Package ij.gui

Class GUI


public class GUI
extends Object
This class consists of static GUI utility methods.
  • Constructor Details

    • GUI

      public GUI()
  • Method Details

    • center

      public static void center​(Window win, Component target)
      Positions the specified window in the center of the screen that contains target.
    • centerOnImageJScreen

      public static void centerOnImageJScreen​(Window win)
      Positions the specified window in the center of the screen containing the "ImageJ" window.
    • center

      public static void center​(Window win)
    • getScreenBounds

      public static Rectangle getScreenBounds​(Point point, boolean accountForInsets)
      Get maximum bounds for the screen that contains a given point.
      point - Coordinates of point.
      accountForInsets - Deduct the space taken up by menu and status bars, etc. (after point is found to be inside bonds)
      Rectangle of bounds or null if point not inside of any screen.
    • getScreenBounds

      public static Rectangle getScreenBounds​(Component component, boolean accountForInsets)
      Get maximum bounds for the screen that contains a given component.
      component - An AWT component located on the desired screen. If null is provided, the default screen is used.
      accountForInsets - Deduct the space taken up by menu and status bars, etc.
      Rectangle of bounds.
    • getScreenBounds

      public static Rectangle getScreenBounds​(Point point)
    • getScreenBounds

      public static Rectangle getScreenBounds​(Component component)
    • getScreenBounds

      public static Rectangle getScreenBounds()
    • getMaxWindowBounds

      public static Rectangle getMaxWindowBounds​(Point point)
    • getMaxWindowBounds

      public static Rectangle getMaxWindowBounds​(Component component)
    • getMaxWindowBounds

      public static Rectangle getMaxWindowBounds()
    • getZeroBasedMaxBounds

      public static Rectangle getZeroBasedMaxBounds()
    • getUnionOfBounds

      public static Rectangle getUnionOfBounds()
    • createBlankImage

      public static Image createBlankImage​(int width, int height)
      Creates a white AWT Image image of the specified size.
    • fix

      public static void fix​(Scrollbar sb)
      Lightens overly dark scrollbar background on Windows 8.
    • showCompositeAdvisory

      public static boolean showCompositeAdvisory​(ImagePlus imp, String title)
    • scale

      public static void scale​(Component component)
      Scales an AWT component according to Prefs.getGuiScale().
      component - the AWT component to be scaled. If a container, scaling is applied to all its child components
    • scalePopupMenu

      public static void scalePopupMenu​(PopupMenu popup)
    • scale

      public static boolean scale​(JComponent component)
      Tries to detect if a Swing component is unscaled and scales it it according to #getGuiScale().

      This is mainly relevant to linux: Swing components scale automatically on most platforms, specially since Java 8. However there are still exceptions to this on linux: e.g., In Ubuntu, Swing components do scale, but only under the GTK L&F. (On the other hand AWT components do not scale at all on hiDPI screens on linux).

      This method tries to avoid exaggerated font sizes by detecting if a component has been already scaled by the UIManager, applying only #getGuiScale() to the component's font if not.

      component - the component to be scaled
      true, if component's font was resized