# Copyright (c) 2010-2022, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced # at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files # LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-443271. # # This file is part of the GLVis visualization tool and library. For more # information and source code availability see https://glvis.org. # # GLVis is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file # CONTRIBUTING.md for details. # CMake v3.10 is where "Imported Targets" like "Freetype::Freetype" are # introduced. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_REQUIRED ON) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # Prohibit in-source builds if ("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") message(FATAL_ERROR "In-source builds are prohibited.") endif ("${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}" STREQUAL "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}") project(glvis NONE) # Import MFEM. The following variables can be used to help CMake find MFEM: # * MFEM_DIR - absolute path to the MFEM build or install prefix. # * mfem_DIR - absolute path to where MFEMConfig.cmake is. message(STATUS "Looking for mfem ...") set(MFEM_DIR "" CACHE PATH "Path to the MFEM build or install prefix.") if (MFEM_DIR) find_package(mfem REQUIRED NAMES MFEM HINTS "${MFEM_DIR}" "${MFEM_DIR}/lib/cmake/mfem" NO_DEFAULT_PATH) else() find_package(mfem REQUIRED NAMES MFEM) endif() message(STATUS "Found mfem config in: ${mfem_DIR} (version ${MFEM_VERSION})") # Use the same C++ compiler as MFEM. This is needed when MFEM was built using # an MPI wrapper and we do not have explicitly the MPI compile and link flags. if (NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER AND MFEM_CXX_COMPILER) set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER "${MFEM_CXX_COMPILER}") endif() enable_language(C) enable_language(CXX) # Default options match the Makefile if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Release") endif() option(GLVIS_USE_LIBTIFF "Use libtiff for taking screenshots internally" OFF) option(GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG "Use libpng for taking screenshots internally" ON) # # Handle a few other definitions # # Default multisampling mode if (NOT GLVIS_MULTISAMPLE) set(GLVIS_MULTISAMPLE 4) endif (NOT GLVIS_MULTISAMPLE) # Default multisampling line-width if (NOT GLVIS_MS_LINEWIDTH) if (NOT APPLE) set(GLVIS_MS_LINEWIDTH 1.4) else() # This value seems to work better on Macs set(GLVIS_MS_LINEWIDTH 1.0) endif() endif (NOT GLVIS_MS_LINEWIDTH) # # Start finding everything # set(_glvis_compile_defs) set(_glvis_compile_opts) set(_glvis_include_dirs) set(_glvis_libraries) list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "GLVIS_MULTISAMPLE=${GLVIS_MULTISAMPLE}") list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "GLVIS_MS_LINEWIDTH=${GLVIS_MS_LINEWIDTH}") if (NOT WIN32) list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "GLVIS_USE_LOGO") else() list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "_USE_MATH_DEFINES") endif() if(NOT WIN32) find_program(XXD_FOUND xxd) if(NOT XXD_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "Required tool not found: xxd.") endif() endif() if (CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE MATCHES "Debug|debug|DEBUG") list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "GLVIS_DEBUG") list(APPEND _glvis_compile_opts "-Wall") endif() # Include paths and libraries needed by MFEM set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${MFEM_CXX_FLAGS}") list(APPEND _glvis_include_dirs "${MFEM_INCLUDE_DIRS}") list(APPEND _glvis_libraries "${MFEM_LIBRARIES}") if (NOT EMSCRIPTEN) # Find OpenGL find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED) list(APPEND _glvis_libraries OpenGL::GL) # Find 'SDL2' which is not part of the CMake standard modules list(APPEND SDL2_DIR "../SDL2") set(SDL2_DIR_SAVE ${SDL2_DIR}) find_package(SDL2 QUIET HINTS ${SDL2_DIR}) # The SDL2 target 'SDL2::SDL2' is not always defined, so instead we use # directly 'SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS' and 'SDL2_LIBRARIES'. if (TARGET SDL2::SDL2) list(APPEND _glvis_libraries SDL2::SDL2) elseif (SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS AND SDL2_LIBRARIES) # SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS is defined with 'SDL2' at the end of the path we need to # strip that. set(new_list_) foreach (path IN LISTS SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS) string(REGEX REPLACE "/include/SDL2$" "/include" new_path_ "${path}") list(APPEND new_list_ "${new_path_}") endforeach() set(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS ${new_list_}) list(APPEND _glvis_include_dirs "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS}") list(APPEND _glvis_libraries "${SDL2_LIBRARIES}") else() # find_package() did not work; try more direct approach. set(SDL2_DIR ${SDL2_DIR_SAVE}) find_path(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS "SDL2/SDL.h" HINTS ${SDL2_DIR} ENV SDL2_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES "include" DOC "SDL2 include path.") find_library(SDL2_LIBRARIES "SDL2" HINTS ${SDL2_DIR} ENV SDL2_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES "lib" DOC "SDL2 library.") if (NOT (SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS AND SDL2_LIBRARIES)) message(FATAL_ERROR "SDL2 library not found. Please set SDL2_DIR.") endif() list(APPEND _glvis_include_dirs "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS}") list(APPEND _glvis_libraries "${SDL2_LIBRARIES}") endif() message(STATUS "SDL2 found: ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}") message(STATUS "SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS = ${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS}") # Find GLEW # GLEW search path can be set using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "../glew") find_package(GLEW REQUIRED) list(APPEND _glvis_libraries GLEW::GLEW) # Find 'glm' which is not part of the CMake standard modules list(APPEND GLM_DIR "../glm") find_package(glm QUIET HINTS ${GLM_DIR}) if (NOT GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS) find_path(GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS "glm/glm.hpp" HINTS ${GLM_DIR} ENV GLM_DIR PATH_SUFFIXES "include" DOC "GLM include path.") if (NOT GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS) message(FATAL_ERROR "GLM headers not found. Please set GLM_DIR.") endif() endif() message(STATUS "GLM headers found: ${GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS}") list(APPEND _glvis_include_dirs "${GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS}") # Find TIFF if (GLVIS_USE_LIBTIFF) find_package(TIFF) if (TIFF_FOUND) list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "GLVIS_USE_LIBTIFF") list(APPEND _glvis_libraries TIFF::TIFF) else() message(WARNING "TIFF library not found. TIFF disabled.") set(GLVIS_USE_LIBTIFF OFF) endif (TIFF_FOUND) endif (GLVIS_USE_LIBTIFF) # Find PNG if (GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG) find_package(PNG) if (PNG_FOUND) list(APPEND _glvis_compile_defs "GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG") list(APPEND _glvis_libraries PNG::PNG) else() message(WARNING "PNG library not found. PNG disabled.") set(GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG OFF) endif (PNG_FOUND) endif (GLVIS_USE_LIBPNG) # Find FreeType. find_package(Freetype REQUIRED) # Find FontConfig (FindFontconfig.cmake was added in CMake 3.14) find_library(FONTCONFIG_LIBRARY fontconfig HINTS ${FONTCONFIG_DIR} $ENV{FONTCONFIG_DIR} DOC "The fontconfig library for use with FreeType." NO_DEFAULT_PATH) find_library(FONTCONFIG_LIBRARY fontconfig) if (FONTCONFIG_LIBRARY) list(APPEND _glvis_libraries Freetype::Freetype) # Need FONTCONFIG_INCLUDE_DIRS? list(APPEND _glvis_libraries "${FONTCONFIG_LIBRARY}") message(STATUS "Found Fontconfig: ${FONTCONFIG_LIBRARY}") else() message(STATUS "Fontconfig not found. Please set FONTCONFIG_DIR.") message(FATAL_ERROR "Fontconfig not found.") endif (FONTCONFIG_LIBRARY) # Find threading library find_package(Threads REQUIRED) list(APPEND _glvis_libraries "${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}") if (CMAKE_USE_PTHREADS_INIT) message(STATUS "System threading library: pthreads") elseif (CMAKE_USE_WIN32_THREADS_INIT) message(STATUS "System threading