1.9 xx-xxx-xxxx =============== - Added clamping to mixchunk() in the example replayer code (but not in the tracker proper as clipping noise is a good indicator to the composer to sort out the gain setting ;-) - White noise is now much more accurate to the real AHX sound - Example replayers come with accurate Amiga PAL/NTSC frequencies - Filters now sound exactly like the real AHX ones - Fixed potential divide by zero - Added workaround for Alt Gr handling on Windows. The windows SDL library sends dummy RCTRL key presses when you hit Alt Gr, so now right alt works as it should (thanks to AceMan) 1.8 07-May-2013 =============== - Fixed some warnings - Fixed E1x and E2x fine slide commands (thanks to passing_by and kode54) - Fixed broken stripping of 4xx upper nibble (thanks to passing_by). Due to a copy/paste bug, the fix for this in 1.6 only affected the left instrument column. - Speed multiplier range is now 1-4 in the GUI. The HVL and AHX module formats only support this range anyway, so you couldn't save a module with a mult. of 5 or 6 (thanks to javamannen) - Fixed some keyboard documentation bugs (thanks to javamannen) - "Alt+Cursor Left" and "Alt+Cursor Right" now behave the same as AHX (suggested by javamannen) - Updated all copyright dates and updated all URLs to hivelytracker.co.uk - Removed all mentions of the sadly defunct IRIS homepage 1.7 27-Oct-2012 =============== All platforms: - Fixed some crash bugs when closing tabs under certain circumstances - Fixed some memory leaks - Added an SDL wrapper that allows HivelyTracker to build for other platforms (Windows, OSX..) OS4: - Replaced some deprecated system calls with newer OS4 APIs 1.6 22-Oct-2008 =============== - Right since 1.0, EDx was broken because of how i'd implimented the two effect columns. Fixed. All replayers and plugins will need updating :-/ Thanks to skope for pointing this out. - Fixed validity check for Cxx command, which broke in the ht replayer because the parameter is signed. (fixes the sidvibes ahx file, which used invalid Cxx commands). Thanks to megacz for pointing it out. - The replayer now strips the upper nibble of 4xx instrument commands from "THX\0" AHX modules. These modules are saved from older versions of AHX that didn't have filters, and so if the upper nibble is set it activated filtering which is wrong since the module was created in an editor that didn't have filters. The AHX editor also does this stripping, but AFAIK WinAHX and its derivatives never did. 1.5 18-Aug-2008 =============== - A parameter in the undo system was declared as a signed byte instead of a signed word, which meant that some song parameters got corrupted when they went over 127. Editing songs over 127 positions long was buggered, for example. Can't believe i didn't spot this until now :( - Added Protracker mod import. Just like the one in AHX, it simply strips out all PT commands that are not equivalent to AHX ones, and all instruments are set to a simple tone, so you'll still have a lot of work to do to make it sound nice. - Added a size optimisation feature. It removes all unused instruments, and duplicate tracks. If you click with the right mousebutton, it'll additionally try and use the transpose column to remove tracks which are the same but transposed. However it doesn't know if sounds continue after the newly transposed track so you may have to manually fix any problems with that afterwards. Both modes keep the original version and open a new tab with the optimise version so you won't lose your work if it messes up. Both modes also use track 0 as the empty track as AHX and HVL both make smaller files if that is the case, however, if there are no empty tracks in the module, it won't keep track 0 blank unnecessarily. - Added a new command! When "EF1" is placed on or after the last note in a track, the "transpose" value for that channel will be preserved until another note is played in the channel. This overrides the default AHX/HVL behaviour, which is to switch to the next transpose value as soon as the next position is reached. - '=' now does row preview, like enter does in protracker - '-' now toggles horizontal advance in the position editor - Added "posedadvance", "notejump" and "inotejump" fields to the ht.prefs file. They don't show up in the prefs window, though, so you have to edit them manually (run hively 1.5 and quit it to make them show up in the file). "posedadvance" is either 0 or 1. When set to 0, horizontal advance is disabled by default. "defnotejump" is 0 to 9, and sets the default notejump in the pattern editor. "definotejump" is the same for the instrument editor. 1.4 24-Aug-2007 =============== - Playback no longer stops when the "Load Mod" filerequester is open - Undo & Redo for almost all edit operations - Cutting an area in the position editor cleared both columns of the left & right edges even if they weren't selected. Fixed. - Cutting or pasting in the position editor didn't update the track editor even if the current tracks were changed by the operation. Fixed. - If you change preference options that require the GUI to be closed and re-opened, it now does that instead of requiring you to quit and restart. - Skin directory, initial song directory and initial instrument directory options all now can be selected via ASL directory requester. - Right-clicking on a channel mute button now mutes all other channels except that channel. If it is already the only un-muted channel, all channels will be unmuted instead (suggested by Syphus). - Added "9xx" panning command to the instrument performancelist. It only changes the panning position for that specific instrument. The next time an instrument is played in that channel, it returns to the last panning position set with the traditional "7xx" track command. - Pasting or marking blocks in the position editor didn't work correctly if channel 1 wasn't the leftmost channel. Fixed. - Pressing