Package ij.macro

Class MacroRunner

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class MacroRunner
extends Object
implements Runnable
This class runs macros in a separate thread.
  • Constructor Details

    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner()
      Create a MacroRunner.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(String macro)
      Create a new object that interprets macro source in a separate thread.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(String macro, Editor editor)
      Create a new object that interprets macro source in debug mode if 'editor' is not null.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(String macro, String argument)
      Create a new object that interprets macro source in a separate thread, and also passing a string argument.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(File file)
      Create a new object that interprets a macro file using a separate thread.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(Program pgm, int address, String name)
      Create a new object that runs a tokenized macro in a separate thread.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(Program pgm, int address, String name, String argument)
      Create a new object that runs a tokenized macro in a separate thread, passing a string argument.
    • MacroRunner

      public MacroRunner​(Program pgm, int address, String name, Editor editor)
      Create a new object that runs a tokenized macro in debug mode if 'editor' is not null.
  • Method Details

    • runShortcut

      public void runShortcut​(Program pgm, int address, String name)
      Runs tokenized macro on current thread if pgm.queueCommands is true.
    • run

      public void run​(Program pgm, int address, String name)
      Runs a tokenized macro on the current thread.
    • getThread

      public Thread getThread()
    • run

      public void run()
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable