Package ij.process

Class FloodFiller

  • public class FloodFiller
    extends Object
    This class, which does flood filling, is used by the floodFill() macro function and by the particle analyzer The Wikipedia at "" has a good description of the algorithm used here as well as examples in C and Java.
    • Method Detail

      • fill

        public boolean fill​(int x,
                            int y)
        Does a 4-connected flood fill using the current fill/draw value, which is defined by ImageProcessor.setValue().
      • fill8

        public boolean fill8​(int x,
                             int y)
        Does a 8-connected flood fill using the current fill/draw value, which is defined by ImageProcessor.setValue().
      • particleAnalyzerFill

        public void particleAnalyzerFill​(int x,
                                         int y,
                                         double level1,
                                         double level2,
                                         ImageProcessor mask,
                                         Rectangle bounds)
        This method is used by the particle analyzer to remove interior holes from particle masks.