Class AVI_Writer

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class AVI_Writer
extends Object
implements PlugInFilter
This plugin implements the File/Save As/AVI command. Supported formats: Uncompressed 8-bit (gray or indexed color), 24-bit (RGB), JPEG and PNG compression of individual frames 16-bit and 32-bit (float) images are converted to 8-bit The plugin is based on the FileAvi class written by William Gandler, part of Matthew J. McAuliffe's MIPAV program, available from 2008-06-05: Support for jpeg and png-compressed output and composite images by Michael Schmid. 2015-09-28: Writes AVI 2.0 if the file size would be above approx. 0.9 GB The AVI format written looks like this: RIFF AVI RIFF HEADER, AVI CHUNK | LIST hdrl MAIN AVI HEADER | | avih AVI HEADER | | LIST strl STREAM LIST(s) (One per stream) | | | strh STREAM HEADER (Required after above; fourcc type is 'vids' for video stream) | | | strf STREAM FORMAT (for video: BitMapInfo; may also contain palette) | | | strn STREAM NAME | | | indx MAIN 'AVI 2.0' INDEX of 'ix00' indices | LIST movi MOVIE DATA (maximum approx. 0.95 GB) | | 00db or 00dc FRAME (b=uncompressed, c=compressed) | | 00db or 00dc FRAME | | ... | | ix00 AVI 2.0-style index of frames within this 'movi' list RIFF AVIX Only if required by size (this is AVI 2.0 extension) | LIST movi MOVIE DATA (maximum approx. 0.95 GB) | | 00db or 00dc FRAME | | ... | | ix00 AVI 2.0-style index of frames within this 'movi' list RIFF AVIX further chunks, each approx 0.95 GB (AVI 2.0) ...