Package ij

Class Macro

  • public class Macro
    extends Object
    The class contains static methods that perform macro operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Macro

        public Macro()
    • Method Detail

      • open

        public static boolean open​(String path)
      • saveAs

        public static boolean saveAs​(String path)
      • abort

        public static void abort()
        Aborts the currently running macro or any plugin using
      • getOptions

        public static String getOptions()
        If a command started using run(name, options) is running, and the current thread is the same thread, returns the options string, otherwise, returns null.
        See Also:
        GenericDialog, OpenDialog
      • setOptions

        public static void setOptions​(String options)
        Define a set of Macro options for the current Thread.
      • setOptions

        public static void setOptions​(Thread thread,
                                      String options)
        Define a set of Macro options for a Thread.
      • eval

        public static String eval​(String code)
        Evaluates 'code' and returns the output, or any error, as a String (e.g., Macro.eval("2+2") returns "4").