
Class RoiEncoder

  • public class RoiEncoder
    extends Object
    Saves an ROI to a file or stream. has a description of the file format.
    See Also:
    RoiDecoder, RoiReader
    • Constructor Detail

      • RoiEncoder

        public RoiEncoder​(String path)
        Creates an RoiEncoder using the specified path.
      • RoiEncoder

        public RoiEncoder​(OutputStream f)
        Creates an RoiEncoder using the specified OutputStream.
    • Method Detail

      • save

        public static boolean save​(Roi roi,
                                   String path)
        Saves the specified ROI as a file, returning 'true' if successful.
      • saveAsByteArray

        public static byte[] saveAsByteArray​(Roi roi)
        Saves the specified ROI as a byte array.