2. GNU/Debian

2.1. GNU/Debian Linux on amd64/i386 Platform

Index Data provides pre-compiled GNU/Debian and Ubuntu packages at our Debian package archive, both for recent releases.

For Debian, refer to http://ftp.indexdata.dk/pub/zebra/debian/README for how to configure APT. For Ubuntu, refer to http://ftp.indexdata.dk/pub/zebra/ubuntu/README. After refreshing the package cache with the command

      apt-get update

as root, the Zebra indexer is easily installed issuing

      apt-get install idzebra-2.0 idzebra-2.0-doc

2.2. GNU/Debian and Ubuntu on other architectures

These Zebra packages are specifically compiled for GNU/Debian Linux systems and Ubuntu. Installation on other GNU/Debian systems is possible by re-compilation the Debian way: you need to add only the deb-src sources lines to the /etc/apt/sources.list configuration file, After refreshing the package cache with the command

      apt-get update
      apt-get build-dep idzebra-2.0

as root, the Zebra indexer is recompiled and installed issuing

      fakeroot apt-get source --compile idzebra-2.0

as normal user. The compiled GNU/Debian packages can then be installed as root issuing

      dpkg -i install idzebra-2.0*.deb libidzebra-2.0*.deb