Uses of Class

Packages that use PlugInFrame 
Package Description
  • Uses of PlugInFrame in ij.plugin.frame

    Subclasses of PlugInFrame in ij.plugin.frame 
    Modifier and Type Class Description
    class  ColorThresholder
    Selects pixels according to hsb or rgb components.
    class  Editor
    This is a simple TextArea based editor for editing and compiling plugins.
    class  Fitter
    ImageJ plugin that does curve fitting using the modified CurveFitter class.
    class  LineWidthAdjuster
    Adjusts the width of line selections.
    class  MemoryMonitor
    This plugin continuously plots ImageJ's memory utilization.
    class  PasteController
    Implements ImageJ's Paste Control window.
    class  Recorder
    This is ImageJ's macro recorder.
    class  RoiManager
    This plugin implements the Analyze/Tools/ROI Manager command.
    class  SyncWindows
    This class "synchronizes" mouse input in multiple windows.