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Brainstorm Objective-C programming manual

The aim of this manual is to provide a tutorial and reference manual to the use of the Objective-C language with the GNUstep-base library. We want it to be readable enough for programmers with a reasonable understanding of C or Java ... even if english is not the programmers first/main language. We also want it to cover the language in enough depth to teach people how to get its full benefits, and understand its use in the Brainstorm software environment.

The programing manual is a work in progress. At the time of writing this, I believe that the overall structure is roughly correct and the actual content of the document is perhaps one third filled in. Once the content is complete, the document will probably need a good bit of editorial work to make it more readable and to check consistency etc.

The manual source is in texinfo format ... and is built automatically to info, html, and postscript format.

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