Package ij.plugin

Class HyperStackConverter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HyperStackConverter
    extends Object
    implements PlugIn
    Implements the "Stack to HyperStack", "RGB to HyperStack" and "HyperStack to Stack" commands.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HyperStackConverter

        public HyperStackConverter()
    • Method Detail

      • run

        public void run​(String arg)
        Description copied from interface: PlugIn
        This method is called when the plugin is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt.
        Specified by:
        run in interface PlugIn
      • toHyperStack

        public static ImagePlus toHyperStack​(ImagePlus imp,
                                             int c,
                                             int z,
                                             int t)
        Converts the specified stack into a hyperstack with 'c' channels, 'z' slices and 't' frames using the default ordering ("xyczt") and display mode ("Composite").
      • toHyperStack

        public static ImagePlus toHyperStack​(ImagePlus imp,
                                             int c,
                                             int z,
                                             int t,
                                             String mode)
        Converts the specified stack into a hyperstack with 'c' channels, 'z' slices and 't' frames using the default ordering ("xyczt") and the specified display mode ("composite", "color" or "grayscale").
      • toHyperStack

        public static ImagePlus toHyperStack​(ImagePlus imp,
                                             int c,
                                             int z,
                                             int t,
                                             String order,
                                             String mode)
        Converts the specified stack into a hyperstack with 'c' channels, 'z' slices and 't' frames. The default "xyczt" order is used if 'order' is null. The default "composite" display mode is used if 'mode' is null.
        imp - the stack to be converted
        c - channels
        z - slices
        t - frames
        order - hyperstack order ("default", "xyctz", "xyzct", "xyztc", "xytcz" or "xytzc")
        mode - display mode ("composite", "color" or "grayscale")
        the resulting hyperstack
      • shuffle

        public void shuffle​(ImagePlus imp,
                            int order)
        Changes the dimension order of a 4D or 5D stack from the specified order (CTZ, ZCT, ZTC, TCZ or TZC) to the XYCZT order used by ImageJ.