Class Convolver

    • Constructor Detail

      • Convolver

        public Convolver()
    • Method Detail

      • setup

        public int setup​(String arg,
                         ImagePlus imp)
        Description copied from interface: PlugInFilter
        This method is called once when the filter is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt or in the plugins.config file of a jar archive containing the plugin. 'imp' is the currently active image. This method should return a flag word that specifies the filters capabilities.

        For Plugin-filters specifying the PlugInFilter.FINAL_PROCESSING flag, the setup method will be called again, this time with arg = "final" after all other processing is done.

        Specified by:
        setup in interface PlugInFilter
      • showDialog

        public int showDialog​(ImagePlus imp,
                              String command,
                              PlugInFilterRunner pfr)
        Description copied from interface: ExtendedPlugInFilter
        This method is called after setup(arg, imp) unless the DONE flag has been set.
        Specified by:
        showDialog in interface ExtendedPlugInFilter
        imp - The active image already passed in the setup(arg, imp) call. It will be null, however, if the NO_IMAGE_REQUIRED flag has been set.
        command - The command that has led to the invocation of the plugin-filter. Useful as a title for the dialog.
        pfr - The PlugInFilterRunner calling this plugin-filter. It can be passed to a GenericDialog by addPreviewCheckbox to enable preview by calling the run(ip) method of this plugin-filter. pfr can be also used later for calling back the PlugInFilterRunner, e.g., to obtain the slice number currently processed by run(ip).
        The method should return a combination (bitwise OR) of the flags specified in interfaces PlugInFilter and ExtendedPlugInFilter.
      • dialogItemChanged

        public boolean dialogItemChanged​(GenericDialog gd,
                                         AWTEvent e)
        Description copied from interface: DialogListener
        This method is invoked by a Generic Dialog if any of the inputs have changed (CANCEL does not trigger it; OK and running the dialog from a macro only trigger the first DialogListener added to a GenericDialog).
        Specified by:
        dialogItemChanged in interface DialogListener
        gd - A reference to the GenericDialog.
        e - The event that has been generated by the user action in the dialog. Note that e is null if the dialogItemChanged method is called after the user has pressed the OK button or if the GenericDialog has read its parameters from a macro.
        Should be true if the dialog input is valid. False disables the OK button and preview (if any).
      • convolve

        public boolean convolve​(ImageProcessor ip,
                                float[] kernel,
                                int kw,
                                int kh)
        Convolves ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh. Returns false if the user cancels the operation.
      • setNormalize

        public void setNormalize​(boolean normalizeKernel)
        If 'normalize' is true (the default), the convolve(), convolveFloat() and convolveFloat1D() (4 argument version) methods divide each kernel coefficient by the sum of the coefficients, preserving image brightness.
      • convolveFloat

        public boolean convolveFloat​(ImageProcessor ip,
                                     float[] kernel,
                                     int kw,
                                     int kh)
        Convolves the float image ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh. Returns false if the user cancels the operation by pressing 'Esc'.
      • convolveFloat1D

        public void convolveFloat1D​(FloatProcessor ip,
                                    float[] kernel,
                                    int kw,
                                    int kh)
        Convolves the image ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh.
      • convolveFloat1D

        public void convolveFloat1D​(FloatProcessor ip,
                                    float[] kernel,
                                    int kw,
                                    int kh,
                                    double scale)
        Convolves the image ip with a kernel of width kw and height kh.
      • getScale

        public static double getScale​(float[] kernel)
      • setNPasses

        public void setNPasses​(int nPasses)
        Description copied from interface: ExtendedPlugInFilter
        This method is called by ImageJ to inform the plugin-filter about the passes to its run method. During preview, the number of passes is one (or 3 for RGB images, if CONVERT_TO_FLOAT has been specified). When processing a stack, it is the number of slices to be processed (minus one, if one slice has been processed for preview before), and again, 3 times that number for RGB images processed with CONVERT_TO_FLOAT.
        Specified by:
        setNPasses in interface ExtendedPlugInFilter