Geant4 9.4 - patch-03 Release Notes ----------------------------------- 9 December 2011 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.4.p02: o Configuration: ------------- + Darwin-g++.gmk: modified OGLLIBS settings for proper configuration of OpenGL libraries in combination with Qt. Allow use of Qt libraries not installed as Framework. Also addressing problem report #1267. Removed unnecessary 'gcov' linkage for dynamic libraries. + G4UI_BUILD.gmk: added setting of G4INTY_BUILD_XT for OPENGLXM and OIX. Visualization drivers need Xt, so this covers the case when the user does not build Xt from G4UI_BUILD flags. Addressing problem report #1250. o Digits_Hits: ----------- + G4THitsMap: removed the print-out of total value, to avoid inconsistency caused by a class which does not have += operator or cannot be initilized to 0. Addressing to the problem report #1258. + Fixed some Coverity defects for uninitialised pointers in G4TDigiCollection and G4THitsCollection. o Error Propagation: ----------------- + Defined method GetTranfMat() in G4ErrorFreeTrajectoryState. Addresses problem report #1248. o Geometry: -------- + divisions: o Optimise initialization of phi angles in parameterisation for tubs and cons. + magnetic_field: o Corrected computation of 'omegac' G4EqEMFieldWithEDM, G4Mag_SpinEqRhs and G4EqEMFieldWithSpin with more coherent formula. Simplified formula for computation of kinetic energy in G4FieldTrack. + navigation: o Fix in locator classes and navigator to address cases of tracks stuck on boundary of volumes: improved the condition for accepting a candidate intersection with a boundary in all locator classes, now checking if the track enters in the new volume. Resolves long-standing issue reported by ATLAS. + solids/Boolean: o Corrected protection in G4SubtractionSolid::DistanceToIn(p,v) introduced previously and relaxed to not cause event abortion. + solids/CSG: o G4Sphere: fix for setting of relative radial tolerances when setters for radiuses are explicitely called (affecting parameterisations on radius for spheres). Relaxed validity condition in construction for the minimum size of the outer radius. + solids/specific: o Fix in G4TriangularFacet::Intersect() to take into account geometrical tolerance and cases of zero distance from surface's facet; fixed tests where square root was compared to half Cartesian tolerance; now compared to kCarTolerance. Addressing problem report #1242. o Fix in G4TessellatedSolid::DistanceToOut(p) and DistanceToIn(p) to exactly compute distance from facet avoiding use of 'outgoing' flag shortcut variant. Addressing problem report #1242. o Fix in G4Paraboloid::DistanceToIn(p,v) and DistanceToIn(p) to properly take into account tolerance and provide better estimation of distance respectively. Addresses problem report #1234. o Fix in G4EllipticalCone in DistanceToIn(p,v) to exclude imaginary solution (virtual cone) when distance is calculated. o Defined SetReferences() and InvertFacets() to G4GenericTrap::CreatePolyhedron() for proper visualisation of Boolean compositions with G4GenericTrap. o Defined SetReferences() to G4TessellatedSolid::CreatePolyhedron() for proper visualisation of Boolean compositions with G4TessellatedSolid. Addresses problem report #1235. o Fixed logic in G4VTwistSurface::GetEdgeVisibility() in treatment of corners. + volumes: o Use WIN32 instead of G4LIB_BUILD_DLL as flag for protecting allocator choice in G4NavigationHistory on Windows. o Global: ------ + Added missing post-const qualifier to G4String::compareTo() methods + Changed date for patch-03 to release 9.4. o Graphical Representations: ------------------------- + G4PolyhedronArbitrary: defined SetReferences() and InvertFacets() methods necessary at the end to complete the polyhedron, in particular if the polyhedron suffers subsequent Boolean operations. + Consistently make use of G4 types in HepPolyhedron and BooleanProcessor. o Persistency: ----------- + ascii: * Fixed case of dereferencing null pointer in G4tgbGeometryDumper DumpRotationMatrix() method. * Fixed bug on the usage of units. Addressing problem report #1240. * Fixed trivial compilation warning from Xcode in G4tgbVolume. + gdml: * Fixes in reader to properly consider units in import for G4GenericTrap, G4EllipticalTube, G4TessellatedSolid and G4Tet. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + HighEnergy: o Removed include of unused header in G4GammaConversionToMuons. + Standard: o G4CoulombScatteringModel, G4eCoulombScatteringModel: increased low-energy threshold from 1 eV to 1 keV, below this threshold particle energy is set to zero o G4UrbanMscModel90, G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93: added protection for sampling of angle for very small steps and high energy e-. Fixing rare cases of back-reflection. + Utils: o G4EmModelManager: fixed bug in algorithm to smooth cross-sections between different models. Responsible for observed discrepancy in lateral shower shapes reported by CMS. + Xrays: o G4SynchrotronRadiation, G4SynchrotronRadiationInMat: fixed length of C-arrays for the interface with EM field. Addressing problem report #1236. o Fixed compilation warnings for variables set but not used. Fixed some Coverity defects. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + cross_sections: o G4ElectroNuclearCrossSection: protections to avoid FPE numerical problems at low energies + management: o G4HadronicProcess: changed order of checks, first track status, second cross-section (avoid computation of cross-section for zero energy particles). + models/cascade: o G4CascadeInterface: added protection for proton target conservation failures. These happen due to elastic scattering near threshold. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Parameterisations/gflash: o Fixed bug in G4FlashShowerModel::ModelTrigger() for energy condition. o Fixed Coverity defects, mainly related to uninitialised static data. + Transportation: o Modified calcuation of 'deltaTime' for optical photons in G4Transportation (and G4CoupledTtansportation). The final velocity obtained by G4Track CalculateVelocityForOpticalPhoton() should be used instead of the initial velocity of the step. Addressing problem report #1239. o Track: ----- + Fix problems related to treatment of weight in G4ParticleChange. Addressing problem report #1243. + Use G4VelocityTable as singleton to avoid unnecessary creation of G4PhysicsVector objects in the event loop. o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs. + extended/parameterisations/gflash o Fixed bug in ExGflashSensitiveDetector::Initialize() for creation of new hits collection. + novice/N04 o Optimised initialisation of Phi angles in parameterisations to avoid recomputation of trigonometry. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of release 9.4 or 9.4.p02. o Technical notes distributed for release 9.4 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.4.p03 are available through our "Download" Web page: Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.