4. Retrieval of Zebra internal record data

Starting with Zebra version 2.0.5 or newer, it is possible to use a special element set which has the prefix zebra::.

Using this element will, regardless of record type, return Zebra's internal index structure/data for a record. In particular, the regular record filters are not invoked when these are in use. This can in some cases make the retrieval faster than regular retrieval operations (for MARC, XML etc).

Table 4.1. Special Retrieval Elements

Element SetDescriptionSyntax
zebra::meta::sysnoGet Zebra record system IDXML and SUTRS
zebra::dataGet raw recordall
zebra::metaGet Zebra record internal metadataXML and SUTRS
zebra::indexGet all indexed keys for recordXML and SUTRS
zebra::index::f Get indexed keys for field f for record XML and SUTRS
zebra::index::f:t Get indexed keys for field f and type t for record XML and SUTRS
zebra::snippet Get snippet for record for one or more indexes (f1,f2,..). This includes a phrase from the original record at the point where a match occurs (for a query). By default give terms before - and after are included in the snippet. The matching terms are enclosed within element <s>. The snippet facility requires Zebra 2.0.16 or later. XML and SUTRS
zebra::facet::f1:t1,f2:t2,.. Get facet of a result set. The facet result is returned as if it was a normal record, while in reality is a recap of most "important" terms in a result set for the fields given. The facet facility first appeared in Zebra 2.0.20. XML

For example, to fetch the raw binary record data stored in the zebra internal storage, or on the filesystem, the following commands can be issued:

      Z> f @attr 1=title my
      Z> format xml
      Z> elements zebra::data
      Z> s 1+1
      Z> format sutrs
      Z> s 1+1
      Z> format usmarc
      Z> s 1+1

The special zebra::data element set name is defined for any record syntax, but will always fetch the raw record data in exactly the original form. No record syntax specific transformations will be applied to the raw record data.

Also, Zebra internal metadata about the record can be accessed:

      Z> f @attr 1=title my
      Z> format xml
      Z> elements zebra::meta::sysno
      Z> s 1+1

displays in XML record syntax only internal record system number, whereas

      Z> f @attr 1=title my
      Z> format xml
      Z> elements zebra::meta
      Z> s 1+1

displays all available metadata on the record. These include system number, database name, indexed filename, filter used for indexing, score and static ranking information and finally bytesize of record.

Sometimes, it is very hard to figure out what exactly has been indexed how and in which indexes. Using the indexing stylesheet of the Alvis filter, one can at least see which portion of the record went into which index, but a similar aid does not exist for all other indexing filters.

The special zebra::index element set names are provided to access information on per record indexed fields. For example, the queries

      Z> f @attr 1=title my
      Z> format sutrs
      Z> elements zebra::index
      Z> s 1+1

will display all indexed tokens from all indexed fields of the first record, and it will display in SUTRS record syntax, whereas

      Z> f @attr 1=title my
      Z> format xml
      Z> elements zebra::index::title
      Z> s 1+1
      Z> elements zebra::index::title:p
      Z> s 1+1

displays in XML record syntax only the content of the zebra string index title, or even only the type p phrase indexed part of it.


Trying to access numeric BIB-1 use attributes or trying to access non-existent zebra intern string access points will result in a Diagnostic 25: Specified element set 'name not valid for specified database.