Package ij.gui

Class HistogramWindow

    • Field Detail

      • histogram

        protected long[] histogram
      • value

        protected Label value
      • count

        protected Label count
      • defaultDirectory

        protected static String defaultDirectory
      • decimalPlaces

        protected int decimalPlaces
      • digits

        protected int digits
      • newMaxCount

        protected long newMaxCount
      • plotScale

        protected int plotScale
      • logScale

        protected boolean logScale
      • yMax

        protected int yMax
      • nBins

        public static int nBins
    • Constructor Detail

      • HistogramWindow

        public HistogramWindow​(ImagePlus imp)
        Displays a histogram using the title "Histogram of ImageName".
      • HistogramWindow

        public HistogramWindow​(String title,
                               ImagePlus imp,
                               int bins)
        Displays a histogram using the specified title and number of bins. Currently, the number of bins must be 256 expect for 32 bit images.
      • HistogramWindow

        public HistogramWindow​(String title,
                               ImagePlus imp,
                               int bins,
                               double histMin,
                               double histMax)
        Displays a histogram using the specified title, number of bins and histogram range. Currently, the number of bins must be 256 and the histogram range range must be the same as the image range expect for 32 bit images.
      • HistogramWindow

        public HistogramWindow​(String title,
                               ImagePlus imp,
                               int bins,
                               double histMin,
                               double histMax,
                               int yMax)
        Displays a histogram using the specified title, number of bins, histogram range and yMax.
      • HistogramWindow

        public HistogramWindow​(String title,
                               ImagePlus imp,
                               ImageStatistics stats)
        Displays a histogram using the specified title and ImageStatistics.
    • Method Detail

      • showHistogram

        public void showHistogram​(ImagePlus imp,
                                  int bins)
        Draws the histogram using the specified title and number of bins. Currently, the number of bins must be 256 expect for 32 bit images.
      • showHistogram

        public void showHistogram​(ImagePlus imp,
                                  int bins,
                                  double histMin,
                                  double histMax)
        Draws the histogram using the specified title, number of bins and histogram range. Currently, the number of bins must be 256 and the histogram range range must be the same as the image range expect for 32 bit images.
      • showHistogram

        public void showHistogram​(ImagePlus imp,
                                  ImageStatistics stats)
        Draws the histogram using the specified title and ImageStatistics.
      • setup

        public void setup()
      • drawHistogram

        protected void drawHistogram​(ImageProcessor ip,
                                     boolean fixedRange)
      • getResultsTable

        public ResultsTable getResultsTable()
        Returns the histogram values as a ResultsTable.
      • showList

        protected void showList()
      • copyToClipboard

        protected void copyToClipboard()
      • getHistogram

        public int[] getHistogram()
      • getXValues

        public double[] getXValues()
      • run

        public void run()
        Specified by:
        run in interface Runnable