Package ij

Class WindowManager


public class WindowManager
extends Object
This class consists of static methods used to manage ImageJ's windows.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setCurrentWindow

      public static void setCurrentWindow​(ImageWindow win)
      Makes the image contained in the specified window the active image.
    • getCurrentWindow

      public static ImageWindow getCurrentWindow()
      Returns the active ImageWindow.
    • getCurrentImage

      public static ImagePlus getCurrentImage()
      Returns a reference to the active image or null if there isn't one.
      See Also:
    • setTempCurrentImage

      public static void setTempCurrentImage​(ImagePlus img)
      Makes the specified image temporarily the active image for this thread. Call again with a null argument to revert to the previous active image.
    • setTempCurrentImage

      public static void setTempCurrentImage​(Thread thread, ImagePlus img)
      Sets a temporary image for the specified thread.
    • getWindowCount

      public static int getWindowCount()
      Returns the number of open image windows.
    • getImageCount

      public static int getImageCount()
      Returns the number of open images.
    • getActiveWindow

      public static Window getActiveWindow()
      Returns the front most window or null.
    • getFrontWindow

      public static Frame getFrontWindow()
      Obsolete; replaced by getActiveWindow.
    • getIDList

      public static int[] getIDList()
      Returns a list of the IDs of open images. Returns null if no image windows are open.
    • getImageTitles

      public static String[] getImageTitles()
      Returns a list of the titles of all open images.
    • getNonImageWindows

      public static Frame[] getNonImageWindows()
      Returns an array containing a list of the non-image Frames.
    • getAllNonImageWindows

      public static Window[] getAllNonImageWindows()
      Returns an array containing a list of the non-image Frames and Dialogs.
    • getNonImageTitles

      public static String[] getNonImageTitles()
      Returns an array containing the titles of non-image Frames and Dialogs.
    • getImage

      public static ImagePlus getImage​(int imageID)
      For IDs less than zero, returns the ImagePlus with the specified ID. Returns null if no open window has a matching ID or no images are open. For IDs greater than zero, returns the Nth ImagePlus. Returns null if the ID is zero.
    • getNthImageID

      public static int getNthImageID​(int n)
      Returns the ID of the Nth open image. Returns zero if n<=0 or n greater than the number of open image windows.
    • getImage

      public static ImagePlus getImage​(String title)
      Returns the first image that has the specified title or null if it is not found.
    • addWindow

      public static void addWindow​(Window win)
      Adds the specified window to the Window menu.
    • addWindow

      public static void addWindow​(Frame win)
      Adds the specified Frame to the Window menu.
    • getUniqueName

      public static String getUniqueName​(String name)
      Returns a unique name by adding, before the extension, -1, -2, etc. as needed.
    • makeUniqueName

      public static String makeUniqueName​(String name)
      If 'name' is not unique, adds -1, -2, etc. as needed to make it unique.
    • removeWindow

      public static void removeWindow​(Window win)
      Removes the specified window from the Window menu.
    • removeWindow

      public static void removeWindow​(Frame win)
      Removes the specified Frame from the Window menu.
    • setWindow

      public static void setWindow​(Window win)
      The specified Window becomes the front window.
    • setWindow

      public static void setWindow​(Frame win)
      The specified frame becomes the front window, the one returnd by getFrontWindow().
    • closeAllWindows

      public static boolean closeAllWindows()
      Closes all windows. Stops and returns false if an image or Editor "save changes" dialog is canceled.
    • putBehind

      public static void putBehind()
      Activates the next image window on the window list.
    • getTempCurrentImage

      public static ImagePlus getTempCurrentImage()
      Returns the temporary current image for this thread, or null.
    • getWindow

      public static Window getWindow​(String title)
      Returns the window (a Frame or a Dialog) with the specified title, or null if a window with that title is not found.
    • getFrame

      public static Frame getFrame​(String title)
      Obsolete; replaced by getWindow().
    • repaintImageWindows

      public static void repaintImageWindows()
      Repaints all open image windows.
    • showList

      public static void showList()
    • toFront

      public static void toFront​(Frame frame)