Geant4 9.5 - patch-01 Release Notes ----------------------------------- 20 March 2012 List of fixes included in this public patch since the public release 9.5: o Analysis: -------- + Added missing header inclusion in tools/wroot/file to allow for compilation on gcc-4.7 and fixed minor compilation warnings. o Configuration: ------------- + CMake scripts: o Corrected settings for expansion variable for prepending path to G4WORKDIR. Addressing problem report #1265. o Added function to create dictionaries. o Corrected setup and compilation options for Intel/icc compiler. o Fixed symbols filtering for Windows 64-bits. + Moved basic "-lm -lstdc++" link options in LOADLIBS within platform specific configuration scripts. Avoid using "-lm" on Linux-icc platform. + Corrected debug compilation option in WIN32-VC, to use -MDd instead of -MD. Increased stack size of executable to 12Mb. + Corrected condition for determining QT_AS_FRAMEWORK flag depending on how QTHOME is defined in Darwin setups. Addresses problem report #1267. + Removed unnecessary 'gcov' linkage for dynamic libs in Darwin-g++.gmk. + Added Darwin-clang experimental configuration. Requires explicit addition of -lstdc++ to LDLIBS in architecture.gmk. o Error Propagation: ----------------- + Set navigator to stepping manager and field locators; fixing crash on Windows. Fixed minor Coverity defects. o Event: ----- + Corrected settings of 'sigmaX' and 'sigmaY' in G4SPSPosDistribution SetBeamSigmaInR(). Addressing problem report #1278. + Added dummy copy constructor and operator=() to G4Event. Addressing problem report #1277. + Corrected location of G4Exception in G4UserEventAction constructor. o G3toG4: ------ + Fixed minor Coverity defects. o Geometry: -------- + magnetic_field: o G4Mag_UsualEqRhs: in SetChargeMomentumMass() method, fixed problem with division by zero. o Simplified implementation of constructors. + navigation: o Corrected redundant condition in G4PropagatorInField. Revised threshold for decreaseFactor=0.5 from 100 to 30 times the zero-step threshold. o G4MultiNavigator: fix for dealing with cases of clashing normals and return Invalid normal. Replaced FatalException with Warning, issued only if fVerbose > 2. o Fixed left over debug flags for field check in locator classes. Some code cleanup. + solids/specific: o Fix in G4EllipticalCone in DistanceToIn(p,v) to exclude imaginary solution (virtual cone) when distance is calculated. o Fixed trivial Coverity defects in G4TwistedTubs and G4VTwistedFaceted for missing protection against self-assignment. o Global: ------ + Corrected cases of variables never read in G4ConvergenceTester and G4DataInterpolation. + Updated date and version for 9.5.p01. o Materials: --------- + G4MaterialPropertiesTable: cosmetic changes to GetProperty(), GetConstProperty() and ConstPropertyExists() methods. + Fixed compilation warnings on Ubuntu. o Persistency: ----------- + Added correction in G4tbgVolume in 'ascii' module for treatment of G4TessellatedSolid vertex type. Addressing problem report #1270. + Corrected initialization of material properties in G4GDMLReadMaterials. + Fixed minor Coverity defects in 'mctruth' module. o Electromagnetic Processes: ------------------------- + Low Energy: o Fixed defects reported by the Coverity analysis for Penelope-related classes. + Muons: o Fixed initialisation of transport cross-section in G4EnergyLossForExtrapolator. + Standard: o G4UrbanMscModel92, G4UrbanMscModel93, G4UrbanMscModel95: added protection against big scattering angles for e+- (E > 20 MeV); the protection cuts tail of scattering angles to avoid artificial scattering of high energy e+-; in the case of E > 1 GeV and cosTheta<0 a warning is now printed out. o G4UniversalFluctuation: fixed sampling at small steps (below 10 um) in heavy media about shift in range of 3 MeV muons. Improved parameterisation for thin gas layers. o G4WentzeVIModel: fixed bug in computation of lateral displacement. Following report #1114 in HyperNews forum. Improved algorithm of sampling of scattering angle and displacement: choice between 1 or 2 sub-steps. Added G4Exception to identify misuse of transport cross-section computation. o G4WentzelOKandVIxSection: fixed incorrect selection of limit on minimal angle (affect large angle scattering of muons). Different screening functions for e+- and heavy particles. o G4IonCoulombScatteringModel: fixed numerical problem for small scattering angles. o G4GoudsmitSaundersonTable, G4GoudsmitSaundersonMscModel: fixed compilation warnings on Ubuntu. + Utils: o G4VEnergyLossProcess fixed crash due to apply G4hIonisation for ions; fixed computation of delta-electron cross section for ions and very small cuts (about 1 um). o G4VEnergyLossProcess, G4VEmProcess, G4LossTableBuilder: delete old G4PhysicsVectors if new vectors are built between runs. o Hadronic Processes: ------------------ + models/CHIPS: o G4QCaptureAtRest: added check on 4-momentum balance for violations of more than 2 GeV; repeat sampling again. Check baryon number of final state and take into account nuclear recoil at rest which is not produced as a final particle. + models/coherent_elastic: o Fixed Coverity defect in G4AntiNuclElastic. o Fixed printout of units in G4HadronElastic. + models/lend: o Fixed compilation warnings on Ubuntu; cleanup of header files inclusion. + models/neutron_hp: o Added protection against emission of unphysical ultra-low energy photons in G4NeutronHPCaptureFS. o Fixed warning message in G4NeutronHPInelastic. + processes: o Fixes in G4WHadronElasticProcess to remove unnecessary calls responsible for run-time memory growth. Addressing problem report #1286. o Generic Processes: ----------------- + Cuts: o Fixed defects reported by Coverity in G4ProductionCutsTable RetrieveCutsInfo(). + Optical: o G4OpBoundaryProcess: call ProposeVelocity() for particle-change at every invocation of DoIt(); for Fresnel refraction calculate final velocity locally. Addressing problem report #1275. + Scoring: o Bug fix G4ParallelWorldProcess for incorrect initialization for secondary tracks. o Run: --- + Fixed Coverity defects in assignment operator of G4VModularPhysicsList. o Track: ----- + Fix in G4Track::CalculateVelocityForOpticalPhoton(), according to modification in G4OpBoundaryProcess, to address problem report #1275. + Set 'false' to 'SecondaryWeightByProcess' as default. Addressing problem report #1273. + Fix to reset 'RestMass' in G4FieldTrackUpdator::Update() method as it is used to initialise each track by ParallelWorldScoringProcess. + Fixed Coverity defects related to copy constructor and assignment operator. o Tracking: -------- + Remove not defined method GetNavigator() and moved SetNavigator() to public in G4SteppingManager. o Visualization: ------------- + Management: o Removed unwarranted DrawView() in G4VisManager::EndOfEvent(). It was causing two copies of the geometry to be drawn. o Fixed size of "screen-size" markers in G4VSceneHandler::GetMarkerSize(). o In /vis/scene/notifyHandlers, downgraded "scene has changed" from WARNING to NOTE. + Modeling: o Activate search also in parallel worlds in method G4PhysicalVolumeModel::Validate(). o G4AttributeFilterT::AddInterval() and AddValue(): relaxed exception in case of already existing interval/value. + RayTracer: o Fix for up-vector, addressing problem report #1274. o Other small fixes. o Examples: -------- + Updated reference outputs. + advanced/air_shower: o Fixed compilation warnings on gcc-4.6. + advanced/xray_fluorescence o Fixed induced memory corruption problem in XrayFluoNistMaterials, only intermittently visible on MacOSX. + basic/B4 o Fixed compiler warning on Windows. + extended/hadronic/Hadr00 o HistoManager: use material pointer in the interface to cross- sections (fixes crash for Physics Lists with HP). + extended/hadronic/Hadr01 o DetectorMessenger: fixed deletion of objects. + extended/hadronic/Hadr02 o Fixed missing line of code in G4DPMJET2_5CrossSection. + extended/runAndEvent/RE02 o Fixed indexing scheme of CopyNo() method in the RunAction. + novice/N02 + novice/N03 o Modified SteppingVerbose to correctly treat 'OutOfWorld' case. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Notes --------------- o This patch should be applied on top of release 9.5. o Technical notes distributed for release 9.5 are also applicable and valid for this patch. The code and rebuilt binary libraries for release 9.5.p01 are available through our "Download" Web page: Please refer to the Geant4 User Documentation: for further information about using Geant4.