# Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Hartmut Kaiser # Copyright (c) 2013,2016 Maciej Brodowicz # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSL-1.0 # Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying # file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) set(tests papi_counters_active_interface papi_counters_basic_functions papi_counters_segfault_1890 ) # The papi_counters_basic_functions test depends on floating point counters # being available. They are not always available so we only add it as an # executable, not a test. set(papi_counters_basic_functions_NOTEST TRUE) foreach(test ${tests}) set(sources ${test}.cpp) source_group("Source Files" FILES ${sources}) add_hpx_executable( ${test}_test INTERNAL_FLAGS SOURCES ${sources} COMPONENT_DEPENDENCIES papi_counters ${${test}_FLAGS} EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL HPX_PREFIX ${HPX_BUILD_PREFIX} FOLDER "Tests/Regressions/Components/Counters/Papi" ) if(NOT "${${test}_NOTEST}") add_hpx_regression_test( "components.papi_counters" ${test} ${${test}_PARAMETERS} ) endif() endforeach()