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1.5.10 Libraries

The Libraries location contains libraries (shared/static object files that are linked into programs). (NOTE: In the GNUstep filesystem layout, the Libraries directory being in Library may sound somewhat redundant, however, it could be read as "a Library of shared libraries").

In the GNUstep filesystem layout, the Library/Libraries folder contains two other folders: Resources and Java. It’s important to notice that when the Libraries location is moved elsewhere, these folders are not moved; they will still be in Library/Libraries/Resources and Library/Libraries/Java.

In GNUmakefiles, the Libraries location is available via the GNUSTEP_LIBRARIES variable, which is the location for the domain in which the software will be installed. You can also reference the locations in the various domains directly by using the variables GNUSTEP_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES, GNUSTEP_NETWORK_LIBRARIES, GNUSTEP_LOCAL_LIBRARIES and GNUSTEP_USER_LIBRARIES.

In gnustep-base, the Libraries locations are available by using the GSLibrariesDirectory directory key for NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains().