6. Setting up a correct SRU web service

The SRU specification mandates that the CQL query language is supported and properly configure. Also, the server needs to be able to emit a proper Explain XML record, which is used to determine the capabilities of the specific server instance.

In this example configuration we exploit the similarities between the Explain record and the CQL query language configuration, we generate the later from the former using an XSLT transformation.

     xsltproc conf/explain2cqlpqftxt.xsl conf/explain.xml > conf/cql2pqf.txt

We are all set to start the SRU/acro.z3950; server including PQF and CQL query configuration. It uses the YAZ frontend server configuration - just type

     zebrasrv -f conf/yazserver.xml

First, we'd like to be sure that we can see the Explain XML response correctly. You might use either of these equivalent requests: http://localhost:9999 http://localhost:9999/?version=1.1&operation=explain

Now we can issue true SRU requests. For example, dc.title=the and dc.description=fish results in the following page http://localhost:9999/?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&query=dc.title=the and dc.description=fish &startRecord=1&maximumRecords=1&recordSchema=dc

Scan of indexes is a part of the SRU server business. For example, scanning the dc.title index gives us an idea what search terms are found there http://localhost:9999/?version=1.1&operation=scan&scanClause=dc.title=fish , whereas http://localhost:9999/?version=1.1&operation=scan&scanClause=dc.identifier=fish accesses the indexed identifiers.

In addition, all Zebra internal special element sets or record schema's of the form zebra:: just work right out of the box http://localhost:9999/?version=1.1&operation=searchRetrieve&query=dc.title=the and dc.description=fish &startRecord=1&maximumRecords=1&recordSchema=zebra::snippet