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3.1.2 Building the Package

To build the individual packages, use this familiar set of commands for each pacakge (add any additional options you decide upon):

make install

Start with the Makefile Package (gnustep-make). After installing gnustep-make you need to execute GNUstep’s shell configuration script, as follows:

 . /usr/local/share/GNUstep/Makefiles/

before proceeding any further.

NOTE for gcc 2.X or MinGW users: Now install gnustep-objc. Before building gnustep-objc, edit the GNUmakefile and set the THREADING variable to the thread library used on your system (usually its posix, but you can leave it at single if you don’t need threads). At this point you should probably re-configure, make and install gnustep-make, so it can pick up on any threading information that gnustep-objc provides.

Now install gnustep-base, gnustep-gui and finally gnustep-back.

NOTE: If you are trying to install the packages without root permission, you may need to change one thing in the base library. Edit the file gnustep-base/Tools/gdomap.h to uncomment the last line and modify the specified port number to a port which you know is not in use on your network. You should only do this if absolutely necessary since making this change will break communications with any systems where an identical change has not been made. Also, the standard gdomap port is the one officially registered with IANA and is reserved for use by gdomap - it should only be changed if you can’t get your system administrator to start the gdomap server using it.