library: Win32 threads") elseif (Threads_FOUND) message(STATUS "System threading library: other") endif() else(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) find_package(glm REQUIRED) list(APPEND _glvis_include_dirs "${GLM_INCLUDE_DIRS}") set(_emscripten_opts) # Enable embind list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "--bind") # OpenGL, SDL2, and GLEW are provided by the Emscripten runtime # Enable SDL2 list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s USE_SDL=2") list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s DISABLE_DEPRECATED_FIND_EVENT_TARGET_BEHAVIOR=0") # Set WebGL options list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s GL_ASSERTIONS=1 -s GL_DEBUG=1 -s MAX_WEBGL_VERSION=2") # Enable Freetype port list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s USE_FREETYPE=1") # Module export options list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s ENVIRONMENT=web") list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s MODULARIZE=1") list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s EXPORT_NAME=glvis") # Other emscripten options list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1") list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "-s SINGLE_FILE=1") list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "--no-heap-copy") # Since we don't have access to fontconfig, embed a font if (NOT EXISTS "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/OpenSans.ttf") message(FATAL_ERROR "Preload font file \"OpenSans.ttf\" not found.") endif() list(APPEND _emscripten_opts "--embed-file ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/OpenSans.ttf@OpenSans.ttf") endif(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) message(STATUS "GLVis build type: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}") message(STATUS "GLVis defines: ${_glvis_compile_defs}") # message(STATUS "GLVis opts: ${_glvis_compile_opts}") # message(STATUS "GLVis include dirs: ${_glvis_include_dirs}") # message(STATUS "GLVis libraries: ${_glvis_libraries}") message(STATUS "CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}") # # Setup the GLVis library target # add_subdirectory(lib) add_subdirectory(share) if(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) # Setup the GLVis executable set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH ON CACHE BOOL "") set(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH "${MFEM_LIBRARY_DIR}" CACHE PATH "") add_executable(glvis-exe glvis.cpp) set_target_properties(glvis-exe PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME glvis) target_link_libraries(glvis-exe PRIVATE glvis) if (WIN32) target_sources(glvis-exe PRIVATE "share/windows.manifest" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/share/resource.rc") else() target_link_libraries(glvis-exe PRIVATE glvis_logo) endif (WIN32) # Install the executable install(TARGETS glvis-exe RUNTIME DESTINATION bin) # Install the gnutls helper script if (MFEM_USE_GNUTLS) install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/glvis-keygen.sh DESTINATION bin PERMISSIONS OWNER_READ OWNER_WRITE OWNER_EXECUTE GROUP_READ GROUP_EXECUTE WORLD_READ WORLD_EXECUTE) endif (MFEM_USE_GNUTLS) set(GLVIS_APP_ICON ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/share/GLVis.icns) set(GLVIS_APP_CREDITS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/share/Credits.rtf) set_source_files_properties( ${GLVIS_APP_ICON} ${GLVIS_APP_CREDITS} PROPERTIES MACOSX_PACKAGE_LOCATION "Resources") add_executable(app MACOSX_BUNDLE glvis.cpp ${GLVIS_APP_ICON} ${GLVIS_APP_CREDITS}) set_target_properties(app PROPERTIES EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL TRUE OUTPUT_NAME GLVis MACOSX_BUNDLE_INFO_PLIST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/share/Info.cmake.plist.in) target_link_libraries(app PRIVATE glvis glvis_logo) install(TARGETS app RUNTIME DESTINATION . BUNDLE DESTINATION .) install(CODE [[ include (BundleUtilities) fixup_bundle("${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/GLVis.app" "" "") ]] COMPONENT RUNTIME) endif(NOT EMSCRIPTEN) if(ENABLE_TESTS) enable_testing() add_subdirectory(tests) endif(ENABLE_TESTS)