Package ij.plugin

Class Colors

All Implemented Interfaces:
PlugIn, ItemListener, EventListener

public class Colors
extends Object
implements PlugIn, ItemListener
This plugin implements most of the Edit/Options/Colors command.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run​(String arg)
      Description copied from interface: PlugIn
      This method is called when the plugin is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugIn
    • getColorName

      public static String getColorName​(Color c, String defaultName)
    • getColor

      public static Color getColor​(String name, Color defaultColor)
    • decode

      public static Color decode​(String hexColor, Color defaultColor)
    • getRed

      public static int getRed​(String hexColor)
    • getGreen

      public static int getGreen​(String hexColor)
    • getBlue

      public static int getBlue​(String hexColor)
    • hexToColor

      public static String hexToColor​(String hex)
      Converts a hex color (e.g., "ffff00") into "red", "green", "yellow", etc. Returns null if the color is not one of the eight primary colors.
    • hexToColor2

      public static String hexToColor2​(String hex)
      Converts a hex color (e.g., "ffff00") into "Red", "Green", "Yellow", etc. Returns null if the color is not one of the eight primary colors.
    • colorToString

      public static String colorToString​(Color color)
      Converts a Color into a string ("red", "green", #aa55ff, etc.).
    • colorToString2

      public static String colorToString2​(Color color)
      Converts a Color into a string ("Red", "Green", #aa55ff, etc.).
    • itemStateChanged

      public void itemStateChanged​(ItemEvent e)
      Specified by:
      itemStateChanged in interface ItemListener
    • getColors

      public static String[] getColors​(String... moreColors)