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3 Overview

Gorm is an application for creating the user interface (and possibly entire applications) for a GNUstep application. Initially a close clone of the old NeXTstep 3.3 Interface Builder application, I expect that Gorm will mutate beyond the capabilities of that app.

GNUstep is an object-oriented programming framework and a collection of tools developed for or using the GNUstep libraries.

You can find out more about GNUstep at

The basic idea behind Gorm is simple - it provides a graphical user interface with which to connect together objects from the GNUstep libraries (as well as custom-written objects) and set their attributes in an easy to use manner.

The collection of objects is then saved as a document which can either be re-loaded into Gorm for further editing, or can be loaded into a running GNUstep application in order to provide that application with a user interface or some subsystem.

3.1 What You Must Know To Understand This Manual

This manual assumes a working knowledge of Objective-C and C. These are necessary prerequisites to understanding some of the technical details and examples given here.

3.1.1 Major features

3.2 About this Manual

This manual is ment to cover basic operation of the Gorm application. It is not meant to be a complete tutorial on GNUstep programming.

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