Package ij.process

Class ImageConverter


public class ImageConverter
extends Object
This class converts an ImagePlus object to a different type.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageConverter

      public ImageConverter​(ImagePlus imp)
      Constructs an ImageConverter based on an ImagePlus object.
  • Method Details

    • convertToGray8

      public void convertToGray8()
      Converts this ImagePlus to 8-bit grayscale.
    • convertToGray16

      public void convertToGray16()
      Converts this ImagePlus to 16-bit grayscale.
    • convertToGray32

      public void convertToGray32()
      Converts this ImagePlus to 32-bit grayscale.
    • convertToRGB

      public void convertToRGB()
      Converts this ImagePlus to RGB.
    • convertToRGBStack

      public void convertToRGBStack()
      Converts an RGB image to an RGB (red, green and blue) stack.
    • convertToHSB

      public void convertToHSB()
      Converts an RGB image to a HSB (hue, saturation and brightness) stack.
    • convertToLab

      public void convertToLab()
      Converts an RGB image to a Lab stack.
    • convertRGBStackToRGB

      public void convertRGBStackToRGB()
      Converts a 2 or 3 slice 8-bit stack to RGB.
    • convertHSBToRGB

      public void convertHSBToRGB()
      Converts a 3-slice (hue, saturation, brightness) 8-bit stack to RGB.
    • convertLabToRGB

      public void convertLabToRGB()
      Converts a Lab stack to RGB.
    • convertRGBtoIndexedColor

      public void convertRGBtoIndexedColor​(int nColors)
      Converts an RGB image to 8-bits indexed color. 'nColors' must be greater than 1 and less than or equal to 256.
    • setDoScaling

      public static void setDoScaling​(boolean scaleConversions)
      Set true to scale to 0-255 when converting short to byte or float to byte and to 0-65535 when converting float to short.
    • getDoScaling

      public static boolean getDoScaling()
      Returns true if scaling is enabled.