Uses of Class

Packages that use VirtualStack 
Package Description
  • Uses of VirtualStack in ij.gui

    Subclasses of VirtualStack in ij.gui 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  PlotVirtualStack
    This is a virtual stack of frozen plots.
  • Uses of VirtualStack in

    Fields in declared as VirtualStack 
    Modifier and Type Field Description
    VirtualStack FileInfo.virtualStack  
  • Uses of VirtualStack in ij.plugin

    Subclasses of VirtualStack in ij.plugin 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  AVI_Reader
    ImageJ Plugin for reading an AVI file into an image stack (one slice per video frame) Restrictions and Notes: - Only few formats supported: - uncompressed 8 bit with palette (=LUT) - uncompressed 8 & 16 bit grayscale - uncompressed 24 & 32 bit RGB (alpha channel ignored) - uncompressed 32 bit AYUV (alpha channel ignored) - various YUV 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 compressed formats (i.e., formats with full luminance resolution, but reduced chroma resolution - png or jpeg-encoded individual frames.
    class  FileInfoVirtualStack
    This plugin opens a multi-page TIFF file, or a set of raw images, as a virtual stack.
    class  ListVirtualStack
    This plugin opens images specified by list of file paths as a virtual stack.