Package ij.process

Class DownsizeTable

  • public class DownsizeTable
    extends Object
    A table for easier downsizing by convolution with a kernel. Supports the interpolation methods of ImageProcessor: none, bilinear, bicubic Convention used: The left edges of the first pixel are the same for source and destination. E.g. when downsizing by a factor of 2, pixel 0 of the destination takes the space of pixels 0 and 1 of the source. Example for use: Downsizing row 0 of 'pixels' from 'roi.width' to 'destinationWidth'. The input range is given by the roi rectangle. Output is written to row 0 of 'pixels2' (width: 'destinationWidth') DownSizeTable dt = new DownSizeTable(width, roi.x, roi.width, destinationWidth, ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); int tablePointer = 0; for (int srcPoint=dt.srcStart, srcPoint<=dt.srcEnd; srcPoint++) { float v = pixels[srcPoint]; for (int i=0; i
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      int[] indices
      For each source point between srcStart and srcEnd, indices of destination points where the data should be added.
      int kernelSize
      Number of kernel points per source data point
      int srcEnd
      index of the last point of the source data that should be accessed
      int srcStart
      index of the first point of the source data that should be accessed
      float[] weights
      For each source point, weights for adding it to the destination point given in the corresponding element of 'indices'
    • Field Detail

      • kernelSize

        public final int kernelSize
        Number of kernel points per source data point
      • srcStart

        public final int srcStart
        index of the first point of the source data that should be accessed
      • srcEnd

        public final int srcEnd
        index of the last point of the source data that should be accessed
      • indices

        public final int[] indices
        For each source point between srcStart and srcEnd, indices of destination points where the data should be added. Arranged in blocks of 'kernelSize' points. E.g. for kernelSize=2, array elements 0,1 are for point srcStart, 2,3 for point srcStart+1, etc.
      • weights

        public final float[] weights
        For each source point, weights for adding it to the destination point given in the corresponding element of 'indices'
    • Method Detail

      • kernel

        protected float kernel​(double x)