (now in PDF format) and macro files. + advanced/microbeam o Updated physics-list to combination of migrated Livermore processes and standard EM processes. o Corrected plotting fuctions and switching field value. + advanced/microdosimetry o Updated physics-list to migrated Geant4-DNA processes. Modified SteppingAction accordingly. Updated README. + advanced/nanobeam o Fixed compilation warnings on gcc-4.3 on SLC5. + advanced/radiation_monitor o Added macros reproducing run results: new results with proton at 254MeV, 150 Mev and 50 Mev of energy; new macros with Kapton material. o Changed limits of LENeutronInelastic for 0.1 GeV in RadmonPhysicsNeutronBertini and RadmonPhysicsNeutronBinary classes. o Fix for compilation error in RadmonTLabelledCollection. + advanced/xray_fluorescence o Reviewed physics setup and analysis. + extended/analysis/AnaEx01 o Corrected GNUmakefile and some cleanup. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm3 o Fix to HistoManager::PrintHisto(): avoid empty ascii file. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5 o Added missing notification to G4RunManager when geometry or material are modified between runs. o Added PAI models configuration to Physics List. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm6 o Increased upper limit of energy in the tables to 1000 TeV. + extended/electromagnetic/TestEm18 o Changes to PhysicsList. + extended/field/field04 o Commented out timing on initial seed to allow for reproducibility of results. + extended/hadronic/Hadr01 o Updated physics-list. + extended/medical/fanoCavity o Corrected computation of 'error' in EndOfRun. + extended/persistency/gdml/G01 o Added new GDML samples for matrices+loops and optical-surfaces. o Added missing inclusion of headers in main() translation unit. + extended/persistency/gdml/G02 o Added missing inclusion of headers after cleanup. + extended/persistency/gdml/G03 o Extended example to show also capability to write extended schema; Added custom writer class. o Renamed translation unit for main to "". o Added missing inclusion of headers after cleanup. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o Official platforms: + Linux, gcc-4.1.2, gcc-4.3.2. Tested on 32 bits architectures and 64 bits architectures (Intel or AMD) with the Scientific Linux CERN 5 (SLC5) distribution (based on RedHat Linux Enterprise 5). Versions of Geant4 have also been compiled successfully on other Linux distributions, like Debian, Suse or other RedHat systems. + MacOSX 10.5, gcc-4.0.1 + Windows/XP and CygWin Tools with: Visual C++ 9.0 (Visual Studio 2008) o More verified configurations: + Linux, gcc-4.4.0 + Linux, Intel-icc 11.0 o Geant4 9.3-beta-01 requires the installation of CLHEP- Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.