Class Analyzer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Measurements, PlugInFilter

public class Analyzer
extends Object
implements PlugInFilter, Measurements
This plugin implements ImageJ's Analyze/Measure and Analyze/Set Measurements commands.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Analyzer

      public Analyzer()
    • Analyzer

      public Analyzer​(ImagePlus imp)
      Constructs a new Analyzer using the specified ImagePlus object and the current measurement options and default results table.
    • Analyzer

      public Analyzer​(ImagePlus imp, ResultsTable rt)
      Construct a new Analyzer using an ImagePlus object and a ResultsTable.
    • Analyzer

      public Analyzer​(ImagePlus imp, int measurements, ResultsTable rt)
      Construct a new Analyzer using an ImagePlus object and private measurement options and a ResultsTable.
  • Method Details

    • setup

      public int setup​(String arg, ImagePlus imp)
      Description copied from interface: PlugInFilter
      This method is called once when the filter is loaded. 'arg', which may be blank, is the argument specified for this plugin in IJ_Props.txt or in the plugins.config file of a jar archive containing the plugin. 'imp' is the currently active image. This method should return a flag word that specifies the filters capabilities.

      For Plugin-filters specifying the PlugInFilter.FINAL_PROCESSING flag, the setup method will be called again, this time with arg = "final" after all other processing is done.

      Specified by:
      setup in interface PlugInFilter
    • run

      public void run​(ImageProcessor ip)
      Description copied from interface: PlugInFilter
      Filters use this method to process the image. If the PlugInFilter.DOES_STACKS flag was set, it is called for each slice in a stack. With PlugInFilter.CONVERT_TO_FLOAT, the filter is called with the image data converted to a FloatProcessor (3 times per image for RGB images). ImageJ will lock the image before calling this method and unlock it when the filter is finished. For PlugInFilters specifying the PlugInFilter.NO_IMAGE_REQUIRED flag and not the PlugInFilter.DONE flag, run(ip) is called once with the argument null.
      Specified by:
      run in interface PlugInFilter
    • measure

      public void measure()
      Measures the image or selection and adds the results to the default results table.
    • isRedirectImage

      public static boolean isRedirectImage()
      Returns true if an image is selected in the "Redirect To:" popup menu of the Analyze/Set Measurements dialog box.
    • setRedirectImage

      public static void setRedirectImage​(ImagePlus imp)
      Set the "Redirect To" image. Pass 'null' as the argument to disable redirected sampling.
    • getRedirectImage

      public static ImagePlus getRedirectImage​(ImagePlus cimp)
      Returns the image selected in the "Redirect To:" popup menu of the Analyze/Set Measurements dialog, or null if "None" is selected, the image was not found or the image is not the same size as currentImage.
    • saveResults

      public void saveResults​(ImageStatistics stats, Roi roi)
      Saves the measurements specified in the "Set Measurements" dialog, or by calling setMeasurements(), in the default results table.
    • displayResults

      public void displayResults()
      Writes the last row in the system results table to the Results window.
    • updateHeadings

      public void updateHeadings()
      Redisplays the results table.
    • n

      public String n​(double n)
      Converts a number to a formatted string with a tab at the end.
    • summarize

      public void summarize()
    • getCounter

      public static int getCounter()
      Returns the current measurement count.
    • resetCounter

      public static boolean resetCounter()
      Sets the measurement counter to zero. Displays a dialog that allows the user to save any existing measurements. Returns false if the user cancels the dialog.
    • setUnsavedMeasurements

      public static void setUnsavedMeasurements​(boolean b)
    • getMeasurements

      public static int getMeasurements()
    • setMeasurements

      public static void setMeasurements​(int measurements)
      Sets the system-wide measurement options.
    • setMeasurement

      public static void setMeasurement​(int option, boolean state)
      Sets the specified system-wide measurement option.
    • savePreferences

      public static void savePreferences​(Properties prefs)
      Called once when ImageJ quits.
    • getUMeans

      public static float[] getUMeans()
      Returns an array containing the first 20 uncalibrated means.
    • getResultsTable

      public static ResultsTable getResultsTable()
      Returns the default results table. This table should only be displayed in a the "Results" window.
    • getPrecision

      public static int getPrecision()
      Returns the number of digits displayed to the right of decimal point.
    • setPrecision

      public static void setPrecision​(int decimalPlaces)
      Sets the number of digits displayed to the right of decimal point.
    • updateY

      public static int updateY​(int y, int imageHeight)
      Returns an updated Y coordinate based on the current "Invert Y Coordinates" flag.
    • updateY

      public static double updateY​(double y, int imageHeight)
      Returns an updated Y coordinate based on the current "Invert Y Coordinates" flag.
    • setDefaultHeadings

      public static void setDefaultHeadings()
      Sets the default headings ("Area", "Mean", etc.).
    • setOption

      public static void setOption​(String option, boolean b)
    • addToOverlay

      public static boolean addToOverlay()
    • setResultsTable

      public static void setResultsTable​(ResultsTable rt)
    • drawLabels

      public static void drawLabels​(boolean b)
    • disableReset

      public void disableReset​(boolean b)
      Used by RoiManager.multiMeasure() to suppress save as dialogs.