Package ij.plugin

Class PlugInInterpreter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class PlugInInterpreter
extends Object
implements PlugIn
Plugins that run scripts (e.g., BeanShell, Jython) extend this class.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run​(String script)
      Run script on separate thread.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugIn
    • run

      public abstract String run​(String script, String arg)
      Run script on current thread.
    • getReturnValue

      public abstract String getReturnValue()
      Returns the value returned by the script, if any, or null.
    • getName

      public abstract String getName()
      Returns the name of this PlugInInterpreter.
    • getImports

      public abstract String getImports()
      Returns the import statements that are added to the script.
    • getVersion

      public abstract String getVersion()
      Returns the version of ImageJ at the time this plugin was created.