Package ij.plugin

Class Coordinates

All Implemented Interfaces:
DialogListener, PlugIn

public class Coordinates
extends Object
implements PlugIn, DialogListener
The plugin implements the Image/Adjust/Coordinates command. It allows the user to set the corner coordinates of the selection bounds or the full image. This modifies the image scale (pixelWidth, pixelHeight) and the xOrigin, yOrigin. If a single point is selected, the coordinates of the point can be specified, which only sets the xOrigin and yOrigin. The units for x and y can be also selected. 2016-08-30 Michael Schmid
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run​(String arg)
      Description copied from interface: PlugIn
      This method is called when the plugin is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugIn
    • dialogItemChanged

      public boolean dialogItemChanged​(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e)
      Description copied from interface: DialogListener
      This method is invoked by a Generic Dialog if any of the inputs have changed (CANCEL does not trigger it; OK and running the dialog from a macro only trigger the first DialogListener added to a GenericDialog).
      Specified by:
      dialogItemChanged in interface DialogListener
      gd - A reference to the GenericDialog.
      e - The event that has been generated by the user action in the dialog. Note that e is null if the dialogItemChanged method is called after the user has pressed the OK button or if the GenericDialog has read its parameters from a macro.
      Should be true if the dialog input is valid. False disables the OK button and preview (if any).