Package ij.process

Class EllipseFitter


public class EllipseFitter
extends Object
This class fits an ellipse to an ROI.
  • Field Details

    • xCenter

      public double xCenter
      X centroid
    • yCenter

      public double yCenter
      X centroid
    • major

      public double major
      Length of major axis
    • minor

      public double minor
      Length of minor axis
    • angle

      public double angle
      Angle in degrees
    • theta

      public double theta
      Angle in radians
    • xCoordinates

      public int[] xCoordinates
      Initialized by makeRoi()
    • yCoordinates

      public int[] yCoordinates
      Initialized by makeRoi()
    • nCoordinates

      public int nCoordinates
      Initialized by makeRoi()
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • fit

      public void fit​(ImageProcessor ip, ImageStatistics stats)
      Fits an ellipse to the current ROI. The 'stats' argument, currently not used, can be null. The fit parameters are returned in public fields.
    • drawEllipse

      public void drawEllipse​(ImageProcessor ip)
      Draws the ellipse on the specified image.
    • makeRoi

      public void makeRoi​(ImageProcessor ip)
      Generates the xCoordinates, yCoordinates public arrays that can be used to create an ROI.