Ctrl+B while marking a block now cancels block marking instead of resetting the mark position. - Added a drumpad mode, selectable either by the funky new on/off gadget or via the backslash key. When enabled, selecting instruments via numeric keyboard causes them to be played, and if edit mode is set, the instrument is inserted into the song. Suggested by Syphus. - Changed the release cut gadget from a 0/1 number gadget to the funk- tastic new on/off gadget (W00T!!111) - Fixed a bug in the command line replayer that was really dumb and should have been spotted ages ago! Oops. - Before, if a skin directory existed, and the logo bitmap existed in that directory, but there was any other file missing, hively would bomb out instead of reverting to the default skin and retrying. Now if a skin fails to load for any reason, hively retries with the default skin (SIDMonster-Light). This allows hively to load even if ht.prefs contains an invalid skin (such as SIDMonster-Heavy, which has been discontinued from 1.4 onwards). - Fixed an incorrect pointer in the autogain routine 1.3 05-Mar-2007 (sorry it took so long :) ========================================= - Position editor now has indicators so its clear to which channel each column relates (suggested by syphus). - If you used ring modulation effects in the right hand parameter list of an instrument, but not the left, it would try and save it as an AHX instrument instead of an HVL instrument. Fixed. (thanks to syphus). - Added Zap Song/Instrument/Position options (suggested by m0d) - Added play time indicator (suggested by someone, sorry forgot who). - You can now copy and paste arbitary regions in the position editor. (suggested by a couple of people, and I always intended to do it anyway :) - "prefs_bg" and "Settings" in skins are now "prefs_os4" and "Settings_os4" respectively so that the same skin can be used for both the OS4 and OS3.x versions. - Added some bounds checking to the replayer to avoid weird crashes - Fixed a couple of small bugs in the replayer (thanks to pieknyman) - When changing the position during playback, the current position plays through to the end before jumping to your selected position (suggested by syphus) - Some status information which should have been local to each tab was global. Oops. Fixed now. - Added Ctrl+Tab to jump to the same column in the next channel, and Shift+Ctrl+Tab to jump to the same column in the previous channel. (suggested by syphus) - Added Alt+A to mute all but the current channel (suggested by syphus) - Added Alt+Q to mute all channels - Right clicking on "New Tab" now makes an identical clone of the current tab. - Added speed multiplier gadget. This is a feature of both AHX and HVL tunes that was always implimented, but there was no way to actually set it in hivelytracker until now (oops :) - Pressing the right mousebutton in the instruments list of the instruments editor will copy the current instrument to the slot where you clicked. - Holding control and pressing the right mousebutton on a slot in the instrument list in the instrument editor will zap that instrument. - Changed the default gain values when loading in AHX modules and using stereo mixing. The values before were calculated by running lots of tunes through the Autogain calculations and using the lowest values that came out. Well, it was too high, so now I actually calculated them using actual maths! (thanks again to pieknyman for finding a tune that clipped). - Added some more options to the skin system to enable the cool new "Vintage" theme. 1.2 01-Jan-2007 (another bug fix release) ========================================= - Pressing ESC now swaps between the instrument editor and tracker panel (as in AHX, suggested by syphus) - An "are you sure?" requester now comes up when you try and quit, and if there are modified songs loaded, it warns you of that fact, too. (I always meant to do this but forgot. Thanks to syphus for the suggestion). - Updating instrument number, or FX parameters with notejump set to 0 didn't show the change until you scrolled the track editor. Fixed. (thanks to syphus). - Renamed the "palette" file in the skins to "Settings" and included the ability to set fonts in there (thanks to spot and buzz for the suggestion) - "Ctrl+K" and "Ctrl+Shift+K" keys actually worked without Ctrl pressed. Fixed (thanks to syphus) - Added "BlankZeros" option (suggested by Spot) - Fixed 4xx command which was missing from both HivelyTracker *and* the WinAHX sources that ahxplay.library was based on. The code was in there all these years, but the actual bit of code that decodes the 4xx command was missing! This fixes loads of old AHX tunes that played wrong in windows players. (thanks to syphus for pointing this out) - Fixed a bug that called RectFill() with a negative Y value. This caused no problem under OS4, or under OS3.x on RTG, but under AGA caused a bad crash. Fixed because even though it didn't cause a problem under OS4, it was still a bug. - Added "skinext" option to the skin settings file, so that skins can be in a format other than PNG. 1.1 19-Dec-2006 (bug fix release) ================================= - Ensured all images are actually PNG. Any skin loading issues *should* now be fixed. - Some places in the track editor were using the baseline offset of the wrong font (oops!). It didn't notice on OS4 since the two fonts had the same baseline. Fixed. - Notejump is now taken into account when editing instrument and effect columns as well as the note column. (suggested by syphus) - You can set notejump in the instrument editor, which is independant from the track editor notejump. (suggested by syphus). - Fixed a buffer overrun that somehow didn't cause a DSI under OS4, but caused havoc on BuZz's port. - Fixed an illegal memory access when clicking on buttons. Again, thanks to BuZz ;-) - Added www.hivelytracker.com to the screentitles 1.0 === - First release