Package ij.plugin

Class ScreenGrabber

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ScreenGrabber
extends Object
implements PlugIn
This plugin implements the Plugins/Utilities/Capture Screen and Plugins/Utilities/Capture Image commands. Note that these commands may not work on Linux if windows translucency or special effects are enabled in the windows manager.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • run

      public void run​(String arg)
      Description copied from interface: PlugIn
      This method is called when the plugin is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugIn
    • captureScreen

      public ImagePlus captureScreen()
      Captures the entire screen and returns it as an ImagePlus.
    • captureImage

      public ImagePlus captureImage()
      Captures the active image window and returns it as an ImagePlus.