Class PlugInFilterRunner

All Implemented Interfaces:
DialogListener, Runnable

public class PlugInFilterRunner
extends Object
implements Runnable, DialogListener
  • Constructor Details

    • PlugInFilterRunner

      public PlugInFilterRunner​(Object theFilter, String command, String arg)
      The constructor runs a PlugInFilter or ExtendedPlugInFilter by calling its setup, run, etc. methods. For details, see the documentation of interfaces PlugInFilter and ExtendedPlugInFilter.
      theFilter - The PlugInFilter to be run
      command - The command that has caused running the PlugInFilter
      arg - The argument specified for this PlugInFilter in IJ_Props.txt or in the plugins.config file of a .jar archive conatining a collection of plugins. arg may be a string of length zero.
  • Method Details

    • getSliceNumber

      public int getSliceNumber()
      Return the slice number currently processed by the calling thread.
      The slice number. Returns -1 on error (when not processing).
    • run

      public void run()
      The dispatcher for the background threads
      Specified by:
      run in interface Runnable
    • setDialog

      public void setDialog​(GenericDialog gd)
    • dialogItemChanged

      public boolean dialogItemChanged​(GenericDialog gd, AWTEvent e)
      The listener to any change in the dialog. It is used for preview. It is invoked every time the user changes something in the dialog (except OK and cancel buttons), provided that all previous listeners (parameter checking) have returned true.
      Specified by:
      dialogItemChanged in interface DialogListener
      e - The event that has happened in the dialog. This method may be also called with e=null, e.g. to start preview already when the dialog appears.
      gd - A reference to the GenericDialog.
      Always true. (The return value determines whether the dialog will enable the OK button)