Hively Tracker Windows Command Line Player Change Log 1.9 === + 1.9 replayer bug fixes 1.8 === + 1.8 replayer bug fixes 1.6 === + 1.6 replayer bug fixes 1.5 === + Plays files that require HT1.5 features 1.4 === + Added support for 9xx instrument playlist panning command + Fixed a really stupid bug 1.3 === + Should now play all AHX tunes properly + Shouldn't clip with loud tunes and stereo mixing levels below 100% any more. 1.1 === + Added 4xx command that was missing from both HivelyTracker and WinAHX for some unknown reason. The code was always there in WinAHX for all these years, but the 4xx command wasn't implimented so it was never called. 1.0 === + Bodged together this crappy example