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1.4.7 Java (java.make)

This project provides rules for building java programs. It also makes it easy to make java projects that interact with the GNUstep libraries. Project Variables


JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME is the reverse DNS style Java package name that resides in this project.

Java project: JAVA_FILES

xxx_JAVA_FILES is the list of Java source code files, with a .java extension, that are compiled for the xxx project. xxx should be replaced with the name of the Java package specified in JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME.

Java project: JAVA_JNI_FILES

xxx_JAVA_JNI_FILES is the list of Java source code files for which javah should produce header files for integration with Objective-C code. xxx should be replaced with the name of the Java package specified in JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME.


xxx_JAVA_PROPERTIES_FILES can be used to specify properties files to install. xxx should be replaced with the name of the Java package specified in JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME.


xxx_JAVA_MANIFEST_FILE can be used to specify a manifest fragment that is used when building a jar file for the xxx package. xxx should be replaced with the name of the Java package specified in JAVA_PACKAGE_NAME.

Java project: JAVA_JAR_NAME

xxx_JAVA_JAR_NAME can be used to specify a custom name for the jar built by make jar. The default would be the package name (xxx) with all dots replaced by hyphens.