
Class ImageReader

  • public class ImageReader
    extends Object
    Reads raw 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit (float or RGB) images from a stream or URL.
    • Field Detail

      • min

        public double min
      • max

        public double max
    • Constructor Detail

      • ImageReader

        public ImageReader​(FileInfo fi)
        Constructs a new ImageReader using a FileInfo object to describe the file to be read.
        See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • readPixels

        public Object readPixels​(InputStream in)
        Reads the image from the InputStream and returns the pixel array (byte, short, int or float). Returns null if there was an IO exception. Does not close the InputStream.
      • readPixels

        public Object readPixels​(InputStream in,
                                 long skipCount)
        Skips the specified number of bytes, then reads an image and returns the pixel array (byte, short, int or float). Returns null if there was an IO exception. Does not close the InputStream.
      • readPixels

        public Object readPixels​(String url)
        Reads the image from a URL and returns the pixel array (byte, short, int or float). Returns null if there was an IO exception.
      • zipUncompress

        public byte[] zipUncompress​(byte[] input)
        TIFF Adobe ZIP support contributed by Jason Newton.
      • lzwUncompress

        public byte[] lzwUncompress​(byte[] input)
        Utility method for decoding an LZW-compressed image strip. Adapted from the TIFF 6.0 Specification: (page 61) Author: Curtis Rueden (ctrueden at
      • packBitsUncompress

        public byte[] packBitsUncompress​(byte[] input,
                                         int expected)
        Based on the Bio-Formats PackbitsCodec written by Melissa Linkert.