Package ij.util

Class Tools

  • public class Tools
    extends Object
    This class contains static utility methods.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static char[] hexDigits
      This array contains the 16 hex digits '0'-'F'.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static void addToArray​(float[] a, float value)
      Adds a number to all array elements
      static String c2hex​(Color c)
      Converts a Color to an 7 byte hex string starting with '#'.
      static String copyFile​(String path1, String path2)
      Copies the contents of the file at 'path1' to 'path2', returning an error message (as a non-empty string) if there is an error.
      static String f2hex​(float f)
      Converts a float to an 9 byte hex string starting with '#'.
      static String fixNewLines​(String s)
      Converts carriage returns to line feeds.
      static int getDecimalPlaces​(double n)
      Returns the number of decimal places needed to display a number, or -2 if exponential notation should be used.
      static int getDecimalPlaces​(double n1, double n2)
      Returns the number of decimal places needed to display two numbers, or -2 if exponential notation should be used.
      static double[] getMinMax​(double[] a)  
      static double[] getMinMax​(float[] a)  
      static ImageStatistics getStatistics​(double[] a)  
      static String int2hex​(int i, int digits)
      Converts an int to a zero-padded hex string of fixed length 'digits'.
      static String openFromIJJarAsString​(String path)
      Opens a text file in ij.jar as a String (example path: "/macros/Circle_Tool.txt").
      static double parseDouble​(String s)
      Returns a double containg the value represented by the specified String.
      static double parseDouble​(String s, double defaultValue)
      Returns a double containg the value represented by the specified String.
      static int[] rank​(double[] values)
      Returns a sorted list of indices of the specified double array.
      static int[] rank​(String[] data)
      Returns a sorted list of indices of the specified String array.
      static double[] resampleArray​(double[] y1, int len2)
      Returns an array linearly resampled to a different length.
      static String[] split​(String str)
      Splits a string into substrings using the default delimiter set, which is " \t\n\r" (space, tab, newline and carriage-return).
      static String[] split​(String str, String delim)
      Splits a string into substring using the characters contained in the second argument as the delimiter set.
      static double[] toDouble​(float[] a)
      Converts the float array 'a' to a double array.
      static float[] toFloat​(double[] a)
      Converts the double array 'a' to a float array.
    • Field Detail

      • hexDigits

        public static final char[] hexDigits
        This array contains the 16 hex digits '0'-'F'.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Tools

        public Tools()
    • Method Detail

      • c2hex

        public static String c2hex​(Color c)
        Converts a Color to an 7 byte hex string starting with '#'.
      • f2hex

        public static String f2hex​(float f)
        Converts a float to an 9 byte hex string starting with '#'.
      • int2hex

        public static String int2hex​(int i,
                                     int digits)
        Converts an int to a zero-padded hex string of fixed length 'digits'. If the number is too high, it gets truncated, keeping only the lowest 'digits' characters.
      • getStatistics

        public static ImageStatistics getStatistics​(double[] a)
      • getMinMax

        public static double[] getMinMax​(double[] a)
      • getMinMax

        public static double[] getMinMax​(float[] a)
      • toDouble

        public static double[] toDouble​(float[] a)
        Converts the float array 'a' to a double array.
      • toFloat

        public static float[] toFloat​(double[] a)
        Converts the double array 'a' to a float array.
      • addToArray

        public static void addToArray​(float[] a,
                                      float value)
        Adds a number to all array elements
      • fixNewLines

        public static String fixNewLines​(String s)
        Converts carriage returns to line feeds.
      • parseDouble

        public static double parseDouble​(String s,
                                         double defaultValue)
        Returns a double containg the value represented by the specified String.
        s - the string to be parsed.
        defaultValue - the value returned if s does not contain a parsable double
        The double value represented by the string argument or defaultValue if the string does not contain a parsable double
      • parseDouble

        public static double parseDouble​(String s)
        Returns a double containg the value represented by the specified String.
        s - the string to be parsed.
        The double value represented by the string argument or Double.NaN if the string does not contain a parsable double
      • getDecimalPlaces

        public static int getDecimalPlaces​(double n)
        Returns the number of decimal places needed to display a number, or -2 if exponential notation should be used.
      • getDecimalPlaces

        public static int getDecimalPlaces​(double n1,
                                           double n2)
        Returns the number of decimal places needed to display two numbers, or -2 if exponential notation should be used.
      • split

        public static String[] split​(String str)
        Splits a string into substrings using the default delimiter set, which is " \t\n\r" (space, tab, newline and carriage-return).
      • split

        public static String[] split​(String str,
                                     String delim)
        Splits a string into substring using the characters contained in the second argument as the delimiter set.
      • rank

        public static int[] rank​(double[] values)
        Returns a sorted list of indices of the specified double array. Modified from: by N.Vischer.
      • rank

        public static int[] rank​(String[] data)
        Returns a sorted list of indices of the specified String array.
      • resampleArray

        public static double[] resampleArray​(double[] y1,
                                             int len2)
        Returns an array linearly resampled to a different length.
      • openFromIJJarAsString

        public static String openFromIJJarAsString​(String path)
        Opens a text file in ij.jar as a String (example path: "/macros/Circle_Tool.txt").
      • copyFile

        public static String copyFile​(String path1,
                                      String path2)
        Copies the contents of the file at 'path1' to 'path2', returning an error message (as a non-empty string) if there is an error. Based on the method with the same name in Tobias Pietzsch's TifBenchmark class.