Package ij.plugin

Class ContrastEnhancer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Measurements, PlugIn

public class ContrastEnhancer
extends Object
implements PlugIn, Measurements
Implements ImageJ's Process/Enhance Contrast command.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run​(String arg)
      Description copied from interface: PlugIn
      This method is called when the plugin is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugIn
    • stretchHistogram

      public void stretchHistogram​(ImagePlus imp, double saturated)
    • stretchHistogram

      public void stretchHistogram​(ImageProcessor ip, double saturated)
    • stretchHistogram

      public void stretchHistogram​(ImageProcessor ip, double saturated, ImageStatistics stats)
    • equalize

      public void equalize​(ImagePlus imp)
    • equalize

      public void equalize​(ImageProcessor ip)
      Changes the tone curves of images. It should bring up the detail in the flat regions of your image. Histogram Equalization can enhance meaningless detail and hide important but small high-contrast features. This method uses a similar algorithm, but uses the square root of the histogram values, so its effects are less extreme. Hold the alt key down to use the standard histogram equalization algorithm. This code was contributed by Richard Kirk (
    • setNormalize

      public void setNormalize​(boolean normalize)
    • setProcessStack

      public void setProcessStack​(boolean processStack)
    • setUseStackHistogram

      public void setUseStackHistogram​(boolean useStackHistogram)